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not following flight plan

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I am doing something wrong. I installed the latest version 1.2.  Also installed the latest navmapconnect. Updated the Scenery library. Created a flightplan - CYSJ CAAPE ARDEE CYHZ. The connection is in place with simulator. I take off up to planned FL 050 and press NAV try HDG and AP but the plane does not follow the flightplan but instead heads for 330 degrees. I tried an EMB 300 as well and no luck. I used Flightsim Commander  9 before and all I needed to press is the auto heading and it followed the plan. I suspect I am missing something simple. I am running P3D v3. and Windows 10. I look forward to receiving some assistance. Thank you.


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Hi Alex,

I am still struggling with this. Where should it be saved. Right now it seems to want to be saved in the P3D folder. Should it be in the Little Navmap folder and if so where. These are the steps presently.

  • Start P3D - choose plane and departure
  • Start Little Navmap and build flight plan. 
  • Save Flight plan (Where?)
  • Start Navmap Connect.
  • Import flight plan and take off. 

Theoretically in my thoughts the plane should follow the plan. I try various commands i.e  FD is on, NAV HDG and AP but the plane just wants to head north. No one appears to have any issues like mine so I know I am missing something and that is probably something simple.

Thanks again.


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Hi Rolf,


For Prepar3d the default flight plan directory is "C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files"


You load the plan into P3D and you can then fly the plan using the GPS in your plane making sure that it is in GPS mode and not NAV mode.


Let me know if you have any further problems and with Alex we are very happy to help you get going with it.


Kind regards

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Paul and Alex. Thank you for your help.

I found the flight plans just as  Paul suggested. How do I load the plans into P3D? I used little navmap to locate and load a flight plan and it showed up on the Map. I started the RealAir Duke took her up to 5000 and switched the GPS on and AP but she took off in the wrong direction nowhere the next waypoint. But definitely heading in a specific direction. This is really curious.

I truly appreciate your support.

Thanks again.


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Hi Rolf.


If I understand your post correctly it sounds like you haven't loaded the flight plan into P3D itself.


This is done on the main screen when P3D starts. 


You need to choose "Flight Planner" on the bottom row of the "Prepar3D Scenario Setup" screen and "Load..." and choose the plan you wish to load and then click on "OK".


If you are are using the default GPS it will automatically use this plan.


If you are using a 3rd party GPS such as the Flight1 GTN 750/650 then you need to load the flight plan into this GPS. This is a more involved procedure and you are best off consulting the Little Navmap manual and the manual that came with the Flight1 GTN 750/650. 


Kind regards

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Well, I thought I had it all figured out. Little Navmap works great with RealAir's Duke and Lancair. Unfortunately not with my Embrear 300 and Majestic Q400.

The Duke and Lancair have a switch Nav/GPS that can be activated. The process in the Q400 and EMB300 must be through the FMS somehow since no GPS switch is available. Once the flightplan is installed in P3D and Little Navmap is activated all is the way it should be in LNM with the flightplan active and connected. But no matter what i try the Q400 and EMB 300 do not respond to the plan. I would appreciate some guidance on this problem.

Thank you.


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Hi Rolf,


I haven't flown either of these planes yet but I think you have to program the FMS to follow the course you want.


You will need to read the section in the manual that covers this as it can be quite complex the first few times you do it.


Kind regards

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