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When I steer the 737 should I use my rudder pedals to turn the aircraft on the ground or do I have to set up nose wheel steering using a Tiller  setting within FSUIPC


Clive Alexander

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You can use the rudder, but I find it hard. I converted a Nascar steering wheel to use as a tiller. It makes a huge difference steering aircraft on the ground.

Easy to set up with FSUIPC.

Video here:



Most of what is said on the Internet may be the same thing they shovel on the regular basis at the local barn.

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Thanks for your reply.  Would setting  rudder pedals be best using FSUIPC or the internal setting within P3D?.  Of course. if set up in FSUIPC I would have to delete the ruddet setup  inside P3D cobtrol settings

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I would just do it in FSUIPC it also allows to filter spikes and set slope.


Most of what is said on the Internet may be the same thing they shovel on the regular basis at the local barn.

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When I setup my rudder pedals within FSUIPC.  I assign the left and right rudder movemnt to the rudder command, however I am having difficulty centering the rudder.  The rudder althjough moving  appears to moving at its own command and when I release the pedals the pedal levers are not even.


I have mislaid the CD containing the drivers and calibration for the Saitek Cessna Rudder, is this what I require?

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Hopefully I have resolved the problems I was having  with my "Saitek Cessna Pro Rudder Pedals"  I edited my registry file, clearing any conflicts with previous setups and also deleted my P3D config file.  Working better at the moment but have to do more tests to be satisfied as I think that the rudder pedals I have could be better

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18 minutes ago, clive6354 said:

Hopefully I have resolved the problems I was having  with my "Saitek Cessna Pro Rudder Pedals"  I edited my registry file, clearing any conflicts with previous setups and also deleted my P3D config file.  Working better at the moment but have to do more tests to be satisfied as I think that the rudder pedals I have could be better


before starting to delete, reinstall and so on I would always recommend checking if a simple calibration would do it. Normally you don‘t need the saitek CDs for the rudders. When setting up the rudders using FSUIPC there is an option on the axis calibration task to set both extrema and the center position, as well as null zones. In most cases the sensors are dirty or worn so a recalibration is the easiest solution. Reinstalling or messing with any software and files should always be the last thing. But good if it works now. 


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Thank you for your  helpful reply

I have try to resolve problems by re-calibrating but when operating the rudder pedals the rudder appeared to have a mind of its own and was not stable at all.  After editing and clearing any corruption in the registry file the operation of the rudder pedals was better, I will have to do a few more tests to be satisfied, maybe calibarating the null zones more precise will improve operation. i will have to seek a tutorial on how to calibrate the rudder pedals within FSUIPC  as I am getting confused with setting the centre position and null  zones.

I am probaly making a simple task more difficult than need be.


I have linked into the Saitek site which has a support forum and also some very useful information which I am reading.

Clive Alexander

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do you mean that you assign buttons on your Joystick for left, right and centre movements of the rudder?

My josytick is Hotas Warthog, Use the left and right axis for the ailerons , therefore would have to assign buttons or hatswitch for the rudder


Clive Alexander

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Not a sim setting answer, but RW - I use the rudder pedals for straight taxiways. It seems smoother to me. Of course I use the tiller for tight turns. The rudder pedals can handle high-speed turn offs and some FOs will take the turn off and sometimes they'll let me know they want to turn over the controls before a high-speed.

Matt Cee

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On 10.1.2018 at 6:22 PM, Spin737 said:

Not a sim setting answer, but RW - I use the rudder pedals for straight taxiways. It seems smoother to me. Of course I use the tiller for tight turns. The rudder pedals can handle high-speed turn offs and some FOs will take the turn off and sometimes they'll let me know they want to turn over the controls before a high-speed.

I‘ve seen this on 737s and A319s on our airport.. looks a bit funny when the airplanes taxi along with 20 kts and the rudder moves left and right and right... and right again... 


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I assign my aileron axis in FSUIPC. I then assign my steering tiller on the second assign tick block. This means using the same axis for two commands. That way I use my yoke as a steering tiller instead of the rudder pedals. This action cuts out at 60 kts and it is already present in the ini file. Works very well. The speed can be changed in the FSUIPC ini file if you want. Have fun.


Gabriel Myburgh

Gabriel Myburgh

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3 hours ago, gjmyb said:

This action cuts out at 60 kts and it is already present in the ini file. Works very well. The speed can be changed in the FSUIPC ini file if you want.

great to know!!! thanks a lot!


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