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G1000 - CTD when creating a FLT-PLN

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Hey everyone


I recently bought the Mindstar G1000 add-on for my FSX. Unfortunately, I had to find out that the flight plan function is causing some trouble, a CTD to be more precise. After having read some topics on this forum and also having tested a few things (new fsx.cfg etc.), I decided to reinstall my FSX (by following PMDG's guide - so it's definitively a clean installation). After the re-installation, I only installed some pay-ware sceneries and of course the Mindstar G1000. Sadly, that didn't fix the problem for me. The error always appeared to be the same both before and afterwards. Here the description:


I open FSX, select the default C172 equipped with Mindstar's G1000 on a random airport and hit "start flight". In the cockpit after starting the engine, I open the flight plan window on the MFD and dial in a random waypoint. When pressing ENT to accept it, FSX freezes and closes. I get the following application error:


Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14
Faulting module name: API.DLL, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb58
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000179f2
Faulting process id: 0x10b8
Faulting application start time: 0x01d2e5f2a4b681ce
Faulting application path: C:\FSX\fsx.exe
Faulting module path: C:\FSX\API.DLL
Report Id: 33e93874-51e6-11e7-879b-40167eaccbd3
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:


I would be very grateful if someone could help me with this problem, because the Mindstar G1000 is such a great add-on and it’s a pity if some features would be refused to me. :blush:


Kind regards

Fabian Weiß

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Do you have FSUIPC installed as well?

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Before re-installing FSX I had installed FSUIPC. However, I've tested it with removed FSUIPC.dll without any success... Currently I do not have FSUIPC installed.

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You have something installed that does not play nice.  I have seen this with scenery that updates VOR/ILS and other navdata.  I have seen this with FSUIPC loaded in the sim.

I will ask also, you are running the sim as administrator?

Ed Wilson

Mindstar Aviation
My Playland - I69

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Problem fixed! :biggrin:

I've de-installed all my payware sceneries. I'm not sure if it's a particular scenery that caused the problem... however, I'm gonna test a few more things. What I can say is that FSUIPC definitively not caused the CTD on my system.


Until then: Thank you very much, Ed!

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I can tell you that in my case the culprit was a file called apcontroller.exe that caused the Sim to crash. It is part of some Aerosoft sceneries like Split or Prague and adds an entry to the exe.xml without notice. Deleting this entry solves the issue. Took me weeks to find out. Maybe your problem is the same. 


Cheers, Fabian 

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