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Note to all VRi MCP1 Users

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In the interim I found a later version of LINDA ~~~ which I have installed following the relevant instructions...

The Radios section is functional but still unable to reassign buttons as previously mentioned.

The Autopilot section is also functional except for not reassigning buttons...

The aircraft in question is POSKY A321-231 (freeware)

MCPCombo (original/Mk1)

I am unable to make the fault diagnosis feature work (?) but have this...'Linda2.log' (unable to attach notepad file)

[MAIN]  LINDA Version initialising (@2108121412) ...
[MAIN]  LINDA can start ...
[MAIN]  Creating Forms ...
[MAIN]  Opening Splash form
[MAIN]  Opening Main form
[MAIN]  LINDA GUI starting...
[MAIN]  LINDA 3.2.6 and P3D 64-bit running...
[MAIN]  Fonts added
[MAIN]  News added
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 06A30C2D
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 06A30BAC
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnArrival - 046DC534
[MAIN]  HID OnDeviceChange - device added
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [06A30C2D/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [06A30BAC/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  hidEmunerateNodes [046DC534/0]
[MAIN]  LoadModuleInfo - folder = \
[MAIN]  Aircraft Selector initialized
[MAIN]  Checking LINDA/FSUIPC Folders/Files ...
[MAIN]  -- Checking in C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
[MAIN]  Key LINDA/FSUIPC6 files appear to be correct.
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEFACFT=  * FSX Default]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEFDEV=255]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [FSXSYNC=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [GLOBAL=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEBUG=3]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [SAITEK=0]
[MAIN]  [LINDA] Saitek Baro Reference set to 0
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [BARO=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [VAS=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [RUNAWAY=1]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [FAULT=1]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [PATH_USER=D:/P3D4.5/Modules]
[MAIN]  Restarting LUA Engine...
[MAIN]  LUA Engine Restarted...
[MAIN]  LINDA 3.2.6 GUI start completed ...
[MAIN]  FSUIPC Path C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
[MAIN]  FSUIPC ver  6.10.0
[MAIN]  FS Path     D:\P3D4.5\
[MAIN]  FS Ver      4.5
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  LINDA GUI Main Timer started
[MAIN]  Opening Viewer form
[MAIN]  Opening Input form
[MAIN]  Opening Macros form
[MAIN]  Opening FSX Controls form
[MAIN]  Opening New Module form
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing P3D SimObjects aircraft...
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing P3D SimObjects/airplanes aircraft...
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing P3D SimObjects/rotorcraft aircraft...
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Starting Add-ons Search
[MAIN]  [ADDON] GetCurrentDir C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Flt Sim Path D:\P3D4.5\
[MAIN]  [ADDON] FS Ver 4.5
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Roaming lockheed martin\prepar3d v4
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Addon Path (1) = C:\Users\Ken Hall\AppData\Roaming\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\add-ons.cfg
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Valid Path Found (1) = C:\Users\Ken Hall\AppData\Roaming\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\add-ons.cfg
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing XML Add-ons = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\add-on.xml
[MAIN]  [ADDON] GetCurrentDir C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Flt Sim Path D:\P3D4.5\
[MAIN]  [ADDON] FS Ver 4.5
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Roaming lockheed martin\prepar3d v4
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Addon Path (2) = C:\ProgramData\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\add-ons.cfg
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Valid Path Found (2) = C:\ProgramData\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\add-ons.cfg
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing XML Add-ons = E:\Library\p3dv4\Global TerraFlora v2\add-on.xml
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing XML Add-ons = E:\Library\p3dv4\Orbx ObjectFlow\add-on.xml
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Processing XML Add-ons = E:\Library\p3dv4\BIKF Keflavik Airport\add-on.xml
[MAIN]  [ADDON] GetCurrentDir C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Flt Sim Path D:\P3D4.5\
[MAIN]  [ADDON] FS Ver 4.5
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Roaming lockheed martin\prepar3d v4
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Addon Path (3) = C:\Users\Ken Hall\AppData\Local\lockheed martin\prepar3d v4\add-ons.cfg
[MAIN]  [ADDON] Add-ons Search completed
[MAIN]  Opening Editor form
[MAIN]  All Forms opened successfully
[MAIN]  Opening Console form
[MAIN]  All forms created successfully ...
[MAIN]  LINDA application all set to run
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEFACFT=  * FSX Default]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEFDEV=255]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [FSXSYNC=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [GLOBAL=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [DEBUG=3]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [SAITEK=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [BARO=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [VAS=0]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [RUNAWAY=1]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [FAULT=1]
[MAIN]  ConfigSysLoad() completed [PATH_USER=C:/Users/Ken Hall/Documents/Prepar3D v4 Add-ons/FSUIPC6]
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\backup
[MAIN]  Clean Backups path C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\backup
[MAIN]  Clean Backups path C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\backup
[MAIN]  Clean Backups path C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\backup
[MAIN]  Clean Backups path C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\system\backup
[MAIN]  HIDSwitchDevice 1
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  LoadModuleInfo - folder = \
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\
[MAIN]  TidyBackups - C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\ = C:\Users\Ken Hall\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\FSUIPC6\linda-cfg\aircrafts\FSX Default\backup\


Look forward to your analysis and further instructions.




