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Hello Everyone. I am a M.Engineering student from a University in Canada. Our team is currently designing and building a fixed based flight simulator to be used for educational and research purposes. We are almost done building the rig, so now we need to choose a control equipment (yoke, throttle and rudder for now). For our test-bed, we used CH's FlightSim Yoke, throttle quadrant and pro pedals. But the built quality and the feel of the control did not meet on par with our standards. So researches were done, and we found some better quality devices, price ranging from $200 ~ $1350. Yoke One of the most important equipment we need to purchase. Here is the list of the ones we found so far. Saitek Pro Flight Cessna Yoke System $210 VRInsight Flight Master Yoke $400 Precision Flight Controls Cirrus Beech Yoke $620 GOFLIGHT GF-Pro Yoke System $750 Throttle There weren't as many choices as yokes, so we simply went with the concept of our simulator, which is mainly for general aviation Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Prop Mixture Module $150 Rudder Same for the throttle, I haven't found many variants, so decided to stick with this Saitek Pro Flight Cessna Rudder $210 So.. finally, my question is, of the four yokes above, which one do you recommend? Remember, it needs to feel and look as professional (real) as possible. Thank you in advance for your help!
Hi there Guenseli! Would you guys consider builiding or converting Linda to work on X-Plane 10? I am crippled and can't use my very fine VRInsight MCP Combo-II Boeing on XPlane 10 64-bit! Since Ramzzess Aviation released the amazing PMDG-like B777-200 Worldliner for XP 10- my life has changed big time! I no longer fly FSX! Yet I desperately would love to have the MCP Combo II work with my airplane, the B777-Worldliner! I can say there is a LUA-Plug in for X-Plane. So I would guess a lot of your work is done. There is also XUIPC for X-plane, and app that is similar to FSUIPC (but not by the same developer). Both of the apps in this paragraph are totally free... Can you please help me? Thank you in advance! Robert
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- vrinsight
- mcp combo ii
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I own the VRInsight EFIS/MCP/COM and have, forever, had a problem with the values jumping when I turn the knobs. Has anyone gotten it to work right? I use LINDA and FSUIPC and do love the fact that there it is supported by LINDA. Is this just something you have to accept with this hardware? Does anyone use it that doesn't have that problem? I had my board replaced for a power problem months back and hoped that the issue would have been resolved but it's the same...jumping values when I turn the knobs. Gregg
I am a HUGE fan of Linda, and in the past, Linda got along just great with VRInsight's VRiSim software and Serial Port drivers. However since getting the latest and greatest from VRinsight website, all of a sudden, Linda stops working (the key assignments on my WARTHOG throttle stop functioning! Puzzle: 1. Start FSX - Linda autostarts with FSX 2. Select default airplane PMDG 737NGX and default location KLAX airport ramp C8 3. Show FMC on Virtual Cockpit and open a Seperate undocked FMC window 4. Start VRinsight's VRiSim software to control the VRI CDU-II and V737 Overhead units. 5. Linda controls the VRI MCP-combo II plus the Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG throttle/joystick combo 6. Latest version of FSUIPC 4.853 is installed 7. Initialize the PMDG 737NGX from cold & dark using V737 Overhead and CDU-II 8. Commence flight operations During flight, without warning LINDA will suddenly stop responding. I have to forcibly restart linda and even then the results on my Thrustmaster equipment are not 'instantaneous' or immediate. This tells me something must be conflicting with the Serial Port that the MCP Combo II is on (this is my guess). While nothing new has been plugged in or removed during flight, I can count on this pheonomenon recurring, multiple times during a flight. Something is wrong, and I have no clue how to fix it. Any suggestions from Linda team gratefully accepted! Robert
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- hardware anomolies
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Hats off to Kook, the tech at VRinsight.com who debugged their fine software VRiSim.exe and posted the new-and-improved October 7, 2012 revision on their website. OFFICIAL VRinsight Software Download Area You want the BASE PACKAGE, which the download link appears all by itself on the webpage BEFORE the individual PANEL MODULES are listed. If this is a first-time install of new VRinsight hardware, you will need the BASE PACK, PLUS the modules that match whichever pieces of VRi gear you own. In my case that is the V737 OVHD, the CDU-II (FMC) and the MCP Combo II (Boeing). This highly-refined version of VRiSim.exe and the associated software modules that match whichever VRi products you own has once-and-for-all solved a problem that some users experienced with 16 to 20% of CPU being used up by the VRiSim.exe control software. Turned out an improperly-written line of multi-thread code was causing horrible CPU over-use during flight, which killed performance and resulted in other problems for pilots flying the VRinsight hardware (NOT EVERY PILOT WAS AFFECTED). The current release of October 7, 2012 appears to run at ZERO CPU UTILIZATION for the entire flight and is MUST-HAVE software update. Use Windows Control Panel - uninstall ONLY the old version of VRiSim.exe (you do not need to uninstall the matching hardware-specific modules), then install the new version release date 10/07/2012. JOY!
