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nVidia 466.27 drivers available... P3Dv5 CTD solved

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This week, Microsoft decided to update my PC from Windows 10 1909 to 20H2 and guess what, I got the old Geforce DCH 457.51 driver (from Dec 2020)...  Everything works fine so I leave things as they are for now.

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v470.25 here already, how come you're discussing an outdated one?


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I have installed driver 466.27, but I get a blue srcreen everytime. I have re-installed Prepar twice already with the same result. Can somebody say where I can find what I am doing wrong. Please help.



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31 minutes ago, hanss said:


I have installed driver 466.27, but I get a blue srcreen everytime. I have re-installed Prepar twice already with the same result. Can somebody say where I can find what I am doing wrong. Please help.



It could be a lot of things, did you try a DDU install:


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I did a DDU install to try an older driver. That did not work out for me.

Where can I find a crash report or so in order to try to narrow down to only a very few possible failures. 



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I found the way to do it via a video which I found on the Prepar3d forum. I should go there and try this video which you can find under the topic prepar3d CTD.

It now works again!!



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