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Flysimware Falcon 50 2.0b CTD on descent

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Falcon 50 v2.0b P3Dv4.5HF2, ASP4, ASCA, FSRealtime, PRO-ATC/X, lots of ORBX.

Everytime a start a descent out of altitude I get a CTD with no crash report. The only thing I see before it happens is the video card load goes to 100% (however VRAM is still low.) I can restart the last saved position from FSUIPC and continue the flight, but this is annoying. 

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So I tried to reinstall 2.0a and my key is now invalid. VERY disappointing that I can no longer install an older version of the software when the new version causes CTD.

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2 hours ago, KenG said:

So I tried to reinstall 2.0a and my key is now invalid. VERY disappointing that I can no longer install an older version of the software when the new version causes CTD.

Would guess that you just need to reset your activations on Flysimware's site - when I had issues with an older version I had to do that a lot!



Gary Davies aka "Gazzareth"

Simming since 747 on the Acorn Electron


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The website refers you back to this forum as their official support.

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5 hours ago, KenG said:

The website refers you back to this forum as their official support.


To get downloads reset suggest you send an email to FSW using the Contact/email form on the FSW web page.

Regarding the CTDs, it is hard to understand why starting a descent would cause that. I don't recall seeing any similar reports. It could be there is some kind of conflict with an add-on. You could try disabling them temporarily and if that works then add them back one-one to see where the conflict is.



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Thank you, I found the customer service request. They basically said that 2.0a and 2.0b are the same so they will not reset access to 2.0a. They informed me it was most likely F1 GTN or WXA that was causing the problem. However, programs have been working for months and I have NOT updated to HF3. 

I suspect some line of code in some add-on was changed for HF3 and is now causing issues with HF2. Could be Orbx as when they make changes weird stuff happens, and I think Object Flow just updated...

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For some reason WXA started causing CTD's on my system a month or so back, nothing changed, just started playing up.... I use RXP rather than F1, so no comparison there..



Gary Davies aka "Gazzareth"

Simming since 747 on the Acorn Electron


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I am not sure what is meant by WXA above (what does the A stand for?) but if you are talking about the Milvix/REX Advantage WX Radar (AWX?  😉  ) note there are two dll files associated with that system. A MV_WXM.dll in your P3Dv5 modules folder, and a MV_WX.dll in the P3Dv5 Gauges folder. You could try temporarily renaming these two files to disable them to see if the CTDs stop.



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That fixed it for me - weird thing is it just started happening - fine yesterday and CTD's this morning (in FlySimWare aircraft) - I updated FSUIPC to 6 and Linda to latest but no change - the only thing that works is to rename the dll in the gauges folder (and Im using the latest WX Radar tech update 9 with P3D 4.5 hotfix 3) - too bad it worked great till just recently


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I moved everything out of my modules folder Except MV_WXM.dll - same effect - crash to desktop on load of Falcon, Lear or MU-2
(so this also eliminates FSUIPC, Linda or lua script I had loading) - also reinstalled Rex WX radar - no change

*ALSO* when I add the Rex WX gauge to another aircraft (where its not integrated by default) - it does the same thing - pause for about 10 seconds then CTD (only after the gauge is attempted to be displayed, it never actually opens - just get the crash)

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On a seperate test of not running add-ons, I found that when I adjusted the altitude preselector for the descent that is when I got a huge pause/stutter in the simulation. Without running PRO ATC/X the sim was able to recover this time and did not CTD. I think it is a combination of the preselector and PRO ATC/X throwing something into the mix that may have added up. 

Yes, WXA is the Rex Weather Radar. 

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31 minutes ago, KenG said:

On a seperate test of not running add-ons, I found that when I adjusted the altitude preselector for the descent that is when I got a huge pause/stutter in the simulation. Without running PRO ATC/X the sim was able to recover this time and did not CTD. I think it is a combination of the preselector and PRO ATC/X throwing something into the mix that may have added up.

Interesting, and very strange. What happens if you adjust the altitude preselector at other times? For example, what if during climb out you decide to reset the altitude preselector to add another 2000ft to your initial cruise altitude setting?


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I'll have to try a cruise climb later today. 

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Enroute climbs are not a problem, it only manifests with an initial descent at altitude...

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54 minutes ago, KenG said:

Enroute climbs are not a problem, it only manifests with an initial descent at altitude...

This just doesn't strike me as an inherent problem with the Falcon50. If it was I'd expect others would be seeing the same thing, and at least to this point I'm not aware of that.  So still sounds like some kind of addon conflict to me. Wish I had a more definitive idea.


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