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About lancealotg

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  1. Thanks for helping, its not really a rainbow effect though. All seemed fine until final approach and then kablamo, the tiles at the airport went crazy. The manual did have some good tips to try though. I hope I can get it sorted. I appreciate the help👍
  2. Just tried the app and everything went well until landing. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Airport was ETNL http://
  3. Noticed it today, I got feed up and left it at the loading screen. When I returned after 15 minutes or so, I was on the main page. You might want to give it sometime to churn before taking drastic action.
  4. Did you try a search with the filter set to all?
  5. The JustFlight forums just mentioned that they are hoping to release V2 tomorrow. Lets all think happy thoughts to make it happen 😁
  6. I believe they said the week of the 1st, so anytime this week....hopefully 🤞
  7. Just found out the other day that the weather display screen will also display your flight plan. Select the map button (last button on the right). Its not very detailed but at least its something.
  8. I spent some time today troubleshooting my CTD's in VR when I realized that I was in windows mode which causes CTD's on my system. Just completed a flight with the sim in full screen mode and I hope it continues this way. 🤞
  9. Thanks for the tip. If I need to make a change to a window outside of VR, I hit the Windows key on the keyboard and that releases the mouse from the VR window. Of course you have to take the headset off. Also, make sure to click on the VR window before putting the headset back on or your mouse wont work in VR until you do.
  10. Thanks for the Praydog UEVR app information. Sounds interesting, just hope it works on my system.
  11. Just a heads up for us VR users, if you haven't tried Star Wars Squadrons yet, it is on sale on Amazon for $1.99 (95% off) This game is fantastic in VR, feels like you are in a Star Wars movie.
  12. I have been chasing CTD's lately and found out that pvrhome.exe had a memory leak that was using large amounts of memory (at least on my system). Under the device settings for Pimax, under general, there is a Home setting. I had mine set to Pimax Home which is the pvrhome.exe. After setting the home setting to off, the pvrhome.exe program then closed and I reclaimed over 10 gigs of memory. I have only done one flight since changing this setting so I can't say that this has cured my CTD's but something was definitely messed up with pvrhome.exe.
  13. I have been flying the Tecnam P2012 lately so GA Ramp it is. Thanks for the help.
  14. What is the cause of the ground controller giving me a taxi to runway xx after I land and had requested a taxi to parking? On my last flight, I repeated the phrase "request taking to parking" about 4 times and each time I was given a taxi instruction for a runway.
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