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747-400 Over banking

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Have recently installed P3D4.3 and the PMDG aircraft 737, 747 & 777. However for some unknown reason the 747 over banks while turning and have so far been unable to find why this is happening seeing that I have reduced the angle to minimum and even set it to auto but to no avail. Feedback much appreciated.



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2 hours ago, ideoplastic said:

However for some unknown reason the 747 over banks while turning

How are you determining this?

2 hours ago, ideoplastic said:

seeing that I have reduced the angle to minimum and even set it to auto but to no avail

That bank limit knob is not functional in LNAV on any Boeing aircraft. HDG SEL only.

2 hours ago, ideoplastic said:

Feedback much appreciated.

Need a lot more detail in general, but my bet is either a camera add on messing with something (sadly, yes, camera add-ons now mess with sim physics for some reason), or your weather add-on has a turbulence scalar set way too high.

Kyle Rodgers

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Kyle thanks for coming back.  The banking is extreme to the point that slightly deviates from the LNAV path. I do have EZDOK  and before this new installation of  P3Dv4 never caused any issues, and Active Sky for P3Dv4 settings are default. Will look into this again but I'm not sure how to check if it has something to do with a camera, will also revisit the AS settings.



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9 minutes ago, ideoplastic said:

The banking is extreme to the point that slightly deviates from the LNAV path.


Given that this is a bank issue, and bank indications are provided on the PFD, an idea of how much bank you're seeing would be very helpful for getting on the same page as you. I see the words on the page and nothing more. I know your memory of the events is probably pretty clear as you type your responses here, but I wasn't there in the sim session, and I can't read your mind - help me help you by painting a clear picture for me to get on the same page.

11 minutes ago, ideoplastic said:

I do have EZDOK 


So, EZDOK is a neat program. Having used it before, I liked how it could create cool camera views to be easily switched between.

What I don't like, however, is that they shoehorned in some "realism" effects that actually modify sim physics, and they really don't make it obvious to the user that they're doing this (as evidenced by the numerous surprised responses in various places where I point this out). Turn off the camera shake option and let us know if that fixes the issue.

14 minutes ago, ideoplastic said:

will also revisit the AS settings

I'm betting it's the EZDOK thing, but it's worth checking your turbulence slider is set somewhere around 25%ish.

Kyle Rodgers

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1 hour ago, ideoplastic said:

Active Sky for P3Dv4 settings are default.

A lot too high. 

Additionally to what Kyle said, check that enhanced turbulences are unticked and that up and down drafts are reduced.. nothing worse than being on final, hearing the minimums call out and then flying into some strange thermals that lift you up with 30ft/s. 


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1 hour ago, ideoplastic said:

The banking is extreme to the point that slightly deviates from the LNAV path.

This is not due to the aircraft "banking" or rolling too little or too much, it has more to do with the accuracy of the turn in the simulator's flight dynamics engine and the limitations of PMDG's implementation of LNAV.  It's normal in all products, the 747 happens to do it much less than the others.  Waiting for two things to happen:  PMDG will do the bank and turn dynamics outside of the default FDE one of these days, and one of these days PMDG will update the FMS and LNAV/VNAV performance to include RNP.  Don't expect either soon.

Dan Downs KCRP

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5 minutes ago, downscc said:

This is not due to the aircraft "banking" or rolling too little or too much, it has more to do with the accuracy of the turn in the simulator's flight dynamics engine and the limitations of PMDG's implementation of LNAV.  It's normal in all products, the 747 happens to do it much less than the others.  Waiting for two things to happen:  PMDG will do the bank and turn dynamics outside of the default FDE one of these days, and one of these days PMDG will update the FMS and LNAV/VNAV performance to include RNP.  Don't expect either soon.

I think he's referring to the bank causing the deviations, instead of the banking being done in a situation where it is attempting to match the path.

Kyle Rodgers

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3 hours ago, ideoplastic said:

The banking is extreme to the point that slightly deviates from the LNAV


I would take a different approach on this as to ask the question "explain what is extreme banking, how many degrees?" versus speculations, we don't have any concrete data and try to troubleshoot.

Can we have some pictures of ND, PFD and MCP when that occurs, that will make it somehow easier for starters.

Also "I have reduced the angle to minimum and even set it to auto but to no avail" there are specific modes where it will work or not. As to like  LNAV engaged or HDG select. 

You know, a picture is worth a thousand words.

I9- 13900K- CPU @ 5.0GHz, 64 GB RAM @ 6200MHz, NVIDIA RTX 4090

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First of all thanks to everyone, didn't realise there would be so many responses. The issue has been resolved. Turned off all the fuselage, camera shakes, etc in EZDOK and turned down turbulence effect scale in AS to 25%, enhanced turbulence was already off. So restarted the same flight I did yesterday with same weather and all went 100% well. There is only one item on AS I'm not sure about and that is the Maximum Wind Turbulence. Also will the 747 produce it's own turbulence effects? Have made a note of all this so in future I don't forget when installing a new version of P3D.



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