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Everything posted by MarkDH

  1. P3D Viewgroup setup allows you to choose cylindrical or spherical projection instead of flat. This seems relevant, although I never got beyond the basics of Viewgroups.
  2. It's been said already, but your only option if you want to use a single view with such an extreme aspect ratio is to zoom in. Because of the way the view is projected you will always have distortion far from the centre, and since your monitor is pretty much exactly the same resolution as an old-fashioned 3-screen display (5:4 x 3) you will have all the same problems as FSX users with a TripleHead2Go or nvidia Surround setup. I'm not up to date with all these tweaks and post-processing filters people are citing, but out of the box you only have two real options. First, zoom in until the gauges are about life-size. This will reduce distortion at the extremes but obviously it will reduce the vertical field of view as well, so you will have quite a restricted view. You can sit further back in your virtual cockpit, but this is unrealistic and limited by the seats. Using a TrackIR with this setup is the most effective option. Or second, use the MSFS multi-view to create two or three (or more) windows and arrange them side by side. This will reduce the distortion, but there will be a performance overhead and you will probably not get the views to line up exactly. (The third option is to buy a 16:9 screen to replace the ultrawide one.)
  3. In the UK at least, the CC company is jointly liable and you can hold them accountable by law, with no time limit, under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. (This is a separate protection to the 120-day chargeback.) Just Google ‘section 75 refund’ or go to one of the consumer advice web sites for advice. Not sure if there’s any equivalent in Canada 😐
  4. You could always click the ‘or pay with a credit or debit card’ option 😬
  5. The Yoko is by far the best yoke I have ever owned*. Assessing purely as a two-axis controller, there are few other products to touch it. It scores over the cheap yokes (and the not-so-cheap Brunner NG) with a much longer travel, but the smoothness and weighty feel also amount to a massive improvement. My only real criticism is the standard clamp isn't really adequate, so you need to screw it down or buy the big clamp (which is expensive!) You can watch my Yoko reviews below. If you can spring for the Yoko+ it has updated sensors, and if you have money to burn the experimental (currently limited edition) Yoko Neo has more roll travel and a leather grip! People have compared the Yoko with the Fulcrum, although there were some build criticisms of the Fulcrums (I have not tried one) and they are currently back-ordered. I would not count the Brunner FFB yokes as competitors, they are a fundamentally different thing. (*Saitek Pro Flight, Saitek Pro Flight Cessna, CH Eclipse, Elite, Iris Dragonfly, Honeycomb Alpha.)
  6. I concur, for any given zoom factor the (virtual) vertical FoV is constant regardless of the aspect ratio of the monitor. (This is how FSX and P3D behave when the 'WideViewAspect' parameter is set to True in either of those applications.) I talk about that in this video:
  7. Maybe helpful to re-share this. (Since making this I saw a link to someone's custom scenery that you can use instead of Edwards AFB!)
  8. I see, I will have to try that. I remember that P3D and X-Plane have X/Y/Z offsets in the setup as well as rotations, so maybe this is what's needed.
  9. I don't know what you mean by 'the focus of the sim'. Maybe I just don't understand what you are trying to achieve.
  10. You can certainly set the monitor angles independently. But if what you're trying to do is move the eyepoint left or right I don't think you need different angles, surely you just need to move the eyepoint?
  11. I wonder what you mean by 'properly'? The multi-screen support works fine right now, with a few constraints if you want to mix screens of different sizes. Have a look at this video.
  12. Yes, I groaned too until I saw it was from Russ Barlow. Russ is always worth listening too - he has the credentials and has contributed a lot to the sim, particularly his videos about VR and about cockpit building. Not to mention contributing a boatload of free stuff to Sim Innovations. Oh, and inventing the Knobster.
  13. I have three cockpit views: a central 3840 x 1024 (on a TH2GO), with two outlying 1080p screens in portrait mode. I am experimenting with running the outer screens in 720p to keep the tota lpixel count under 6Mp. I also have my GPS in a fourth window on its own screen.
  14. MSFS lets you display multiple cockpit views and move them to their own screens. You control the mapping of virtual FoV to screen by setting the Zoom, but this affects all screens at once. This is not the same as X-Plane 11 or P3D View Groups, which let you control the mapping independently for each screen. So you can't mix different-sized screens in MSFS, or the images will be different sizes. Except that you can. As long as your screens are more or less the same height (physical height, not pixel count), the images will display at the same size on each screen. It doesn't matter if the aspect ratios are different, just that the screens are the same height. This is because MSFS always sizes the view in a window to show a fixed vertical field of view (the value of which depends on the Zoom factor). This is how P3D and FSX behave when WideViewAspect is set to True. What's more, this appears to work even if you have a screen rotated to portrait mode in Windows, which seems very clever. I don't know why it took me eight months to realise this. I made a video about it, which you can find on my YT channel (click down below).
  15. I always found this video really helpful. It's not specifically for MSFS, but I don't think that matters. Also, in my experience a three-screen nvidia surround display has negligible impact on TrackIR.
  16. 'Perfect' is a dangerous word, but I have it working acceptably well! Have a look at this video from 10:35 for the general layout. This is in P3D with a view group, but I have now replicated this view in MSFS, as you will see in this video. The screens are angled inwards, probably by about 30 degrees, although from memory the side views are showing a 50-degree offset. (I can't angle them any further because my panel is in the way.) You will see this layout in many of my later pre-MSFS Twin Otter videos, although it is hard to film it well because the view will only look correct from one position, which is roughly where my head is.
  17. I don't understand the reasoning here. MSFS gives you all you need to create a basic 3-screen view, but it's not magic. For it to look right you need to position your side screens at the same angle that you have rotated the side view in MSFS, and you need to be sitting so your eyepoint is normal to the centre of each screen. Your 90-degree 'box' would just be a particular example of this.
  18. I'm not sure why people are struggling with this, it is very straightforward. Yes, there's a performance hit but it's not massive. I run my setup on an i7-7700K with a GTX1070 and it's usable. I currently run three 1080p views (not shown here). The only real handicap is that you must run same-size screens, as you can't control the zoom factor on a per-screen basis. Hopefully that's coming...
  19. Here is another decent review that compares Tobii and TrackIR in some detail.
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