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Christopher Low

Quality of UK photoscenery

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Capn Bligh Sir, Participants here may be interested to note how it was done, what base data/settings were used, if any transparency masking around the coast was created etc?

It may also be useful to note for people that cixvfr club (http://www.cixvfrclub.org.uk/index.php) are producing a full autogen set, buildings and vegetation, for the whole uk. Its still in development and improving as time goes on and you need you join the club to get it, but take a look if you're interested?

Cheers K

Kevin, just wondering whether you, or anyone else, have tried this cixvfrclub autogen, what's it like and whether it's compatible with already installed Treescapes add-on?




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I have it and it's excellent, I use it instead of Treescapes, which TBH I couldn't get to install....

As I understand it, CixVFR will replace Treescapes wherever there is a conflict as the AGN file name for a location is fixed, but as CixVFR includes building and trees that's not a problem.

Really brings photoscenery to life. :)

Doesn't have the same hand-placed accuracy as ESI - theoretically you can use ESI and CixVFR together - but given the scale and the price entirely understandable.




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I havent used it yet myself.

Credit to the author for producing it for nothing. However it's not 100% accurate as trees have been placed along railways and rivers etc that arent actually there in real life.

It is possible to merge Treescapes and cixvfr autogen but it is not easy or quick :(

There is excellent free data for the uk which would enable anyone with the time and a bit of knowledge to make excellent and accurate autogen using Scenproc.

Kevin Firth - i9 10850K @5.2; Asus Maximus XII Hero; 32Gb Cas16 3600 DDR4; RTX3090; AutoFPS; FG mod

Beta tester for: UK2000; JustFlight; VoxATC; FSReborn; //42

spacer.png xaP1VAU.png

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I remember the excitement of seeing 1.2mpp resolution of England advertised at the same time as the release of FSX. Compared to the scenery limitations of fs9 it was incredible (even with the monitors around at that time) but now, with the passage of time, it's pretty crap compared to many other scenery's out there.


I made the same mistake as Chris and purchased Real scenery from the Steam store thinking it was Horizon's. Bloody horrible, deleted immediately. As I only fly rotary I rely on photo scenery heavily. Scotland @ 60 is incredible in places and I only wish they would continue to produce England and Wales at the same resolution with up to date imagery. It would sell like hot-cakes, I'm sure. BTW How the f*** does one purchase Scotland Central? It's impossible.

Keith Sandford.

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Earth Simulations were working on higher resolution photo scenery and custom autogen, but they only released one small area in the far Northwest tip of Scotland before they had to close down. The idea was to sell quite small regions but it would have worked out very expensive to cover the whole of the UK and you would have needed a massive amount of hard drive space but it would have been spectacular.


Such a shame Darren and Vicky had to give up on this project, but I believe "keeping the ship afloat" took it's toll on their health.



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ES were trying too hard imo. Just 60cmpp or above, plus trees, would have been wholly adequate and would not have taken an eternity to produce.


Instead of having object placement, custom autogen or whatever you call it? you just increase the resolution in city areas which was exactly done by Horizon after many years of promises.

BTW I have managed to tweak everything so that flying with the Oculus Rift is absolutely incredible. Especially Scotland with treescapes. I welcome anyone that would travel to Portsmouth UK to visit for a demo.

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Keith Sandford.

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