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Guest BeaverDriver

Some Advice Please

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Guest BeaverDriver

Let me preface this post by saying I am not having an issue with the 747 or 777 or any particular aircraft. In other words, this is not a bug report. :wink:


I've seen a few videos posted by folks who were testing and more recently, now flying the 747 which are long hauls between nicely enhanced airports and they seemed to go very well. One in particular was from Orlando to Munich in the 747 and both airports were very well done (I think they were Taxi2Gate airports, but there are many fine developers out there like Fly Tampa and Flight Beam). I've recently got back to flying a lot of flights in the 777 and now the 747 (did the tutorial today using Flight Beam KDEN and KSFO, or most of it - read on, 'McDuff' ) and so I've started picking up enhanced airports to run between. Trouble is, I'm now starting to get OOM's. Now I know for a fact I can do long hauls in the 777 (and most certainly in the 747) without that happening when I go between non-enhanced airports, or even some freeware enhanced airports (I did a 777 trip from Vancouver to Prestwick, and Vancouver was a freeware enhancement), so obviously it's the seriously enhanced airports that are giving me the grief. Today's tutorial flight got me down to 1/2 mile final before I got the dreaded, "Sorry for your luck, but you're done" (or words to that effect) from Microsoft. That was only a 3 hour flight (or a bit less) - much less than the 9 or so hours I did going from CYVR to EGPK last week.


So, there are a lot of very knowledgeable people here about such things and I thought I'd ask for some advice on how I might improve things so I can use these great airports with these great airplanes.


You are going to need my specs, so they are:


Processor:  Intel Core i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 3401 MHz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processors

Display:  NVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1 GB RAM)

Installed Physical Memory (RAM):  16.0 GB

Available Virtual Memory:  28.4 GB

OS:  Windows 7 SP1 64bit

HD:  C, D & E. FSX is installed on D drive, which is 2 TB in size and 1.04 TB is free. C Drive just has the OS and a few other things on it but is mostly free space

FS Details:  FSX Gold

Addons:  Most of Orbx's sceneries for NA & EU with many enhanced airports. All of Orbx is enabled at all times.

Orbx Vector and Global complete set

Flightbeam KDEN & KSFO

Fly Tampa CYYZ, CYUL, EKCH (CYYZ was deselected for the flight from KDEN to KSFO just in case - didn't seem to help)

Autogen is set to NORMAL although I ran it at Sparse going to KDEN from CYYZ this morning

No add-on mesh

Mesh Complexity is MAX (or one down from Max)

Mesh Resolution is about 85%

AI traffic is almost at zero for all options

Special and Water Effects are off


OK, not sure what else to add so feel free to ask for whatever you need. I'm not getting OOM's with other aircraft beyond PMDG but I'm also not doing long flights with those, nor are they as fully featured as PMDG aircraft. Again, let me stress, this is not an issue with PMDG aircraft! I'm merely looking for advice on things to try so that I can run these really good add-on sceneries on long haul (and even not-so-long haul) flights. If my machine isn't up to it, then so be it. I'll have to cut back on the enhanced airports for those flights. Oh, and please, if you suggest something and I ask you about your idea, I'm not at all being argumentative. I'm simply trying to understand the processes behind the suggestion so if I run into something similar down the road I'll have a better idea on how to handle it.


Many thanks for the assist.

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first thing  to do is is  to lower one  thing  at a time.



see  that you got  orbx  and  got it  set  to  dense  and  sparse  next  thing to try is  to disable  your  ftx  vectors  in your  scenery settings  in fsx

I7-800k,Corsair h1101 cooler ,Asus Strix Gaming Intel Z370 S11 motherboard, Corsair 32gb ramDD4,    2  ssd 500gb 970 drive, gtx 1080ti Card,  RM850 power supply


Peter kelberg

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Guest BeaverDriver

Thanks for this Peter. Sounds like a good plan. We'll start on that first thing tomorrow. Appreciate the help.

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What is your TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD setting in FSX.cfg?

I have a faster rig and found my VAS balance with similar add-ons with 2048.

You might want to try to limit yours to 1024 and see.

If you have registered FSUIPC activate the VAS monitoring so in the worst case you can save your flight prior to OOM crash and complete it later on.


