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About dogmanbird

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  1. is it possible to removed the headband off the crystal or crystal light? it would be interesting to know the weight of just the front unit. if that's about 500g alone, i'd find the entire headset an acceptable weight if the rest is distributed across the headband it's also interesting to hear a couple of remarks (simhanger and reddit) about the sweet spot being noticeably larger on the light version than on the original??
  2. it'll be great once there's a way to save the size and position of the windows. I hope someone comes up with a method that can use cabled openxr and not just rely on VD. I've been using open kneeboard to do the same thing (free but can do only a variation of a single rectangle) and has been great for me, but it's still through VD.
  3. can anyone with a Crystal confirm if the rate that the lens sharpness drops off away from the centre, looks as it does as in mrtv's video above? I appreciate filming through the lens video is contributing somewhat. I'd assume it two headsets would be the same? After using the the qpro and q3, I'm not sure I could go back to something like that, even if the centre is super good. For me, being able to read the gauges and labels in my outer peripheral vision, to flick switches (hand tracking) while I look forward, is really important. However, the q3 is the absolute minimum res i would accept and it's barely enough.
  4. me too. still surprised no one else jumped into this vr market space till now
  5. In case it's due to ASW still running - you can try one of the keyboard combinations below while in flight and see if there's one that looks pleasing. I think they'll override what has been chosen it oculus debug tool
  6. Link cable configured right (in oculus debug tool) gives me slightly better quality image and slightly less latency, than the best settings I can achieve with VD
  7. Thanks for sharing that HF. It's sounding promising apart from vrfsg mentioning it's a heavy headset, has anyone seen specs of it's actual weight, fully kitted out or minimal?
  8. $6 iphone 6 covers are my zero-prestige solution. https://ibb.co/w6PZkWv
  9. thanks for the feedback. i wonder if the passthrough is running at its max resolution?
  10. It wouldn't surprise me if there's a late announcement of continued compatibility in some form. Also, if hololens has continued support, there may be workarounds to come.
  11. interesting. i bought it about 3 days after it released and could map 3d pro joystick to it without issues. The 3d stereo effect was wrong initially, with everything looking too small and with very little z depth, plus there was no space "haze" to give the impression of distance, even though no-haze was probably correct technically for space. They added haze and fixed the 3d depth shortly after which was great.
  12. oh, I thought toolkit worked a month or so back when testing it, but maybe not. I don't think I couldn't get any reprojection to work with it.
  13. i do 🙂 i've used it with the steam app and VD and it's great on q3, but the drop in fps with steam over openxr is not worth it at this stage (at least not for me) plus i don't seem to be able to use any reprojection Amazon has a great return arrangement. For anyone wanting to try both at once back to back and are fortunate enough to have the funds available to buy both at once, and then return one, it's the way to do it edit - not my video, but looks like an openxr-only method might work
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