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About Porthos

  • Birthday 04/05/1952

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    flying, fishing, flight sim, music

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  1. Hi all. Ive searched the forums but found nothing regarding the SUPP NAV DATA and storing created waypoints. I know the FCOM is a Boeing doc however has this feature been activated in the P3D version of the NGX? Regards Rob
  2. Vic a quick question you say you run capped fps at 20. Is that thru NI and leave unlimited in P3d or capped at 20 in P3d. Just used these settings and yes, 50% load share across my 2x780s as well.
  3. Are you installing using the migrator tool? Are you running in legacy or native p3d mode? Do you have registered copy of FSUIPC? Do you re install FSUIPC after loading the aircraft? Do you reboot after installation of LDS? Not sure why you need to get a fresh key for each reinstall. What version LDS are you using (2a?) Try downloading a fresh file from wherever you purchased the LDS7667 and then when you get to the payment go for reinstall. Thats what I did and no problems. BTW I think its a requirement to sign your name to your posts..just in case you get pinged by an admin..
  4. What fix gents? You don't need a fix because it works. I installed the LDS 767 in P3d v2.2 (and v1.4 and v21.) when it came out and have used it with only a few issues..one is don't answer the cabin call on the overhead or its a CTD. Other than that no issues. Ive even installed the updated VC textures and am using the winglet version. Make sure you run Migrator tool and thats about it from memory It works beautifully. I am not updating to P3d V2.3 as yet until FSUIP and Migrator tool are updated. Once that happens Ill update to v2.3 and let you know how the 767 goes but I expect no issues.
  5. "We do not care if you are 75 and think rules are for teenagers." Wait till YOU get to 75. You'll change your mind! if you still have one by then :blink:
  6. so do we delete the directories before the patch install or after the patch install? its a little unclear
  7. I see Zeke is among us :smile2: nice to see
  8. Porthos

    Price ?

    that you know of
  9. Pontious as Q400_flier said SOP for some airlines is arm LNAV/VNAV prior to pushback then engage AP airborne. Thats only arming the modes, not executing them. That happens once AP is engaged.
  10. I hope the original question has been answered..we are WAY off topic here. Kyle are you a MOD by any chance? I'd like to get our part of the thread moved to its own thread and let the engine out drift down surface again. Some interesting stuff here. Any MODS can help here??
  11. Kyle; perhaps not in your FAA world but they are available in other worlds. Just because it doesnt happen in the FAA world id no reason to assert that they just don't exist. They do. I appreciate that and its obvious. You quote FAA and from your comments basically tell people that because FAA doesn't do it then it either doesn't happen, is of no value, or it doesn't concern you. Not everyone lives in FAA world. A couple of comment on this one. I dont do hyperbole. B) When we get the population you have which covers most of the country I guess we too "could" have full radar coverage. And you are quite correct. radar is a very OLD technology. Which is why this country has ADSB coverage over most its continent above FL300. ABSD is a rather newer technology wouldn't you agree? Believe me, I know first hand... Which is what people have attempted to do. However you tend to greet this with your standard response of "it cant happen because thats not what the FAA do". You see the issue here? People try to fill in the blanks only to be reminded of FAA world again and again.. I agree you push a heap of traffic no argument. Its the "with the efficiency we do" which is questionable. Unfortunately No James. I will be in the Middle East again during that time. sorry guys dont know why it attached my response to James to the response to Kyle. gremlins
  12. James correct. I just used RNP AR as an example. This topic seems to have strayed a fair way off engine drift down but its got some great info and comments in it.
  13. Kyle you've just contradicted yourself mate Earlier you said there are no such animals as engine out SIDs rather procedures, then went on about leprechauns Your FAA docs say otherwise as do a host of other manuals. There are EOSIDS..and as 777simmer mentioned in specific areas. With RNP AR procedures they will self present when certain parameters are reached via the air data computer and other engine monitoring instruments. All the crew needs do is select it and the aircraft flies it. In some areas ATC are not aware of these as they change from company to company as you correctly say. Your USA centric mentality works in the USA, but not necessarily for the rest of the more advanced aviation countries around the world. Here, as in other areas of the advanced aviation world, we have RNP AR EOSIDS published so ATC are aware of them. and we dont have leprechauns
  14. Well Brian that must have changed in the last 3 years then. I stand corrected . Greg thats correct in some instances ..TERPS (though I am more familiar with ICAO PANSOPS) does provide terrain clearance. There are however minimum altitudes at which an aircraft must be before commencing a turn.
  15. Greg not quite. regarding autopilot activation Airbus can mostly arm at around 50FT off the deck and for some companies that is SOP..I kid you not. With the NG for example it is physically impossible to engage the autopilot below 400FT. The turn is dependant upon the rules; whether it be TERPS or ICAO PANSOPS, and whether its conventional type nav or RNAV
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