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About Dave_YVR

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  1. Limit your bulk installs to small batches as some liveries do require your input to complete. Also try and take note of which ones don't complete and do those airlines one by one. One of the hosting servers is notoriously slow for it's liveries and often stalls out. Nothing to do with AIG though as it's not their site. For example, I'm just in the process updating Qatar and it's been stuck on downloading on of the new liveries for about 5 minutes. It's moving, just very slowly.
  2. Quite a few more models and airlines with around 8x more liveries. Also most liveries in FSLTL are performance eating 4k textures, AIG does have some 4k textures on certain models but most are not which saves VRAM and overall performance. IMO as well, the AIG liveries are just better quality.
  3. Great pics! Seeing FL500 triggers the OCD in me though. lol
  4. Memphis is well known to have very poor coverage in psxt as well ás FR24. Arrivals tend to turn off their transponders on the taxi in well before the apron and departures only when nearing or on the runway. Pick airports with better coverage.
  5. The point was more that MSFS does need to be running for PSXT to work. It doesn't matter what order you start it in.
  6. Yes, without MSFS running PSXT doesn't know where it is supposed to inject traffic.
  7. Well, someone's tax dollars... Or Pounds or Euros at least. They should start taxing the EV's more than anything.
  8. They do that when you mess with the layering yourself and don't have the insertion points set properly. I haven't used P3d in a couple of years now, but when I did (every single version from 1-5), I only needed to set my insertion point and after that I never had to touch the layering EVER.. No need for the Organizer either. I've seen it cause untold number of issues from users that don't understand proper layering. It was endless at one point on these forums, all blaming ORBX of course for error's behind the keyboard issues.
  9. Did you properly set your ORBX insertion points when installing Central? If that is done correctly AND then you start messing with the P3D Addon Organizer it helps to mitigate layering issues. Many users don't set the insertion points at all and then blame ORBX for resetting their layers even though Central is just doing what the user set it to. Often they'd then make it worse trying to move stuff around with the Organizer. It's been a couple of years since I ran P3d but the standard placement for the Airports and regions Insertion point as recommended by ORBX was way way down set at below Randolph AFB. Global OpenLC naturally stays unchanged and set at below the ORBX airports and regions.
  10. Just close it out whenever you want, I have used the X pretty much every single time I've closed it since day one and have never had any issues. Just be sure that if you were going to restart it fairly quickly after closing it which I tend to do for testing various things, that you give it a good minute to end all the associated processes even though it looks closed.
  11. Not exactly awe inspiring. What part about it makes it the Best AI solution as that is what the OP actually inquired about? It's similar to replying to a post about the Best Airliner option available for the sim by saying that the default A320 is because it is good enough for my needs.
  12. Everyone has their own idea of best for sure, for many users "best" gets mixed in with simple or easiest or quickest to install etc. FSLTL is super easy and quite quick to install and uses Real Time based on FR24, BUT the AI engine of the sim which really has no idea what separation standards are let alone much else handles the traffic in close to and on the ground at airports, so you end up with wrong runway ops, aircraft don't lineup until the previously landed aircraft is clear of the runway, which of course also leads to lots of overshoots, aircraft parking at the wrong spots and essentially all over the field among many other things. AIG is much more to install but has quite a few more models and approx. 10x the liveries including about 100x more cargo liveries, as well as a massive assortment of bizjets and smaller GA BUT it also isn't real time and also relies on the AI engine of the sim for ATC so you end up with the same issues around airports as FSLTL. You can use the AIG fleet with the FSLTL injector to get real time as well which does work quite well and is my go to back up where PSXT coverage isn't that great. Using the built-in MSFS Real Time traffic with either fleet from AIG or FSLTL works alright, it depends on what you are looking for. Overall though, the best option and it does come at a cost is PSXT with a paid sub to RealTraffic. It is based on Real Time surveillance coverage, and is from Gate to Gate. No super slow to exit or lineup, no overshoots unless they actually did and no parking where ever. The system has thousands of learned airports worldwide and also learns who parks where and when as it goes. You get traffic landing and departing from the correct runways with the separation that was used by the real controllers. You get traffic waiting for gates to become available, and also De-ice ops in the winter. It's not perfect by any means and has it's flaws, but they all do. Coverage with PSXT as well as all of the real time traffic can be challenging as World wide, there simply isn't coverage to the ground at every airport nor do even some larger airports in North America or Europe have ground transponder operations. You asked which one is the best and as it stands now PSXT with Real Traffic using the AIG fleet is still by far the best option. Here's an example with PSXT. At EGLL one flight is just airborne, the A380 is ready but ATC saw an opportunity to get the Estonian A220 out in front from an intersection for better efficiency. So while the A380 lines up, the Estonian A220 lines up immediately after the traffic goes by and rolls. Once the A220 is airborne, the A380 gets to go as well. It's hard to see but all of the airlines are also parked at their correct terminals and gates. Another from YVR showing the southside where everyone is parked at the correct FBO's even. With FSLTL you won't even have ANY of those liveries let alone parking on the right side of the field let alone at the proper FBO. Just my 2 cents.
  13. Project AI?? That takes me back to FS9 and haven't heard about it since then. It all depends on what you are looking for. If it's easy, then FSLTL, simple as that. Decent number of models and liveries assuming you don't want much for Cargo. If you want a solid all round everything but takes effort from the user to install, then AIG. More models, and 10X the liveries as well as lots of GA. You can even blend them and run the FSLTL injector with the AIG fleet to get a far better mix of real time traffic than just FSLTL. Personally, I use PSXT with the AIG fleet and it's amazing for those areas that have good coverage and for areas that don't have great coverage which isn't very oftenw I'll use AIG and just put up with the bad parking and overall corniness from the default AI engine of the sim. Performance wise, they really are all very similar. It all comes down to tuning each of them to work with your system. Generally though, any similar number of AI aircraft regardless of what method you are using will yield the same performance. This is another reason I love PSXT, you set the injection radius but it doesn't spawn aircraft at nearby airports that you'll never ever see and aircraft park where they should for the most part again assuming good coverage.
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