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  • Commercial Member

Ahh, P3D. Back in a moment...

OK the dll.xml is fine, I've edited simobjects.cfg and about to paste it...


Title=Default Airplanes
Title=Default Avatars
Title=Default Rotorcraft
Title=Default Ground Vehicles
Title=Default Boats
Title=Default Animals
Title=Default Misc
Title=Default Submersible
Title=Default Weapons
Title=Default Countermeasures

Title=Default Models IVAO

Title=Mega Airport Zurich V2.0
Path=Aerosoft\Mega Airport Zurich V2.0\simobjects
Replace your simobject.cfg with the text above.


Can you paste your exe.xml as well?

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com

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Ahh, P3D. Back in a moment...

OK the dll.xml is fine, I've edited simobjects.cfg and about to paste it...


Title=Default Airplanes
Title=Default Avatars
Title=Default Rotorcraft
Title=Default Ground Vehicles
Title=Default Boats
Title=Default Animals
Title=Default Misc
Title=Default Submersible
Title=Default Weapons
Title=Default Countermeasures

Title=Default Models IVAO

Title=Mega Airport Zurich V2.0
Path=Aerosoft\Mega Airport Zurich V2.0\simobjects
Replace your simobject.cfg with the text above.


Can you paste your exe.xml as well?


Ok I updated now my simobjects.cfg

Here is my exe.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
    <Name>EZdok camera addon</Name>
    <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe</Path>
    <Path>Z:\P3D V3.1\\Flight One Software\Ultimate Traffic 2\UT2Services.exe</Path>


  • Commercial Member

Thanks, I need to edit that, won't be a moment...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">




                <Name>EZdok camera addon</Name>
                <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe</Path>


Can you replace your exe.xml text with that.


Try the sim again now...

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com


Thanks, I need to edit that, won't be a moment...


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">




                <Name>EZdok camera addon</Name>
                <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe</Path>


Can you replace your exe.xml text with that.


Try the sim again now...


OK, I edited the exe.xml file like you said, and then I did 2 flights. 1 was on VATSIM and the other one was offline. Everything was perfect no lags no CTD's nothing just wonderful. Then today I tried to do a VATSIM flight from LTBA to LSZH and it crashed because of the stackhash error.


  • Commercial Member

At least the remnants of UT2 are all gone and the odd bits of text cleaned up. So, moving on, did you do anything else around that time you uninstalled UT2?



You could start eliminations. You can edit in notepad and put <!-- and --> around a section to eliminate an addon. For example, to test with Couatl eliminated for your next flight:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">




                <Name>EZdok camera addon</Name>
                <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe</Path>


In the dll.xml there is also a section you could disable it for that same next test by changing the "Disabled" tag from False to True




So you can use either way to eliminate certain programs.

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com


At least the remnants of UT2 are all gone and the odd bits of text cleaned up. So, moving on, did you do anything else around that time you uninstalled UT2?



You could start eliminations. You can edit in notepad and put <!-- and --> around a section to eliminate an addon. For example, to test with Couatl eliminated for your next flight:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">




                <Name>EZdok camera addon</Name>
                <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe</Path>

In the dll.xml there is also a section you could disable it for that same next test by changing the "Disabled" tag from False to True



So you can use either way to eliminate certain programs.


Do you think that a programm causes a crash or might it also be too high settings or a bad OC?





Do you think that a programm causes a crash or might it also be too high settings or a bad OC?


Ah!  You might have been reading the AVSIM CTD Guide on StackHash crashes and NTDLL.dll errors!  A bad OC is the last resort as bringing back your overclock would take some time if it turns out it wasn't the OC.  However, I have fixed a lot of my ntdll.dll and StackHash errors by bringing my OC back to the Optimal Defaults.  It's usually a too high or too low CPU voltage setting and you could try raising or lowering it a notch.  


