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Falcon 50 Payload Manager, version 2.0B

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Payload Manager does not work with my FSX SE. I have the last update but even with engines off and AC delivered from  external power. The payload manager is lighted, but nothing is operative: fuel, passengers and pilots and luggage

I uninstall the Falcon 50 software and reinstalled it from my account in Flysimware but did not solve the problem. What am I doing wrong?  .Thanks for helping

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28 minutes ago, eliric1 said:

Payload Manager does not work with my FSX SE. I have the last update but even with engines off and AC delivered from  external power. The payload manager is lighted, but nothing is operative: fuel, passengers and pilots and luggage

I uninstall the Falcon 50 software and reinstalled it from my account in Flysimware but did not solve the problem. What am I doing wrong?  .Thanks for helping

Is the parking brake on?


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Yes the parking brake is on, and external power is operative. I checked it right now.


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Just now, eliric1 said:

Yes the parking brake is on, and external power is operative. I checked it right now.


You have to load the fuel truck (lower right hand corner of the Payload Manager) in order to change the fuel.



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6 minutes ago, eliric1 said:

the fuel truck is active in the payload manager with green light


Is the Payload Manager lit up -- do you see orange numbers for the fuel quantities, and the power (Start) switch on the overhead is in the External position?

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yes the payload manager is lit up  with orange numbers , for each corresponding window (fuel, weight & passengers, luggage)  ....  so I get power from the external AC source

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1 minute ago, eliric1 said:

I am trying to include an image, but there is no way through the forum

You have to save the image to a web site that stores them, and then paste the resulting URL for the image using the Insert other media button that is in the lower right corner of the AVSIM post window.


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I have just loaded the latest Falcon 50 update into FSX-SE and the Payload Manager works for me. Are you using any third-party addons the might be causing a problem?


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No, normally i have Active sky... but for this test only the FSX SE is working


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Al, when you do the install, in spite the instructions that the installation automatically looks for the Steam file, i have to enter it manually in the c/ Steam/ steamapps/ common/ Fsx root directory. with bitdefender inactive off course


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For your info, i have been flying quite a few times now,,,i had some problems time to time.... fuel low, low engine power and automatic pilot not responding to gsm navigation...

I am not sure what is goin

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