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Everything posted by MarkDH

  1. The TDS GTN750 works on touch-screens, the PMS one doesn't. I can run the TDS GTN750 on an iPad with SpaceDesk and it operates pretty much like the real thing.
  2. Aerosoft made it clear to testers that sounds were WIP right up to the release date. Some reviewers did comment on the sounds in a benign way, mostly by saying they were WIP. The sounds are much better now than they were at release, so it seems to me that some of the more damning comments here must be referring to how they were at release, which we can all agree wasn't great.
  3. Since nobody has mentined it, make sure you don't have rudder assist turned on. This sometimes turns itself on and it auto-centres the rudder whenever you deflect it from the middle.
  4. This is the one that worked for me.
  5. It ain't broke, so there's nothing to fix. You forgot to mention the Tobii costs 50% more than TrackIR, has a 25% narrower FoV and its 6DOF software is still experimental. And if you want eye tracking you're limited to a 27" screen.
  6. The simulated prop drag is significant - STOL landings were bad enough even before SU8, then it got worse. I've yet to decide if the 'spoiler' fudge fixes the short landings, but they're trying! And fixing instrument pop-outs plugged a gaping hole.
  7. But it's a different product unrelated to the Orbx P3D version 😐
  8. Presumably because it's a different product unrelated to the Orbx P3D version.
  9. Never heard of PIT mode but the default KAP140 defaults to VS mode and is supposed to capture the extant VS when activating the autopilot. It doesn't, it behaves like the OP describes. You can fix it with a bit of tap-dancing if you have one of the programming add-ons. I used SPAD.neXt., as shown in this video.
  10. Those are not the paid-for Twin Otter panels. Unfortunately you can't edit the payware panels, but rumour has it that someone is working on updating the Twin Otter ones for MSFS.
  11. Au contraire. In the fhe first video he makes two small adjustments to power at around 1:50 and 2:19 with no noticeable change of engine note pitch. In the second video, same deal at 4:11. Yes, there are gross changes of pitch with power elsewhere but these are all likely below the governed range of the props. And as I said, the Aerosoft Twin Otter also behaves broadly like this.
  12. Do you really hear any turbine noise above the sound of the props?
  13. Surely this is exactly how it's supposed to behave? It has constant-speed propellers, so the pitch of the engine note will only change with the RPM. This varies with the power levers until the RPM enters the governed range and then only with the prop levers above that. This is what I see and hear in the sim.
  14. The main restriction with the iPad version is that it's not possible to create your own gauges. The real power of Air Manager is that it's completely open, which means you can create any gauge you want from scratch, with no complex tools and relatively little technical expertise. But you can only do this with the desktop version.
  15. No (but...) You won't be using the button repeat functionality with an encoder wheel, so the delay is not a factor. You are sending instead a string of very short button presses. On the other hand, this means your trimming will be very slow because each trim movement is tiny. The sim initially had acceleration in the trim controls, which means if you called them quickly enough in succession the trim would speed up. I'm not sure if that's still there (there were issues with acceleration). The solution I use for my trim wheel (also an encoder) is to send five seperate trim commands for every pulse (button press) from the trim wheel. Unfortunately you won't be able to do this from MSFS, you will need a third-party tool such as SPAD.neXt or FSUIPC*. (*There is also this utility, which is getting good reports, although I have not tried it.)
  16. Yes, from outside it looks a bit nose-down but maybe that's how it flies? I don't get what you're saying about the instruments, they looked centred?
  17. Are you sure that shows a negative pitch? Those light coloured bars are the FS steering bars and you are looking down from above. You can also see that the VSI doesn't look centred. Even if the pitch steering bar is centred I'd wonder if you are just seeing a parallax error. The attitude indicator itself appears to be sitting very close to the horizon and again, it may just be showing parallax error but smaller (since it sits closer to the ball than the steering bars do). Also, IRL, isn't the centre position adjustable by turning the knob? I don't think it is in this model.
  18. It has a different name and looks diferent to the old one. It's called Alpha Flight Controls XPC and has a non-removable rectangular front, unlike the old one. The illuminated honeycomb grille is now rectangular too, not round.
  19. Was there a lot of marketing? There was certainly a lot of community hype. To be fair, there was also a 91-page running discussion of the development over the past 16 months in the Aeosoft forum that left no doubt about what this was going to be: a nice-looking default+ aircraft that would sell in the 'reasonable' price range and had to work on Windows and XBox from common code. It was explicit that functionality was going to be less than the FSX version and more recently, that it was going to be essentially default sim functionality only. Okay, it's bit buggy as well but hopefully that'll be sorted in the next few weeks. There was an awful lot of pressure from the community to release, so I can't help thinking that was a factor in getting it out before it was really ready.
  20. I don't want to contradict for contradiction's sake, but just to provide go info. nvidia Surround doesn't stretch anything - if you have your Windows desktop across 3 screens in Surround everything looks perfectly normal. The stretching is because the sim projects a spherical image into a flat display. This breaks down as you move away from the centre, but it only becomes intrusive when you move far away from the centre. This was fine on displays with aspect ratios in the ball park of 1. If you move to a very high (wide) or, indeed a very low (tall) aspect ratio it becomes intrusive and the image appears stretched at the extremes. It's not about the aspect ratio at all, it's about the field of view being projected. So if you used, say, a 200" monitor (or projector) and zoomed out (projecting a wider field of view) to get a lifesize image so you could sit close to it, you would see major stretching all the way around the edges. I think if you could project this onto a hemispherical screen it would look more or less okay. P3D's WideViewAspect flag does not change any of the above, it just changes the range of zoom settings you can access. P3D did have some other 'fisheye' compensation setting, which I think was a post-processing filter. I don't know what this does (or did). I think there were some third-party post-processing hacks for this that generated a larger image and then artificially squashed the edges, so maybe it does that. I don't think it was much use because nobody talks about it. Forthcoming MSFS multi-screen support will not, I assume, be anything to do with Surround but will be more akin to P3D's View Groups (or X-Plane's multi-screen handling). This means you project three separate images, which are then positioned adjacent to each other. Each image will have all the same projection issues described above, but since individually they are not very wide or tall, they won't be noticeably distorted.
  21. That sounds like you're talking about varying the prop pitch when the engine is active, not feathering the prop. If you feather the prop it will stop turning and reduce drag. In FSX and P3D it had no such effect and hence feathering didn't make any difference. I don't know if it has any drag effect in MSFS.
  22. Show us a pcture of the middle screen. You shouldn't be having a problem unless you are zoomed way too far out.
  23. There is only one variable, which is how far you are zoomed in or out. You should not see any diference from P3D or FSX assuming you can set the equivalent zoom. There is a WIDEVIEW_ASPECT flag in FSX and P3D but this doesn't do anything qualitative to the display, it just changes the zoom numbers.
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