Make sure UAC has been disabled.  I see you have EZDOK in the default folder (Program Files (x86)).  If UAC is enabled, Windows 8 could be denying access to P3D.  EZDOK has caused a lot of problems with P3D as it was not developed for installation in P3D and individuals have been using the EMT to get it installed and are having major problems almost exactly like you are having (NTDLL/StackHash).  I would disable EZDOK (EZCA) in the dll.xml and exe.xml as suggested by Steve and see if this fixes the problem.  


You can also move your dll.xml and exe.xml to a temporary folder, restart P3D and see if this stops the crashes.  If so, there is a module in the files that is not compatible with P3D.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

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Important other links: Basic FSX Configuration Guide | AVSIM CTD Guide | AVSIM Prepar3D Guide | Help with AVSIM Site | Signature Rules | Screen Shot Rule | AVSIM Terms of Service (ToS)

I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 



Ah!  You might have been reading the AVSIM CTD Guide on StackHash crashes and NTDLL.dll errors!  A bad OC is the last resort as bringing back your overclock would take some time if it turns out it wasn't the OC.  However, I have fixed a lot of my ntdll.dll and StackHash errors by bringing my OC back to the Optimal Defaults.  It's usually a too high or too low CPU voltage setting and you could try raising or lowering it a notch.  


Make sure UAC has been disabled.  I see you have EZDOK in the default folder (Program Files (x86)).  If UAC is enabled, Windows 8 could be denying access to P3D.  EZDOK has caused a lot of problems with P3D as it was not developed for installation in P3D and individuals have been using the EMT to get it installed and are having major problems almost exactly like you are having (NTDLL/StackHash).  I would disable EZDOK (EZCA) in the dll.xml and exe.xml as suggested by Steve and see if this fixes the problem.  


You can also move your dll.xml and exe.xml to a temporary folder, restart P3D and see if this stops the crashes.  If so, there is a module in the files that is not compatible with P3D.


Best regards,

First thanky you for your tipps I'll try them. And with the OC, I can save the settings of mi BIOS and then load them again so that^s not a problem. Today I flew from IST to ZRH and soon after the takeoff I had a stackhash failure. So what I did was, I loaded the Optimal Defaults and continued the flight, I use FSUIPC 4 AutoSave. From that point on no CTD nothing. The sim was really stable and I was able to finish the flight. But I don't think that the problem is solved, because I see like a pattern in the CTD's. For example I edited the exe.xml and dll.xml and I was able to do 2 flights without issues, then during the 3rd flight I had CTD's again. So I'll do 2 or 3 flights to see if it's stable now and will report then if I had any issues.


Wish you all a nice weekend!

And it seems like one CTD is like a stackhash and ntdll.dll failure. Because in the eventviewer the faulting module is the ntdll.dll. And in the appcrashview the faulting module is a stackhash.





And it seems like one CTD is like a stackhash and ntdll.dll failure. Because in the eventviewer the faulting module is the ntdll.dll. And in the appcrashview the faulting module is a stackhash.


When I experienced the StackHash and NTDLL errors, one time it would be a StackHash error and the next day an NTDLL.dll error.  But I was able to prove without question my OC caused the errors.  I would get the NTDLL error, bring the OC down from 4.4 to 4.2 and the crashes would stop.  I would move the OC back to 4.4 and they would occur again.  Forgot to mention that as lowering the OC a notch or two may fix the problem too.  On my system, I found it impossible to maintain a stable 4.4 for any length of time.  I have the ASUS Z87 Deluxe MB and it has a way to OC automatically but you have to make a couple of manual settings and the Board does the rest.  I am very stable at 4.2.  When I had it at 4.3GHz, it went for a month or two then crashed, go for a month or two and then crash and so I just lowered it to 4.2 which I think is more than enough to run P3D and my add-ons.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

Submit News to AVSIM
Important other links: Basic FSX Configuration Guide | AVSIM CTD Guide | AVSIM Prepar3D Guide | Help with AVSIM Site | Signature Rules | Screen Shot Rule | AVSIM Terms of Service (ToS)

I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 



Loading the optimal defaults doesn't help. I now have a CTD 3 seconds after I connect to Vatsim. Do you think the CTD's go away when I just reinstall the whole sim again?


