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Lear 35 OOM issue

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Guest BeaverDriver

No problem here with trim in v1.2


OK, you need the Pitch Trim switch set to Primary, right? Any other switches I may have missed that aren't on that need to be?

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Yep. But maybe I'm understanding your issue wrong. What I notice with regard to trim in v1.2

  • switch to prim: yoke button/sim controls are working correctly. On the ground also the console trim monitor gauge is working correctly. In the air I did not notice the needles moving on the gauge while trimming.
  • switch to sec.: sim buttons are working (sim buttons work indepently of switchology in the cockpit) also secondary trim switch works/MACH TRIM warning sign lights up red.
  • The Lear needs a lot of working the trim while flying and changing flight regimes (slowing, accelerating turning, climbing etc).


Rob :smile:


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Guest BeaverDriver

Thanks Rob. Sounds like I had everything set right. I held the trim down switch for about a full minute and the needle never moved from the full up position (pegged at the top). I even loaded a different aircraft the got it in the air, switched to the Lear and checked that everything was on. The aircraft seemed to react to the trim, but the needle itself never moved. Almost seems now to be a gauge issue, not the trim action itself.

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Guest BeaverDriver

Well, tried again. No go. The trim itself is actually working as I can see it physically moving when I look at the elevator, but there is no gauge movement and the TO TRIM caution lamp remains lit. This is V1.2, fresh install this morning. I've got the batts on, inverters on, AC on, pitch trim switch to primary. I was getting this problem intermittently with V1 and 1.1, but now it seems a hard failure. I reinstalled the aircraft again, with no change.

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Can you confirm that the gauge works /not working on the ground. I have it working on the ground with primary trim.


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Guest BeaverDriver

Nope, not working on the ground or in the air. That's ok because I got it trimmed by "guess" good enough to try a flight. Leveled off at FL250 ok, but then only held the altitude +/- 300 feet. I've done another reinstall in case my first 2 installs were bad, but it does the same thing.


At this point this airplane isn't nearly up to snuff enough for my liking. I've taken it off and will consider revisiting it in another month or so when it's (hopefully) more complete. I've not got enough time to test fly this machine for them. That should have been done in beta.


Thanks for the help on this. Much appreciated. Best of luck with your machine.

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Ya i don't know why you having trim issues Beaver because nobody else is. So we can only assume it's your sim only. 


My previous post was only to let readers know how many people have OOM issues and some may have the patch and some may not. But over 70 customers have not emailed nor use the patch. But i assure you that we will have some info on this soon as a very good developer has the product and its going to look for OOM issues. I want all customers to have a good product as the point is to produce a better product each time. So far this product has a new feature for dimmer lights and may be the cause.

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I used to have a lot of oom,s in fsx with a lot of products, is an old simulator, thats why I decided to move to P3d v3, and best decision ever, think about it.

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Ya i don't know why you having trim issues Beaver because nobody else is. So we can only assume it's your sim only. 


Mmmm...I do have an issue with the trim gauge in the air. Both needles standing upright and not moving while in the air. It is functioning on the ground though.


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I agree with Holland_Holland same for me concerning the pitch trim needle

MSFS - XPlane11 & 12- P3D4 - Windows 10 64 bit - Corsair One i140 - i7 9700K 3.6Ghz - nVidia GeForce TRX 2080 

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Mmmm...I do have an issue with the trim gauge in the air. Both needles standing upright and not moving while in the air. It is functioning on the ground though.

Why do you need a trim gauge in the air?

"A good landing is one you can walk away from. An excellent landing is one you can taxi away from."


Bill in Colorado:


Comm: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

CFI: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

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Guest BeaverDriver

Ya i don't know why you having trim issues Beaver because nobody else is. So we can only assume it's your sim only. 


My previous post was only to let readers know how many people have OOM issues and some may have the patch and some may not. But over 70 customers have not emailed nor use the patch. But i assure you that we will have some info on this soon as a very good developer has the product and its going to look for OOM issues. I want all customers to have a good product as the point is to produce a better product each time. So far this product has a new feature for dimmer lights and may be the cause.


I am a little concerned that you think I'm on here for the purpose of killing sales by reporting bugs. My understanding of forums is that is that they are designed to resolve issues. In the case of OOM's, if even a few are having problems, it's probable that several more are as well, who maybe haven't reported it. Later posts in this thread would indicate that's the case. You said the same thing (essentially) regarding my trim issue, and yet again others showed up since to suggest I am not the only one. In fact, that was first reported by others here. Obviously I'm not now, or earlier, the only one with trim problems. Yes, the symptoms are slightly different, but the common denominator is the gauge, and it spans several releases (thus maybe the reason for the symptoms to be slightly different).


