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P3D V2.0 Time to take a deep breath

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Like everyone else, I have been watching the build up and release of P3D V2.0 for the last few days. I have not downloaded it myself at this point but I am sure I will very soon. I have been a Flight Sim fan for more years than I like to think about. This release is no different than all the others. Some happy and some not so happy and  as usual their are a few who have found one or two problems and will just not shut up. There is one thread that goes for pages and the ops complaint is that he can not buy a disk version. It just boggles the mind.!!!


There are a couple of points that some how got lost in all the noise: (1) If one goes back and reads the info that LM gave us before the release, you will find that the new product delivers exactly what they said to expect. Guys it has a few warts and problems as any major release does. They will get them sorted soon I am sure. They now have a base product that has updated code and now can be developed and a patch system in place so that the release of updates can get to us on a more regular basis.


2. This is really a big deal. LM has now completely reversed the damage that Microsoft inflicted on us with their move to shut out developer's who have been the backbone of this hobby for years.  They have opened up the doors (SDK's and new hooks) and have publicly said if those don't work for you then they will work with you to build your own door. I can not think of anything that could be more positive for the hobby.


LM has invited us into their home, they have listened to our complaints and suggestions. They have been patient when we have sometimes been rude. They have admitted some faults and weakness and are striving to improve themselves in those areas. I don't care if you chose to use P3D or not. I do ask that we as a community at least show them the respect they deserve for inviting us along on the journey.


Prepar3D V5.3/12700K@5.1/EVGA 3080 TI/1000W PSU/Windows 10/40" 4K Samsung@3840x2160/ASP3D/ASCA/ORBX/
ChasePlane/General Aviation/Honeycomb Alpha+Bravo/MFG Rudder Pedals/

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Well said, Sam. I, as you, have yet to purchase this product, but, do plan to do so in the next couple months. I have been watching how LM handles the comments from the flight sim community and have been very impressed. Some flight simmers can be very agressive and certianly very rude. LM has done an admirable job in remaining professional and constructive in their responses. I truely believe the flight sim hobby future is very bright. It is so very important to have LM engaged in continuous develepment/improvement of the software, and, hopefully willing to accept constructive input from the flight sim community. I emphasize "constructive" input.






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I do ask that we as a community at least show them the respect they deserve for inviting us along on the journey.


This is very true.  We have to remember that we are not in a typical customer/retailer relationship here.  Although the relationship between the community and LM is rather symbiotic at this stage, it's always important to keep in mind that should the community not treat LM with respect, they could easily close their doors to us, simply by making the price of admission to high.

Jim Stewart

Milviz Person.


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OP is exactly right.  Flight simmers seem to be the whiniest with little respect.   Weve been complaining for years now about FSX not being updated, not taking advantage of this and that, all the bugs and the limitations, and finally there is a big correction. The largest being that nasty old code is nearly done away with. We asked for it, we whined non stop, and its here. So embrace it.  LM is clearly commited and so far Im pleased as punch with the results. 


Dont ever expect perfection and stop to always looking for the negatives. Look at all the positives that far outweigh any negatives. Those will certainly be addressed you can be sure.



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Cannot agree more. They could just as well have cut us private students out of the picture, and developed for the professional military market, and we would have sat with a non-developing FSX engine for how far into the future. They took a deliberate decision to include us, to listen to our gripes, problems, suggestions and comment. And furthermore, they are actually doing something about it. Hats off LM, you have given us the hope that we have been waiting for quite a few years now. Our investments in countless add-ons, costing quite a bit, can now be enjoyed with more glamour than we had hoped for.


And lastly, the ones that are posting some very negative comments about existing bugs, must show me ANY major piece of software that is not patched consecutively after launch, until these are sorted and addressed. Just think of the number of patches, updates, service packs, etc. that are being released just for Windows! And a flight simulator is one of the most complex pieces of software to run on any pc. And then we must not forget the legion of configurations existing; AMD / Intel, Radeon / NVidia, old drivers / new drivers, single / multi monitor... oh dear. Rather them than me...

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