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PMDG and Dynamic Lights

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12 hours ago, Sina Najibi said:

neither PMDG or LM take the responsibility to resolve

LM are already working on this for the next update. Don't know how that's not taking responsibility. It's their sim, not PMDG's.


12 hours ago, Sina Najibi said:

Thus there's a button to turn this feature OFF.

You have a button to turn it off, it's in the P3D settings and disables dynamic lighting. That turns the feature off. You're requesting an alternative, not the ability to turn it off (which has existed all along). When you disable stop/start in your car, it turns it off. It doesn't provide an alternative.

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On 8/16/2017 at 4:01 AM, markdf said:

Assuming your normal monitor resolution is 1920x1080, and you apply DSR at 2x, you're already asking it to render at 4k.....

Not quite.  2x DSR is 2x total resolution. So, at 1920 x 1080, total resolution = 2073600 pixels.  So, DSR 2x = 2 x 2073600 =  4147200 pixels.    4k is 3840 x 2160 = 8294400 pixels.   That is 4 x 2073600 pixels.   So to get 4k, you actually have to set DSR 4x.   

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8 hours ago, PMDG777 said:

LM are already working on this for the next update. Don't know how that's not taking responsibility. It's their sim, not PMDG's.


You have a button to turn it off, it's in the P3D settings and disables dynamic lighting. That turns the feature off. You're requesting an alternative, not the ability to turn it off (which has existed all along). When you disable stop/start in your car, it turns it off. It doesn't provide an alternative.

While I really appreciate your explanation, with all due respect, I believe what you were saying about "Alternative" is kinda playing with words. Also, we both know disabling the DL through P3D doesn't solve the problem as there's no illumination on ground anymore but for PMDG products not the default simobjects. So I'm not sure why you've mentioned me that there's a button which doesn't solve the problem. I hope I could interpret my concern properly. To wrap it up, that would be much much much appreciated if PMDG could provide a button, an alternate, an option, or whatever you call it to revise the lights so they could work properly with DL off.


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3 hours ago, zap737 said:

Not quite.  2x DSR is 2x total resolution. So, at 1920 x 1080, total resolution = 2073600 pixels.  So, DSR 2x = 2 x 2073600 =  4147200 pixels.    4k is 3840 x 2160 = 8294400 pixels.   That is 4 x 2073600 pixels.   So to get 4k, you actually have to set DSR 4x.   

My bad, I doubled linear dimensions not pixel count, but the overall point remains unchanged that DSR and SSAA are both applying the same method to achieve a similar end goal - therefore the two compound the strain on the card and can thus lead to losing frames - so while I appreciate the math lesson, you are kind of splitting hairs without actually adding anything to the discussion or changing the point I made

Mark Fox

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15 hours ago, markdf said:

...you are kind of splitting hairs without actually adding anything to the discussion or changing the point I made

I wasn't trying to change your point, but someone reading your post would be misled.  They would be wondering why, when they set 2 x DSR, they weren't able to get 4K.  When one posts inaccurate information, it causes confusion.

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1 hour ago, zap737 said:

I wasn't trying to change your point, but someone reading your post would be misled.  They would be wondering why, when they set 2 x DSR, they weren't able to set 4K.  When one posts inaccurate information, it causes confusion.

Like I said, I appreciate your correction - I'm just a little too used to people nitpicking just for the sake of it, so apologies if my reply came off a little abrasive, I often come off a lot more blunt than I intend.:/

Mark Fox

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21 hours ago, Sina Najibi said:

While I really appreciate your explanation, with all due respect, I believe what you were saying about "Alternative" is kinda playing with words. Also, we both know disabling the DL through P3D doesn't solve the problem as there's no illumination on ground anymore but for PMDG products not the default simobjects. So I'm not sure why you've mentioned me that there's a button which doesn't solve the problem. I hope I could interpret my concern properly. To wrap it up, that would be much much much appreciated if PMDG could provide a button, an alternate, an option, or whatever you call it to revise the lights so they could work properly with DL off.


Wasn't trying to play with words, just pointing out that your analogy wasn't really correct.

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When I installed the expansion pack, I found out that the 'old' landing and taxi lights work with dynamic lighting off in the sim for the 737-700 WL.

I am wondering, technically, why this works as the expansion pack refers back to the 738 basic pack model, which lights do not work with DL off.

Anyway, if somebody wants to fly with DL off, he can do so with the expansion pack models.




13900K, Gigabyte Geforce RTX 4090, 32GB DDR5 RAM, Asus Rog Swift PG348Q G-SYNC 1440p monitor, Varjo Aero/Pico 4 VR

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16 hours ago, Cargostorm said:

I found out that the 'old' landing and taxi lights work with dynamic lighting off in the sim for the 737-700 WL

A very big ... HUH??

Are you serious - then it IS possible?

Terblanche Jordaan
From: Cape Town (FACT)


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15 hours ago, Terblanche said:

A very big ... HUH??

Are you serious - then it IS possible?

I was surprised too. In my 737-700WL expansion model (haven't tested the other ones), the old light system works in V4 (i.e. with DL off). I do not know how this is possible as also this model refers back to the 737-800 basic folder and uses its panel.cfg and gauges... It does not work however with all the basic pack models.

So basically, with the 737-700 you can either use the new dynamic lighting or use the old lights when DL is unticked in the sim. I am not sure whether it is only an artefact on my system or common for all V4 builds and intallations.




13900K, Gigabyte Geforce RTX 4090, 32GB DDR5 RAM, Asus Rog Swift PG348Q G-SYNC 1440p monitor, Varjo Aero/Pico 4 VR

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On 30/8/2017 at 3:24 PM, Cargostorm said:

I was surprised too. In my 737-700WL expansion model (haven't tested the other ones), the old light system works in V4 (i.e. with DL off). I do not know how this is possible as also this model refers back to the 737-800 basic folder and uses its panel.cfg and gauges... It does not work however with all the basic pack models.

So basically, with the 737-700 you can either use the new dynamic lighting or use the old lights when DL is unticked in the sim. I am not sure whether it is only an artefact on my system or common for all V4 builds and intallations.

Its not just on your system . All lights seems to work in 737-700WL without DL =on. But it do cost on GPU load on my system. 


Thanks Michael Moe

Michael Moe




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On ‎8‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 9:26 AM, Terblanche said:

Glad to hear that LM is working on an improvement ... the moment I switch back to MSAA the shimmering is unbearable. During the day my settings are on 4xSSAA and almost all sliders VERY HIGH or MAX and with FPS locked at 30 almost all aircraft maintain 29/30FMS all the way with a slight drop at heavy 3rd party airports - but switch those DL on and glug glug glug there goes the FPS and with it performance. But, as they say in the movies, "LET'S SEE" what LM will come up with.


Edited: The thing is that those with 4K monitors have almost no shimmering with MSAA and therefore easy to turn down, but for our pure mortals with standard monitors, the p...ri_s|/e is just too high.

easy fix:

turn your sliders down. Sounds logical really!

Rob Grant
Compass Airlines - Stretch Your Wings Australia

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On 6/9/2017 at 8:57 PM, Michael Moe said:

Its not just on your system . All lights seems to work in 737-700WL without DL =on. But it do cost on GPU load on my system. 


Thanks Michael Moe

Hi again,

Is there a topic dedicated to this behaviour ? Seems like the Dynamic light is on in the 737-700WL even with the settings set to off.


Michael Moe

Michael Moe




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