Hi, I have a problem with the knobs on my MCP combo being overly sensative. Sometimes I'm turning the knob (even slowly) and it will jump 10 degrees...I try to turn back and it jumps five or fifteen. I've sometimes seen it jump 70 or 80 degrees with just a touch. Wondering if anyone else out there has had that problem and what they did about it. Gregg
For those using VRInsight hardware with LINDA (MCP2 Boeing or FCU Airbus) may be interested in the latest driver package (dated 7 Jun 14). It overcomes the slow response of the previous Jan 14 release and removes that VRInsight Connected dialog box that kept disappearing. See http://vrinsight.com/devel_shot/
LINDA 2.5 is now the recommended version! LINDA 2.0 FORMAL RELEASE (2.0.7) This new release is as a result of Project Linda2Airbus aimed at making the excellent LINDA utility compatible with the VRInsight Airbus FCU Combo. Thanks to the generosity of the original developers in giving me access to the source code I have developed LINDA 2.0 to provide full compatibility with both the Boeing MCPII and Airbus FCU; it has not be tested with the original MCP but should be compatible. This formal release provides full GUI programming for the FCU by expanding LINDA's existing functionality. It has been extensively tested with the Aerosoft Airbus X A320/A321 v1.16 and PMDG Boeing 737NGX along with other types. This release also includes an update to the Aerosoft Airbus Extended 2.4 configuration Lua files to ensure full functionality with the Airbus FCU (2.5b10). Instructions and details of the release can be downloaded here - PLEASE READ THEM FULLY: LINDA 2.0.7 Formal Release notes.pdf and the replacement LINDA installation files here: LINDA 2.0.7 Formal Release Installation Zip File REMEMBER TO BACKUP ALL YOUR EXISTING LINDA FILES BEFORE INSTALLING THIS RELEASE. NO RESPONSIBILITY CAN BE ACCEPTED FOR ADVERSE AFFECTS ON YOUR INSTALLATION. Post any queries and feedback on this thread. Please report all error messages in full so that I can diagnose where any problem lay. Please note that this version has been completed under a limited trial software development environment licence which has now expired. Therefore, no further changes can be made in the short term although changes to Aerosoft Airbus X files will be forthcoming. However, please report all problems on this thread. Andrew --------------------------------------------------- Edit by Guenseli: here is the post with the latest version 2.0.8 Note: we will work together on a new version (probably 2.1) and will clean after that the forum from all that different versions
I am a newcomer to the VRInsight MCP Combo product only discovering it a couple of few weeks ago. As a dedicated Airbus flight simulator flyer (X-Plane JAR Design A320neo and FSX Aerosoft Extended X Airbus A320/A321), after some research, I ordered the MCP Combo Airbus FCU version. The design and build quality is excellent but I immediately found the software support limited. The VRISim driver replicates the Airbus functionality but I found the key mapper flaky and impossible to master. Further research on the internet revealed the brilliant LINDA (Lua Integrated Non-complex Device Assigning) freeware which provides an easy and highly flexible interface for programming all the functions on the VRInsight Combo II MCP and other controller buttons (joysticks, yokes, throttle quadrant). However, the LINDA developers have (at present) decided not to support the Airbus FCU variant. I was not going to let that stop me with my real-world airborne software maintenance background. Hence, Project Linda2Airbus. In the past week I have reworked the Lau code behind LINDA to program all the functions for reading and actioning all the buttons, switches and rotary knobs on the Airbus FCU and am in the progress of defining the display functions to replicate the Airbus displays. The only problem is that modifications will be required to the LINDA user interface. My aim will be to present the developers of LINDA (Guenter Steiner and his colleagues) with a full set of code and data to upgrade LINDA to support all the VRInsight Combo variants. There will be a short delay due to a hardware failure with my Airbus FCU (with a horrible electrical burning smell) but my replacement is on its way. Watch this space.
