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  1. Hi, I have P3D V3.2, and I have the PA A380 installed. It works great, except for the main panel. When I press shift+1, P3D pops up with a fatal error message and shuts down. This happens as well, when I press A in the cockpit to see the panel. I need this panel to switch from nav, to GPS. Any ideas? Thanks a lot Harry Karmel
  2. Just realised on other thing. The CPU terrain dial, is stuck on 1% and the texture filtering dial doesn't move either- does this solve anything?
  3. OK- that didn't work as it was up to date, but I reinstalled it from the website. But with no success. And I don't have anymore uses left... Any more ideas? Thanks.
  4. Maybe the demo version I downloaded wasn't the latest P3D one. I'll have another go this evening with a different one
  5. Hi there, Does anyone have a solution to FSPS's fiber accelerator not working with P3D (V3.2). I have 1 more use with the demo version- I am thinking of buying it. The application registers that P3D is active, as the dials move with P3D's FPS, but it doesn't change anything as when I close (and open) the app, there is no frame change. And also, when I start P3D in legacy mode (to fly my FSX CS 777), it doesn't even recognise P3D is active as the dials don't move. I am consulting the avsim forum because I have a much better response rate here than the sim flight, which FSPS use! Thanks a lot Harry Karmel
  6. Damn! But still, I want to able to start it in legacy mode for other addons though. I might just have to use the 1.4 version as that had a p3d option, before they introduced a separate version as I still have the installer. Thanks for your help anyway though!
  7. No- on the flightsim Estonia website or documentation it says it is compatible in leagcy mode. The fact that it won't start in legacy mode, has nothing to do with the 777 anyway
  8. Hi, I have flightsim estonia's migration tool and have migrated to p3d from fsx, but i have the captain sim 777 (v1.7) FOR FSX. I read that for this to work you need to start p3d in legacy mode. I can't consult their forums because they are down, and have been for the past week, nor will they reply to support tickets. But when I click on the link to open p3d in legacy mode, an error message comes up saying: "Migration Tool has disabled this simulator to prevent corruption of configuration files To run this simulator, set it as target in Migration Tool". Before anyone replies saying "set is as the target simulator then", I already have- i'm not thick! I have also tried to resetting it as target simulator, that hasn't worked either. I have tried running as administrator but with no success. I am currently running p3d v3.1, and haven't updated to p3d v3.2 as I highly doubt that will fix the problem, but will give it a go anyway. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks Harry Karmel
  9. I might try reinstalling flytpa tpa, as there are a lot more sceneries than those. Thanks for the help though!
  10. Hi there, I have a really serious problem with my flightsim. When I select to load my plane at a certain airport, it unfortunately, does not do that. This happens at a number of my airport with sceneries. For example: I select my plane to load at flytampa tampa. Yet, when it has finished loading, it loads the plane 5 miles from the runway, in a field or in tampa bay. FSX can't understand it, and tries to reload the plane, but it just ends up with a continuous loop of loading in a field or water. Also, when I fly within a 100 mile radius of the airport, fsx refreshs into a new load but on the ground, no matter what my altitude or speed is. However this doesn't happen at night... This happens to a number of my other airports- all flytampoa tpa, and dxb (sometimes), simgiants (free) tenerife north, hawaii photoreal mesh, and some other areas. Just now, I was flying Bristol to tenerife, at FL370, but when I came within 500 miles of tenerife, the fsx reloaded, and the next thing I knew, my plane was in the water. This problem first arose, back in November, when I installed Flytampa tampa. I really need helpm with this! Thanks a lot Harry Karmel
  11. Hi, I want to make some switches for flightsim- and then assign them through fsuipc. I don't know what to use for electronics, so if anyone does know, please say what I need! But I thought that since I broke my saitke throttles, but my motherboard for them is still fully functional, I could use that. So I want to know if, if I soldered the switches the Saitek throttle motherboard would it work. Thanks a lot! Harry Karmel
  12. Apparently FSX doesn't run well with Windows 10, and with my system, I am not taking that chance!! FSX does pause when I change window and clicking on the fsx window again and again still does not fix the problem
  13. I have to minimize fsx to start pro atc x for good atc but when I "unminimize" fsx the joystick won't work.
  14. Hi, I have looked in other threads but none of the fixes have worked. All my power management options are off. When I minimize fsx, (e.g. to activate a pro atc x flight) the joystick will not work. Sometimes it is recognized in fsx controls, but doesn't work. But normally, it isn't recognized in fsx controls, nor does it work. I am using Windows 8.1 and the Mad Catz V.1 stick. Any ideas? Thanks Harry Karmel
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