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Plane spawning halfway inside the ground at multiple airports.


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I moved over to Prepar3D v4 recently, and when I load into the sim at Amsterdam (FlyTampa Scenery), my aircraft is spawning half way inside the ground... This is also the same for Orbx Bilbao.

Screens: qgrFNna.jpg 8Zv0DP8.jpg

Initially I thought the issue was Orbx Vector, however after running the AEC configurator, the problem still persisted. I also removed vector in it's entirety, and the issue was still there.

I've tried reinstalling multiple time, with no success. If anyone knows how to fix this, I would be grateful :)

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Just now, MarkDH said:

Have you got a 3rd party mesh product installed? This seems like a mesh problem.

That's the issue. I don't. Unless you count Open LC EU as mesh, but it would seem a lil' strange for that to conflict? Anyway thanks for the reply.

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