- 106 replies
Hello all together, hoping for not boring you with a question for MCP2 Combo and the usage of this together with PMDG 777 I would like to ask you for the following Topic: The MCP 2 Combo (Boeing Type) works fine in my configuration (FSX) together with LINDA and the PMDG 737 NGX. After "googling" and searching for possibilities to use this Hardware with the 777 I have tried all the tips in the several Forums. But nevertheless it doesn't work at all. Is there anybody who uses the MCP 2 Combo in combination with FSX / PMDG 777 / LINDA with the 777 module 0.5 in a proper way? If yes it would be very helpful for me to see the content of your fsx modules Folder and the places where the parts of the 0.5 module have to be copied to. I have tried a lot of combinations of storage Folders, but it doesn't work at all. Thanks again for any help to solve this problem...
Hello all together, I am a new user of the MCP Combo II (Boeing type). With the assembling of the key-caps I made a fault - I simply did not see that one of the keys was assembled by myself in a wrong direction. So one of the keys is turned to the left and I want to correct this direction of course. What is your experience about re-assembling of keys on the MCP? Is it simply possible to pull out the key or will this cause a defect of the key? Thanks a lot if anyone can give me an Information about his experience about this (I hop simple) topic... Thomas
Hello All, I am having a nagging issue with my VRInsight CDU II, which looks like other folks have had it as well. In a review post, the author noted "The only remark I have here is that the CDU II sometimes sends double inputs to the pc upon pushing a button only once. Sometimes annoying, but nothing terrible." Here's a link to a YouTube video showing it happen. At 2:13 (ish), you will see the user enter "LFMP", but it puts two L's in place. This also happens with the CLR and DEL keys, which you can understand why THAT gets a bit difficult for someone, especially a newbie at working with the PMDG 737 NGX FMS like me. http://youtu.be/aLjFdRGudXl?t=2m13s Also, here is the review I refer to earlier in the post: http://www.simflight.com/2012/08/12/vr-insight-cdu-ii/ Has anyone else seen this, or found a resolution to the issue? Best Regards, Brad
Would love to fly the 340 as my x-plane go to but I can't get my MCP (Vrinsight MCP 1) to work. I am so used to flying with it in P3D it's almost an requirement for x-plane. I could easily become an x-plane convert if only MCP would work. Any help much appreciated.
Hi All, I am a longtime forum-lurker, newbie member and first-time poster! I have already built a fully-loaded custom made aluminium Main Instrumet Panel (MIP) targetting GA (single, twin etc.) comprising the following Saitek modules: - Cessna Yoke, Rudder pedals and Trim Wheel - 2x Radio Panels - 2x Backlit Information Panels (BIP's) - 2x Throttle quadrants - 1x Throttle, Prop, Mixture panel (TPM with switches) - 11x Flight Intrument Panels (LCD FIP's) - 1x Switch Panel - 1x Multi-Panel - 1x iPad on flexi-mount My plan was always to focus on GA / low and slow (I hope to start on my PPL/CPL soon), hence this 'equipment' - with an occasional 'play' at the heavy jets. Maybe with a side joystick. Having relocated to Australia and spent the last year on a road-trip (immediately following completion of the MIP - which I have never used!), my MIP has been (and remains) in storage for the foreseeable future. So I got to thinking.... What if I were to extend what I already have to provide better support for jets? After lot's of research, I am now fired up to do this! My plan was to enclose the MIP in one of Sim Samurai's enclosures (the CS-1 Stallion, for which I already bought the blueprint). I reckon I could squeeze some jet bits in, so am looking for some guidance before committing $$$ to my purchases. On the Boeing vs Airbus debate: I will probably go Boeing primarily (though maybe with room for a PIC joystick for Airbus - just in case!). I like GoFlight stuff but am swinging towards VRInsight for their: CDU III panel (CDU II + LCD), 737 Overhead panel - and, if I need it, MCP Combo II (EFIS/MCP/COM). Oh and their GPS 5 panel, 'cos I can. Which leads to the million $$$ question: if I sacrifice the "realism/immersion", how much of the jet workload can be mapped to the GA-biased MIP? Obviously, early 737's would map better, with more 'steam' guages, though 11x Saitek FIP's should help either way? For me, getting the CDU III is a no brainer, especially with it's LCD. I 'think' the GPS 5 would also be useful - even if only to extend the GA capability. And I guess, the overhead panel could also be a no-brainer (I know it tends to only get used at the beginning/end of a flight, but it is an 'easy' add-on, just stick it above my head!). More matched to iFly than PMDG I understand (in terms of functionality that will work) - shame! Where I 'do not get it' yet, is how much practical overlap I have with existing instruments and the MCP combo? I see some COM and autopilot potential overlap, but lack the experience with both GA and commercial to make a sensible decision on whether I can get away without the MCP Combo - or whether this will prevent a sensible, more realistic workload. Any thoughts from others who fly both types please? Thanks!