  • Commercial Member

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-RTM\SimConnect.msi


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-SP1\SimConnect.msi


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-XPACK\SimConnect.msi



Double click those to reinstall the simconnect, and try again...

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-RTM\SimConnect.msi


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-SP1\SimConnect.msi


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces\FSX-XPACK\SimConnect.msi



Double click those to reinstall the simconnect, and try again...

I don't have FSX, I have P3D and in the main folder I have 

Environment SDK, Modeling SDK, Scaleform SDK, Scenario SDK and SimObject SDK folders.


  • Commercial Member

sorry meant these ones:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-RTM\retail\lib

C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-SP1\retail\lib

C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\redist\Interface\FSX-SP2-XPACK\retail\lib

Steve Waite: Engineer at codelegend.com


Loading the optimal defaults doesn't help. I now have a CTD 3 seconds after I connect to Vatsim. Do you think the CTD's go away when I just reinstall the whole sim again?

I would first disable EZDOK in your dll.xml (or uninstall it).  That program has caused crashes for many others in the latest version of P3D.


I have seen a lot of crashes with individuals going onto VATSIM too.  I suspect you are using vPilot and that has caused problems if not properly set up.  However, I see you have successfully used vPilot and VATSIM so I may be blowing smoke again but just saying those programs are sensitive.  I don't use VATSIM but is it totally compatible with P3Dv3.1?  Is UAC disabled and do you have any anti-virus program running and scanning your P3D folder during a session.  You can go into the anti-virus program and disable scanning of certain drives or folders, like the P3D folder and the folders that your addons are located.  There's an addon that is just not compatible with P3Dv3 and we need to figure out which one.  I'm suspecting vPilot since your crashes are occurring as soon as you get onto VATSIM.


Best regards,

Jim Young | AVSIM Online! - Simming's Premier Resource!

Member, AVSIM Board of Directors - Serving AVSIM since 2001

Submit News to AVSIM
Important other links: Basic FSX Configuration Guide | AVSIM CTD Guide | AVSIM Prepar3D Guide | Help with AVSIM Site | Signature Rules | Screen Shot Rule | AVSIM Terms of Service (ToS)

I7 8086K  5.0GHz | GTX 1080 TI OC Edition | Dell 34" and 24" Monitors | ASUS Maximus X Hero MB Z370 | Samsung M.2 NVMe 500GB and 1TB | Samsung SSD 500GB x2 | Toshiba HDD 1TB | WDC HDD 1TB | Corsair H115i Pro | 16GB DDR4 3600C17 | Windows 10 



I would first disable EZDOK in your dll.xml (or uninstall it).  That program has caused crashes for many others in the latest version of P3D.


I have seen a lot of crashes with individuals going onto VATSIM too.  I suspect you are using vPilot and that has caused problems if not properly set up.  However, I see you have successfully used vPilot and VATSIM so I may be blowing smoke again but just saying those programs are sensitive.  I don't use VATSIM but is it totally compatible with P3Dv3.1?  Is UAC disabled and do you have any anti-virus program running and scanning your P3D folder during a session.  You can go into the anti-virus program and disable scanning of certain drives or folders, like the P3D folder and the folders that your addons are located.  There's an addon that is just not compatible with P3Dv3 and we need to figure out which one.  I'm suspecting vPilot since your crashes are occurring as soon as you get onto VATSIM.


Best regards,

OK I'll disable EZDOK and see what happens. Yes VATSIM (Vpilot) is compatible with P3D v3.1. What I don't understand is ,I'm on vatsim since last november and had no issues until now. 

What I did in the last few days was:

  • Uninstall UT2
  • Install QW146 Series

That was everything. I already reinstalled Vpilot new MTL's nothing helped. But lets see what happens when I disable EZDOK.

And by the way I found this topic in the Prepar3D forum. Might that help in my case?



Kind regards,


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