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Steven Silva

AI Traffic does not take off

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Hi everyone. On Friday I acquired the MSFS and I don't deny that I've been getting very hooked on it.
it turns out that the error (this curse) has occurred since FS9, FSX and P3D that some planes enter the runway but never take off, never receive ATC clearance for take off and after a while they disappear and some traffic lands on the plane that is on the runway and they do not abort the landing and the truth is that I love seeing takeoffs and landings in my airports
I have this problem with the AI traffic online and offline. someone has been able to solve this error and it happens to me in almost all airports. can someone help me to solve this error

NOTE: some planes disappear in gate to runway or runway to gate taxi action but not all in AI Traffic ONLINE and OFFLINE mode

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Steven Silva


Airplanes Inside of me, pilot in VATSIM and IVAO

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basically, the AI in MSFS is very buggy. you just have to accept that they will do very stupid things or fail completely a lot of the time. i believe Asobo have said a complete AI rework is in the pipeline, but who knows how long that will take or what fixes it will actually entail.

there are a few things that are really at play. some of it is from bad ATC design, some of it is from bugs in AI behavior, some of it is from errors in the scenery files that control where and how AI can taxi, takeoff/land, or park.

Edited by molleh
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 The best thing to do is report it to Asobo. The more people that flag it as an issue, the sooner it might get addressed. 

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i7-13700KF, 32gb DDR4 3200,  RTX 4080, Win 11, MSFS

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I use AIG (aircraft models) in combination with PSXT(freeware) and RealTraffic (subscription) and it gives me the best AI traffic possible.

It is like have Flightradar24 traffic in the sim (with a few seconds delay). Highly recommended and shame on Asobo for not getting it right 1 3/4 years after release....

Most of what is said on the Internet may be the same thing they shovel on the regular basis at the local barn.

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6 minutes ago, Silicus said:

I use AIG (aircraft models) in combination with PSXT(freeware) and RealTraffic (subscription) and it gives me the best AI traffic possible.

It is like have Flightradar24 traffic in the sim (with a few seconds delay). Highly recommended and shame on Asobo for not getting it right 1 3/4 years after release....

to be fair though, that isn't really "AI" traffic, it's just aircraft models being moved around based on transponder data. they don't respond to the environment, the player, other aircraft etc in any way. and that's cool, i totally get the appeal of 100% realtime traffic, but i just thought it's important to keep the distinctions in mind.

i actually really, really like the idea behind Asobo's implementation of real-time traffic - you get to see real flights that are going on IRL, but they also interact with the sim like AI. obviously though, as we're discussing here, the brilliant concept gets hamstrung by the various shortcomings in the actual AI.

Edited by molleh

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