I assure you, my purpose in posting here is in trying to problem solve with fellow simmers, not to drive away business. If even a few are having OOM's, and the developer takes the attitude that it is only a few so we aren't going to spend time on it, then prospective buyers may think, "What if I'm the next one to have that issue? I think I'll wait to see if they find the problem and patch it." So a bug that affects "only a few" can have more impact on sales than bugs that affect everyone unless you aggressively go after the root cause. You apparently are pursuing the OOM thing, and that's great. Hopefully we on here can help further narrow this down. You'll notice that we haven't just ######ed that we have a problem, but are actively running test flights to try and narrow things down further. That's not disgruntled customers. That's simmers who are trying to do what they can to help you nail down the root cause.


Maybe a better way to look at this is that we all here like, and believe strongly enough in you and your Lear, that we want to see these problems resolved. If I'm a customer and I see the developer of a plane I'm interested in purchasing coming back to threads of bugs with the attitude of, "OK, thanks for this. Please tell me all you can here about the problem and ancillary data and we'll get to work on this," even if it's only a couple of people that are having the problem, then I'm thinking, "This guy really cares about his product and the people buying it, so I now have a lot of confidence in buying from him because if I have a problem, he's going to do his best to fix it." If, on the other hand, I read that this guy is the only guy with the problem and ESPECIALLY if then several other people show up and say, "Uhh, so do I," then I'm thinking that if I end up with a problem, it may or may not get investigated unless 50 other people verify it.


This thread, and this forum shouldn't be a battle between bugs and the developer. It should be about fellow simmers on here who have a lot of ability and desire to help work WITH you on a problem, making a resolution come sooner and be more encompassing. And besides, if I really am the only one with a problem, then more than likely it is finger-trouble-in-the-cockpit on my end and I'm posting here hoping my peers can point out what I'm doing wrong. Again, isn't that what forums are for? Telling me I'm the only one with a problem doesn't help me, and in the end it's not helping you. Nobody wants to see this airplane, and Flysimware succeed more than the people on this forum. We've invested in your product, and getting this airplane right means we're more likely to recommend it and buy future products down the road. And THAT is what observers will read on the forums in the end.


Anyway, I runneth over at the mouth. I just wanted to clear up intentions.

Why do you need a trim gauge in the air?


Well, you don't really, but if it's stuck in the air, it's an indication that something isn't working right, which can lead to other problems. Mine originally only didn't work in the air, but now it's not working on the ground either. May not be related, but then again it might be.

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Ok, got it.  Just wondering if I was missing something....again. :smile:

"A good landing is one you can walk away from. An excellent landing is one you can taxi away from."


Bill in Colorado:


Comm: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

CFI: ASEL/AMEL/Instrument

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Guest BeaverDriver

Yeah, that's one of those "obtuse" things really. I am an avionics tech and I've failed altimeters I've been recertifying because they acted "strangely" (sticking at odd points, things like that) even though it was meeting all the specs. It's usually an indication that something inside isn't working properly and that it's going to fail before the next inspection (better it fail on the bench than in the airplane). Guess it's an experience thing more than anything :wink: . Of course, this is different, but still a valid symptom of something going south on us.

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I know why Beaver is not seeing the trim needle in the air. It's because the trim pointer only shows trim up and does not indicate trim down. When your flying in the air you do not need a trim indicator, it's for setting takeoff range based on weight. The Lear 35A did not bother to indicate trim down and during a flight your going to be in a down position. If you put your mouse over the secondary trim control switch it will tell you the trim position from tool tips.


So everyone knows V1.2 got flooding fixed but i screwed up 2 autopilot modes and V1.3 is now fixed.


Yes for customers having OOM issues it's always has been suggested to change to P3D because they are pushing the limits FSX can handle. Most FSX customers will not have a OOM issue as i also do not have issues. Since my sim uses the default scenery i only use 1GB at most and always have 3GB free and this tells to me the Lear is running the exact same VAS as all of my other aircraft.


So beaver we did beta test this product but with such a busy system there are always going to be a few minor tweaks to fix. And the trim is not one of them as this was always working. There is a new topic on our hydraulic system as we do not have an auxiliary hydraulic system but FSX does not have this feature and our HYD switch will not be used for auxiliary but to override the main hydraulics since engines must be running based off of default jet air files.


No reason to wait a month i usually fix everything customers find wrong in the first 10 days. And some issues can't be fixed do to FSX limitations.

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