Are you using DX10 fixer?


I was also not aware of VAS management and OOM for a long time.

Read the following (if you haven't yet) and you will be able to fix it




All the best

Michele Galmozzi


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Guest BeaverDriver

Good Morning Mike,

Thanks a bunch for this. My Texture Load is at 1024 so that's not changed. I will monitor that however.


I do have the VAS monitoring option running in FSUIPC, and it's never given me a warning, which I'm a little surprised at. The numbers seem to have been good right up until the crash, although to be honest, I'm not sure I know how to interpret that number. I understand it's measuring Kb left, not used, and I've never got below a MB value, and more commonly it's around 37MB before the crash. I don't know if that's enough or not, but as I say, it's never given me a warning.


No in the DX10 fixer or DX 10 itself.


I'm off to read the links you provided. Very much appreciated Mike. Thanks.


[Edit] - Mike, have you found any problems with the Scenery Config Editor as it relates to Orbx's operations? I'm thinking particularly that I have an insertion point for FTX Central and I wouldn't want to mess with that too much (FTXC has been known to be a little temperamental at times). I've downloaded it and it's ready to use, but I would like your thoughts on that part please if you get a minute. I've also downloaded and am running the VAS tool you linked me to as well. Very handy and it may help better than the FSUIPC, or at least I can understand it a bit better. Thanks again for this!

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Guest BeaverDriver

Alright, we're making some progress here. Peter, as you suggested, I've started removing sceneries and yes, that is helping. Mike I do have the programs you mentioned, and I have a question about how to read the results. I understand the units in the "Virtual Size" category, but beyond FS.exe, how do I know what's running "low" and what's running "high" (i.e. what's not taking up space in the 32 bit area)? Is it only the fsx.exe value I'm concerned with? I have AS2016 running and it shows not far below fsx.exe, in usage and is that adding to the 4 GB limit, or are we only concerned with what FSX is reading? I'm also running Firefox using Skyvector, which is actually #2 down the list from the top, so it's using a bunch. However, is that running in the 64 bit environment or is that counting towards my VAS in FSX as well?


After removing a whole lot of activated scenery (I simply deactivated them, not uninstalled them), running the default 172 on the runway at KSFO, with AS16 running, I saw a VAS of 2.3GB. As soon as I added the 747 (new one), it jumped to 3.5GB. That's probably putting me in trouble right off the bat because I've not yet moved and as soon as I head out over the mountains, that's probably going to start going up, with not much wiggle room. Thoughts on that would be appreciated.


Many thanks again!

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I have AS2016 running and it shows not far below fsx.exe, and is that adding to the 4 GB limit, or are we only concerned with what FSX is reading?

The AS16 program itself is not running in the 4GB limit. The affects in terms of what weather AS16 is depicting will affect the 4GB limit.

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Guest BeaverDriver

Thanks Michael, that helps. Appreciate it.

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Orbx Vector can hurt VAS, just turn on the things you actually would see from flight levels.  Especially turn off small streams.


Seriously consider P3D.  FSX will never get better at dealing with VAS issues, at least P3D has been making progress.  As a big plus, it also removes significant processing from the CPU to the GPU.


Don't be afraid to save the flight, exit FSX, restart and load the flight.  This resets the VAS and you'll be amazed at how much you get back.  I do this in the 777 before TOD if I have less than 800 MB remaining.

Dan Downs KCRP

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There are couple things that can help you.

-If there are airports around the airport that you fly out of/ into, try to disable them.

-Try to disable ORBX Vector, it will help!

-Before TOD, save your flight and restart FSX. I do this most of the time so that I can have a fluid approach and landing.


Last thing,if you can, change to FSX:SE, it might help a little bit. ORBX products are beautiful but they do kill performance a lot in some aspect.

Hoang Le.

Hoang Le

i5 13500 - eVGA RTX 3070 Ti - 32GB RAM

P3D v5

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Guest BeaverDriver

Thank you gentlemen! That's an excellent idea about reducing/turning off Vector. I got that scenery configurator recommended above so that will be very easy on future flights. You are both right of course, Orbx is a load (a nice one, but from FL380 maybe not so much <G>) so I'll do that on my next flight. I'll also check out the manual on saving and reloading a flight - I've never done that so I'll have to do some reading but again, a good idea, especially for long hauls.


