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  1. Ok. That is good to hear. But, that was in March. An indication as to some progress or a potential release date would be helpful. Danny
  2. 1 May....any news on release? If the project is dead, please, just say so. Danny
  3. Any news on release? Thanks, Danny
  4. Well, it has been a while, any news on the G600 stuff? Danny
  5. I guess I am a little dense. Is there an example of the panel.cfg entry for adding these two gauges to an aircraft? I use P3dV4.3 and have installed the most current GTN 750 update. The gauge entry is in the add-on.xml file, but, I don't see either of the gauges in cockpit. Thanks, Danny Something like this in the aircraft panel.cfg? [Window01] Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=500,586 window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0 visible=0 ident=14401 window_size= 0.320, 0.450 window_pos= 0.000, 0.040 type=special gauge00=
  6. Outstanding. The ability to integrate into the panel for Cerasim helos would be very nice as well. Merry Xmas......
  7. Will the G500/G600 be configurable for helicopters? I believe in real life there is a G500/600H. Danny
  8. Copy the Profiles and FSUIPC4.ini folders and any MCRO files that are in the modules folder. That should preserve your stuff. Regards, Danny
  9. Never mind, just uninstalled it, and, moving on. Danny
  10. Oops. Didn't see the support request format. So: 1. I am using Windows 10 2. I am using P3DV3.1 3. I am using a 980Ti video card, 6Gig Any assistance would be appreciated. Danny
  11. Started using SweetFX today with P3DV3.1. SweetFX causes P3D to stop working when I attempt to change aircraft. It also appears to have a conflict with Precision X. Anyone having or had these issues and have a solution? Great program, but, if I can't get it to work with P3DV3.1 in a stable manner, I'll have to remove it. Regards, Danny
  12. I would like to be able to control the functions of the gps, such as: Say: Direct to;; the direct to window opens Then by voice enter an airport icao: KOLM, or facility name and city. Then activate the direct to by saying "activate". Bascially, control the gps functions by voice command. Regards, Danny
  13. Dave: Thanks for the reply. I have downloaded MCE and have been using it. It works very well for voice input to the coms and navs. However, I have not been able to get it to provide voice direct input to the gps, particularly, when trying to input airport icao information in for a specific airport. I looked through the provided flows and command files and was not able to find gps specific information. I did find FMC commands, however, that is not what I need in that I am flying GA aircraft and using a standard gps (500, 530, etc.). Do you by chance have a set of commands or know where I could get a set of commands for a GA gps? Regards, Danny
  14. I am looking for a voice command program in preparation for moving to Oculus Rift. I fly primarily helicopter and GA aircraft. I need a program that will allow voice control of the radios, navs, cockpit switches and knobs, and, the GPS. From reviewing the MCE website and the information on this forum it appears that MCE doesn't support helicopters and GA very much, particularly, when asking the Co-pilot to fly the aircraft. Using the Co-pilot to fly is of no interest to me, so, no problem. However, as stated above, I do need voice control over the cockpit functions. Does MCE provide control over helicopter and GA cockpit functions to include the GPS? Any experiences and comments concerning use of MCE with helicopters and GA is appreciated. Regards, Danny
  15. I use OPUS FSI over a network. I haven't seen a difference from running it over the network vs on the flight sim computer. I run it over a network to allow display of the various weather maps on a second monitor, separate from the flight sim system. Regards, Danny
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