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  1. I have the SLH version and like it. Feelthere is never really an option in my book.
  2. I have been experiencing the same issue and it is honestly pretty annoying. Hopefully it gets fixed relatively quickly but ultimately who knows.
  3. Please, try to go a day without being an absolute doorknob.
  4. You just trying to repeat what someone else said before you or what?
  5. I will have to try that on my next flight and see if it makes a difference. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. I actually just had a total instrument freeze yesterday on final approach after a 12h34ish minute VHHH-KLAX flight in the 777. I don't remember touching anything last minute in the FMC tho? Either way, it was absolutely infuriating after that amount of time.
  7. Ya, the audacity, my gosh......Settle down, bud. You can now carry on discussing their licenses......
  8. Buddy, take a lap. I own both versions. He's right. The P3D sounds are better and something is not right with the MSFS version sounds.
  9. Again, pretty sure we're talking about texturing, overall visual quality....not the ***word not allowed flighdeck itself being old............
  10. Ya ummm, I don't think that's what any of us are saying. At least, I'm not. I flew the PMDG birds in P3D, along with the FSLabs airbusses, and the Quality Wings 787. But this latest offering from PMDG doesn't seem to have the best textures...or something?? Honestly not sure what it is but it doesn't seem to be as sharp as some of the newer offerings from other developers in the MSFS arena. It has zero to do with aircraft type.
  11. Definitely divided opinions...I thought it seemed to look like a port from P3D as well. Between that and the sounds, I'd say there is room for improvement.
  12. Well, I finally got the 777 purchased and flew some circuits. Overall, really not that much different than the P3D version which I guess is good. That said, the sounds are really bad. I obviously can't speak to how things sound in the flight deck but even from cabin/wing views, the engine sounds are bizarre and sound awful. Surely, for the price, and the pedestal that so many place PMDG on, they can do better sounds than this!! I'll be eagerly awaiting their update or a 3rd party sound set.
  13. I really would like an MD-11 for cargo ops so I'll probably get it either way. But I'm in agreement that the price is a bit high for such an unknown.
  14. Oh yay.....another my sim vs your sim thread with all the usual suspects on both sides......FFS
  15. You may be right as far as a 777 but overall I think it depends on aircraft type. For example, I fly on Hawaiian Airlines in first class (to and from the west coast) on their A330-200s with RR engines....and guess what, those engines are loud during departure up to about 10,000ft and they are loud during touchdown when in reverse.
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