As for P3D, I've considered it, but my rig won't do it well enough. If I get a new machine, then definitely, although buying everything over again would be a bit of a problem.


What do you guys think about the big enhanced airports, like Flightbeam and Fly Tampa? I do have them but I had OOM's when using them. HOWEVER, I didn't have all the other Orbx stuff turned off (and I have a lot) so do you think that would make enough of a difference? I'd really like to use those.


Many thanks for your help!


PS - Man, I'd LIKE to see 800MB headroom. I'm halfway between San Francisco and Vancouver right now and I've been a pretty steady 3.4 to 3.5 GB used. Now I don't have Orbx NA turned off so that's probably what's hurting me, although Europe is fully turned off. Anyway, we'll see what happens on landing. Weather is a bit down in YVR right now.

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I'll also check out the manual on saving and reloading a flight

Just use the FSX menu to save the flight.  It is a good idea for the aircraft to be is straight and level flight and more than 10 nm from the next waypoint.  I usually prepare for my arrival about 80 nm before TOD then at 40 I save the flight.  Exit the simulator.  Restart the simulator and select the flight you saved.  The PMDG aircraft will do the 20 sec initialization and you are on your way. The whole operation takes a minute, and in P3D I get back anywhere from 800 to 1600 MB of VAS.




What do you guys think about the big enhanced airports, like Flightbeam and Fly Tampa? I do have them but I had OOM's when using them. HOWEVER, I didn't have all the other Orbx stuff turned off (and I have a lot) so do you think that would make enough of a difference? I'd really like to use those.

I'm addicted to quality add on airports.  Flightbeam is top tier and their KSFOHD is one of the best out there.  These sceneries do not cause OOMs by themselves.  Much of the Orbx stuff like NA openLC is just landclass, and do not increase VAS since you are just replacing one landclass with another.  The regions include a lot of scenery objects and their FTX SCA is probably the hardest on VAS but I've found that with the computer configured correctly surprises are far between.

Dan Downs KCRP

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Guest BeaverDriver

Ahh, good stuff Dan. I thought you also had to save the flight (or panel state) in the aircraft as well. That's good news.


I rather thought that as they are very optimized, and I agree, I love them. Good point about the LC so I'll leave those alone. I did modify Vector just now so I'm sure that will make a difference.


I managed to complete my flight but ohhhh boy, it was close (hit 3.9 GB a couple of times on the taxi in :Nail Biting:  but it held together. That was before I made the changes in Vector, plus I had a whack of Orbx payware airports in Washington and Oregon, all of which I probably flew over on the way up, so I probably got a bit lucky. I've now disabled them (of course, I'll forget to re-enable them when I do my next GA flight and be cursing myself all the way to the ramp for it :Doh: , but oh well... :Tounge: ). Anyway, I have got something to work with now so I really, really appreciate your help. I'm looking forward to the next flight (rather than dreading it <LOL>). If you think of anything else, I'm all ear... well, "eyes" <G>. Thanks again!

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Vector is a killer. Just have on highways and primary roads but only check the first box. Rivers ice in winter unchecked. That will save you lots of vas. Also scenery configure editor or simstarter Ng to turn off all airports not in use.


I flew quantas 12 yesterday. FSDT KJFK to Fsdt klax and landed with 850 Mb left. I also have all orbx and have my sim set to 2048mg textures.

Mark   CYYZ      


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Guest BeaverDriver

Ahh, interesting! Thanks Mark. I just turned my vector down as I said, although for now I'm leaving the ice in (I spend a lot of time on northern routes, so probably like you, we see a lot of it <LOL>). However, that's good to know so if I find I'm still close, then I'll take that off as well. As you can see I did load the Scenery Configurator and you're absolutely right - that sure makes it a LOT easier. Next time I'll not forget to turn off some of the add-on payware airports in Orbx (I'm probably not landing the 747 at Fall City anytime soon <G>). I think all my textures are at 1024 (so the fsx.cfg says anyway), so that's great to hear that your flight was successful. I hit 3.9 used at CYVR as I taxied in and I was sweating bullets, but we made it! So things are looking up.


Many thanks for this Mark!

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