1. 2.7.0 (254) 2. Aerosoft Airbus 3. FSX 2.1 4. Aerosoft Airbus 1.31 5. Trying to get my new FCU to work with aircraft in FSX 6. My FCU is now in manufacturer state "Dream Supplier". I have enabled MCP with Airbus FCU in Linda, along with COM10 which i doubled checked in Device Manager. I have left Linda running with Aerosoft Airbus profile, open up FSX, the FCU flashes once but still see the "Dream Supplier" rather than "Fly Now" (which I have seen in videos on youtube). Loaded the aircraft and checked the Console for any red errors which didnt come up 7. LUA.1: *************************** STARTING LINDA ************************** LUA.1: [sTART] LINDA Loading... LUA.1: [sTART] VRInsight MCP Set = mcp2a LUA.1: [sTART] ************************************************************* LUA.1: [sTART] New Aircraft Selected - restarting... LUA.1: [sTART] ************************************************************* LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft: Airbus A320 British Airways G-EUUU LUA.1: [sTART] Air file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\Aerosoft Airbus A320 IAE\A320.AIR LUA.1: [sTART] Aircraft module detected: Aerosoft Airbus LUA.1: [sTART] ************************************************************* LUA.0: [iNIT] Starting Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-aivlasoft LUA.0: [LIB] AivlaSoft library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-ATC LUA.0: [LIB] ATC library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fallback LUA.0: [LIB] FSX standard library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-FS2Crew LUA.0: [LIB] FS2Crew library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-fsx LUA.0: [LIB] FSX Functions loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-IVAO LUA.0: [LIB] IVAO library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-realityxp LUA.0: [LIB] RealityXP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-saitek LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-user LUA.0: [LIB] User Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-VATSIM LUA.0: [LIB] VATSIM library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-vrinsight LUA.0: [LIB] VRInsight Function Library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-weather LUA.0: [LIB] Weather library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] loading optional library: linda/libs/lib-a2amap LUA.0: [LIB] A2A MAP library loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initializing Common Variables... LUA.0: [iNIT] User GLOBAL config loaded... LUA.0: [uSER] User's modifications script is loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] User FUNCTIONS loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] VRI MCP config loaded... LUA.0: [iNIT] Finalising Initialisation... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initialising HID devices... LUA.0: [COMM] DSP Mode 1 LUA.0: [COMM] Checking VRI LUA.0: [COMM] Enabling VRI LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP - Connecting to MCP Panel... LUA.0: [COMM] ConnectMCP completed - 384633492 LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - Initialising MCP... LUA.0: [COMM] Initializing MCP2a (Airbus) - Airbus Aircraft... LUA.0: [COMM] RADIOS : Empty command for :: COM1 Select LUA.0: [COMM] InitMCP - completed LUA.0: [COMM] MCP Started... LUA.0: [COMM] Starting Saitek Panels .. LUA.0: [iNIT] Module: Aerosoft Airbus Started... LUA.0: [iNIT] Initiating Autosave true LUA.0: [iNIT] Ready to go, Captain! LUA.0: [iNIT] ***************************************************************