Old enough to know better...
...young enough to do most of it again!

System: Chillblast (Matt Davies designed) Intel i5-6600 Sklylake CPU O/C to 4.4 GHz; Liquid Cooled; Asus Z170 PRO GAMING MoBo; MSI GeForce GTX 1660Ti 6Gb; 16Gb Corsair Crucial DDR4 RAM; SSD plus SSHD drives; Windows-10.
GF MCP-Pro and EFIS + 8 other GF Modules, Honeycomb Alpha & Bravo units, Saitek Pedals, Iiyama 19" x 2, 40" smart TV.

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@Ken Hall first the radio section is hard coded and it is normally not necessary to assign any additional functions. Except on common aircraft (like C172) it is unlikely that the aircraft radio will reflect the MCP settings.

As you are using a freeware Airbus, there is no specific module or MCP configuration. You would need to assign your own or default functions. It is unlikely that the default functions will work with this aircraft.

I would recommend you use the Aerosoft A3Xx aircraft and module.

The procedure should allow you to setup fault diagnosis mode and generate the logs I need to help users.

PS. Please avoid posting logs into the forum. These should be sent to me by email.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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I'm trying to connect my old MCP Combo 1 to MSFS 2020 using LINDA and FSUIPC 7.2.14. Yesterday, I installed all these latest versions and also VRiSim to find out what COM port to use. I followed the instructions in the LINDA Downloads post, observing the order to start the applications, and it worked. I had problems trying to change assignments, but let's leave this for a future step.

For now, my problem is that today the MCP didn't connect to MSFS 2020. I observed the same order to start the applications, did it several times, rebooted the computer, re-checked the COM port and the configuration in LINDA and that FSUIPC was connected. The LCD displays were not updated by LINDA as they normally should and no response from any button. I'm using the MSFS Default aircraft profile with the default C208.

Should I follow the Fault Diagnosis Procedure and send you the log files? I probably don't have to follow the whole procedure because I believe the problem is not with an aircraft profile or assignments. It appears it simply didn't connect at all. Anyway, just let me know how can I help you to help me.  🙂

MSFS 2020
Windows 10-64 Home
Intel i9-9900K @ 4.7 GHz OC
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
RAM 32.0 GB

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@conao I have been doing significant work to improve LINDA 4.0.x to work with improvements in the FBW A320 Neo and the VRI Combo MCP 2 (Boeing) and 2a (Airbus). I am unable to test with the MCP1 (original) and some changes may impact of owner's of the older (obsolete!) panel.

Please try the older version 4.0.6 available via the Download post. If that does not work please follow the Fault Diagnosis Procedure and email the logs.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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On 1/13/2022 at 11:29 PM, ScotFlieger said:

Please try the older version 4.0.6 available via the Download post

Hi, where I can find older Linda version 4.0.6?


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@Grigna All available versions of LINDA can be under LINDA Downloads as usual.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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16 minutes ago, ScotFlieger said:

All available versions of LINDA can be under LINDA Downloads as usual.

Thanks, but I'm looking for Linda 4.0.6. because with the last versione 4.1.4 I have some problem with my VRINSIGHT MCP 1.


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@grigna I will have to look later for an older version in the 4 series. What is the problem with your MCP1. It is that which needs addressing.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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@Grigna Earlier versions of LINDA 4.0.* can be found here:

Please let me know what issues you are having with your MCP1 and which of the above work best.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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38 minutes ago, ScotFlieger said:

Earlier versions of LINDA 4.0.* can be found here:

Thank you so much, but the  above links seem not are reachable.

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14 minutes ago, Grigna said:

Thank you so much, but the  above links seem not are reachable.

Try again.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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I am unable to fully support the obsolete VRInsight MCP1 original panel and cannot guarantee LINDA or modules will work with this hardware. I do not own a MCP1 and am unable to carry out any testing. I can only do this for the VRI MCP Combo 2 (Boeing and Airbus).

The result of this is that MCP1 users will need to self help and carry out initial assignments to get their panels configured. I cannot guarantee that default configurations will work out of the box. It does not you or me by simply reporting that things do not work.

If anyone upgrading to the supported MCP2 (Boeing) and MCP2A (Airbus) and willing to donate their MCP1 to the project then I would be most grateful.

Andrew Gransden

Scotland, UK

LINDA Support/Developer - VATSIM and BAVirtual - Airbus Flyer

i7 1TB SSD GTX980 - FSX/P3D - Aerosoft Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321 - FS2Crew

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