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  1. I live in a non-PG supported area, so with a new UK World update I thought I'd take a look at my local area again. I must say I'm not impressed with the way the AI processes Bing Map data. For example, there's little or no attempt to remove or soften shadows from roadside trees etc., and due to the colour of these shadows it sometimes makes it look as if part of the road has turned into a stream. There are also a large number of images of cars which have not been removed from the roads. I'm fairly sure this was handled better in previous versions. If I look at my house it's once again made a bad job of it. It's always converted my two-storey detached house into a bungalow, but this now looks very drab indeed, and my single-storey detached garage, which previously was turned into a two-storey house which partially blocked the road, has now disappeared altogether.😀 I really hope that MSFS 2024 will do a better job.
  2. I know it's cheating, but FShud does give you the destination runway in its panel from quite early on in the flight - for example see This could change, of course, if the wind changes at the destination.
  3. It's a bit of a stretch to cite an ATC program as an 'AI Aircraft Solution', but by that criterion: The best, currently available, option is FSHud, which natively supports FSLTL and AIG, and any aircraft incorporated into a traffic BGL. It too accurately controls every AI aircraft within your sim from gate to gate.
  4. You do not use the AIG TC with FSHud. FSHud injects and controls the AI aircraft, based on AIG flight plans. If you do start TC while FSHud is active MSFS will control the aircraft and FSHud will know nothing about them. The only problem I've noticed is that the number of aircraft injected by FSHud is much less that AIG TC knows about, and it doesn't include many en-route aircraft, only traffic originating or terminating at airports close to the user.
  5. Indeed that will be the problem. I don't know why Thrustmaster decided to use a rotary for that function - do any Airbuses use a rotary for autobrake? Edit: Checked the actual assignments - I really shouldn't try to do this from memory. I have mine mapped as follows: Button24 - set autobrake med Button23 - set autobrake lo Button26 - set autobrake hi This way if the rotary is moved to LO you get low autobrake and then you immediately move it back to BTV (which isn't assigned to anything) - this does not 'unset' the autobrake, just makes it so that it will be released when you commence manual braking. Similarly to get medium autobrake you move it to 2 then 3, and to get autobrake max you move it to HI then 3. I've been running like this since I first got the Thrustmaster and it always releases normally as soon as I hit the toe brakes.
  6. You need the models/liveries from one of the products to be installed so that FSHud can use them. For FSLTL you run their injector, which 'talks' to FSHud to do the actual injection. With AIG FSHud reads the AIG plans and injects the traffic itself. In some respects it would be better if the AIG TC talked to FSHud in the same way as FSLTL so that we could benefit from the new features like dynamic GA traffic, but alas that's not the case. The direction for pushback is not currently given, although I think I've seen it stated that it's on the roadmap somewhere. There are still one or two bugs where AI traffic and the user might be directed to different ends of the same runway, possibly in variable wind conditions, but usually the separation logic handles that fairly well. I think this will improve more in the near future.
  7. The inability for 3rd party products to access MSFS weather data will be even more of a hindrance with 24 hr historical weather. Products like ATC add-ons and flight planners need access to the same weather that MSFS is depicting. At the moment it's not too bad because they access the current live weather from other sources, which are approximately the same as MSFS data. With MSFS 2024 I reckon that even if they can get hold of historical data from somewhere there will be more room for differences between their data and MSFS data. I hope that 3rd party developers do not take view that the best way to match up the data is to only support ASFS for historical weather.
  8. Almost - it's my understanding that you only need to top up if/when your credit runs out.
  9. That seems to be true of anything which limits the FPS. For example I use MSFS options to limit FPS to 30 (I know some of you who love high FPS won't be able to understand this 😀) and the default for the performance limiter of FSHud is also 30, so I have dropped the limiter to much lower and I appear to get more traffic.
  10. I haven't had chance to test this new version yet, but if I encounter any major problems I will raise a ticket so that the developer gets the appropriate logs and has a chance of fixing the problem. Without logs there is next to no chance that it can be fixed.
  11. As an FSHud user myself, the most disappointing thing about that video was the voices - I don't know what the reviewer had done, maybe turn the 'radio effect' way up beyond normal, but I have to say I find FSHud's voices, while currently very limited in number, sound very good with only slight 'radio effect' selected.
  12. The button on your stick must be set to 'AUTOPILOT OFF', not any other function. If that is done the first press will disconnect the AP and the second will silence the alarm (after a minimum of one cavalry charge I believe),
  13. Are you 100% certain you have no other controller axis assigned to throttle, which might conflict with the one you think you're using? Many people use the Thustmaster stick and throttle quadrant, for example, and the default is for the stick throttle to also be mapped. This leads to the situation where things appear to be calibrated, then all of a sudden the sim starts prioritising the stick throttle over the quadrant and you lose the ability to move the thrust levers via the latter.
  14. Looks like we're both half-right. The speed brake has 5 virtual buttons, but flaps doesn't have any.
  15. I don't see any response concerning this part of the question, so I'll try. You can assign virtual buttons which the quadrant will 'press' when the flaps and speed brake levers of the add-on pack are set to certain positions. As far as I'm aware this is a little-used facility, as the Fenix, and I assume other Airbuses in MSFS, tend to read the position of the lever axis to determine which flap/speed brake setting you require. If an aircraft used buttons instead to select brakes or flaps, then you could use virtual buttons to translate the position of your quadrant lever to a particular button press. I've always had virtual buttons disabled.
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