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About jpc55

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  • Birthday February 5

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    The Golden State
  • Interests
    GA Flight Sim;

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  • About Me
    Retired, Aquirted my PPL mid 70's a GA flyer I went to explore!

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    My tag is "Jack Harper T49"

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  1. Well being away from simming for a few days, I had my POLITING set to hard and I had to back it off to MEDIUM because I had gotten sloppy at it. 🙃
  2. I just got back from a short stay at the hospital and that description just might fit me. 😂 When I reread what I had posted at best it was DUMB. (I plead insanity)🤪 The first thing I did when I got home was downloaded 22+ Gbs of data, and this morning fired it up and with adding the latest H135 (the only aircraft I've flown) and took both out for a spin. So far no problems, and I have to say I don't expect any. My best to all and have a great day! Now back to what I love!
  3. I can't believe how many people on here have forgotten that this is a 10 year project. start complaining after 10 years! I have said it before, I have will say it again, I have not had any problems running MsFS no CTD nothing, so if you are having problems with it, It's being created by YOU!☺️
  4. Hey Jack,

    How much fly time are you spending in 2020?

    I'm well over 60 hours, but not all my flights are being logged (bug).  I'm probably close to 100 hours.



    1. jpc55


      Hello Tom,

      “How much fly time are you spending in 2020?”

      Zero, I do not have it as of yet. I stayed in Flight until they announce that Microsoft was coming out with Microsoft Flight Simulator and at time I went back to FSX-Se and flying my two purchased aircraft the Milviz MD530F helicopter, and the Wilco Publishing BA 609 Tilt Rotor. Until I can add or repurchase them, I will save a lot of money. I’m still on Win 7 so you know what means, a new OS. I have a work up for a new computer build would save there also. (lol) This old man is kind of set in his ways’ (LOL again)

      Not being lucky enough to have a money tree in my back yard, anyway I think get my meaning in saving.

      My bro-in-law bought a new computer and has it and this is what he says about it. “I do have it and as of right now they released it to soon it has all kinds of problems but the graphics are spectacular.”

      Good to hear from you, wishing you and yours all the best and stay safe!

      Sincerely J. R. (My first and middle initials James Robert)

      Also I think I told my grandson was attending Cal Poly Pomona, he had to finish his first year online, and doing his second year online, and will tentative go back down there for his third, forth, and fifth he going for his masters degree.

  5. Yes, it's always the many that pay for the few, is that known as the eases way out?
  6. Just finished running 1.1.15, and all went flawlessly! :excl: Took it for a short burger run and a flight over Sac; and all is good. Will post if I find anything. Awesome Steve, thanks ever so mush. B)
  7. This is what I found with Sacramento, Ca. and the brown spots are associated with parks. :o
  8. I re-ran the ContentConverter but had to leave just about the time it was going to complete, so I did not get see that. My computer crashed after it had completed, and no, it did not cause it to crash. This time there was no ContentErrors and I fired it up and all is well. B) I really need to rebuild this old computer!
  9. @ winjimon “BTW, I don't use Norton if you were suggesting it could be interfering” No, in toolkit 1.1.12 and early versions I had to turn off my Norton 360 to install/uninstall the toolkit because it was detecting a false bug. Shortly after toolkit 1.1.12 came out, I had to re-download my Norton 360 and what I downloaded was what they are replacing 360 with. My wife’s computer has the latest version of “Norton Security” and when you open it, that its name. My Norton is the same as hers, but mine is still named Norton 360. :o I will try running it again and will let you know happens. :smile:
  10. Well when I went into the Avsim Flight forum today, I saw that Toolkit 1.1.13 became available from stonelance. I downloaded it, installed it, and ran the ContentConverter. (It took between 35 and 40 mins. to run) It seems to have a problem: Here is how it ended, and a copy of the ContentErrors. Hope this is helpful Steve? I would like to add that a short time back I had a problem with my Norton 360, and had to re-download it. Before, I had to temporarily turn off Norton to install/uninstall the toolkit, however now it no longer has that problem.
  11. Ah, still another victim of FSX in FLIGHT! B)
  12. Thanks Kavinda J.D As always, greatly appreciated. That is like 100% better. A great day to you and yours, and to all!
  13. There was a thread started back on 4/27/13 that might help you a little. It is on page 31 at present, and I hope this link will work to get you there. Wishing you good luck! B) http://forum.avsim.net/topic/406364-the-white-cross-hairs-and-x-when-using-a-mouse-and-keyboard/
  14. Thanks majuh for your response, maybe someone will be able to come up with a way to convert it to the small o. :o
  15. @ majuh, in your #11 post you have a SS that indicates (correct me if I am wrong) you are flying in mouse mode. Lately I have had to start flying in mouse mode more because my yoke and throttles are due to be replaced. What I would like to know is how to change the mouse mode monstrosity indicator to the little “ o “ like you have. Greatly appreciate any, and all help, and a great flight day to all. :o :smile:
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