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MSFS Asobo Dev Q&A ongoing now

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Schedule: https://www.twitch.tv/msfsofficial/schedule?segmentID=d851fd58-0d40-4c9f-83c9-29bd518880cc

Watch at https://www.twitch.tv/msfsofficial , starting in around half hour


Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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I just hope Jorg has the decency to engage in the highest voted question regarding VR and actually give us some meaningful information tonight, the recent toolbar issues have been appalling to say the least not to mention the lack of progress on this feature that they consider to be alongside Xbox and PC!



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Pico Neo3 Link VR - Windows 11 64bit, Gigabyte Z590 Aorus Elite Mobo, i7-10700KF CPU, Gigabyte 3070ti GPU, 32gig Corsair 3600mhz RAM, SSD x2 + M.2 SSD 1tb x1

Saitek X45 HOTAS - Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals - Logitech Flight Yoke - Homemade 3 Button & 8-directional Joystick Box, SNES Controller (used as a Button Box - Additional USB Numpad (used as a Button Box)

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Edited by lwt1971

1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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- Jorg starts off with recapping amazing month of May and all the aircrafts released
- now showing Top Gun DLC trailer and Asobo design director (Damien) talking about it further, carriers, darkstar hypersonic flights (mach 4 - mach 10), etc .. advice and testing from IRL French fighter pilot, US navy, etc ... aircraft carrier: it moves, being available for free flight will be considered for future

Edited by lwt1971

1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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- They acknowledge that beta testing needs to be long
- The update-a-month is too fast... they are most likely going to slightly slow down frequency of sim updates, and do longer beta testing periods (i.e. what they call "flighting")
- they're trying to make world updates "clientless", i.e. server-side updates only

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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4 minutes ago, lwt1971 said:

- They acknowledge that beta testing needs to be long
- The update-a-month is too fast... they are most likely going to slightly slow down frequency of sim updates, and do longer beta testing periods (i.e. what they call "flighting")


1) That was obvious from Day 1 of the first Beta, a shame they've taken this long to realise it but at least they're aware now, be interesting to see if they follow up and improve.
2) See above (!), their relentless need to try and rebrand Beta Testing as "Flighting"  gets on my breasts 😄

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Pico Neo3 Link VR - Windows 11 64bit, Gigabyte Z590 Aorus Elite Mobo, i7-10700KF CPU, Gigabyte 3070ti GPU, 32gig Corsair 3600mhz RAM, SSD x2 + M.2 SSD 1tb x1

Saitek X45 HOTAS - Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals - Logitech Flight Yoke - Homemade 3 Button & 8-directional Joystick Box, SNES Controller (used as a Button Box - Additional USB Numpad (used as a Button Box)

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- seaplane water handling: they'll add to backlog, water behaviour improvements were last done end of summer 2021, they've seen list of new requests, will prioritize and integrate into future sim updates, possibly even starting with SU10

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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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- marketplace 2.0: feedback has been positive, no other improvements planned for this year, they're aware of some other outstanding requests of which some are targeted for 2023... they think the waiting systems works well... can't really extend MSFS DRM technology to external stores, so don't have a solution for 3rd party stores needing DRM
- WASM for x-box coming soon
- VR improvements: decided to change structure of VR team, now they think best way to take VR forward is to make VR a core focus as part of the entire team, as opposed to having a separate VR sub-team as was being done until now... everyone will be testing VR while doing any new features... good news apparently coming soon with DLSS, etc

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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15 minutes ago, MarcG said:

their relentless need to try and rebrand Beta Testing as "Flighting"  gets on my breasts

That's just Microsoft's term for it. They've been using it for many of their projects for years, not just MSFS. 

Edited by Tuskin38

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- Hans Harmann (3PD development partner) on now... ATR is not yet in any testing phase yet, project is going good and on schedule, he then went thru more details on exterior and interior models, all controls will be accessible via local vars ... flight dynamics and engine model will be high quality, made by alexander as before, includes realistic ITT and fuel behaviour all within few % of real values, systems all up to latest ATR STD3 standards, full checklist system, Thales FMS 220, based on extensive documentation provided by ATR, TAWS, weather radar. Says they have a very close relationship with ATR.
- When asked by someone on chat, says this will be a high fidelity plane, doing everything to new SDK specs (will be available for xbox too)
- Will use latest flight dynamics, prop physics, and softbody physics improvements in SU8/SU9+

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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7 minutes ago, Tuskin38 said:

That's just Microsoft's term for it. They've been using it for many of their projects for years, not just MSFS. 

don't care who says it, it's stupid 😄

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Pico Neo3 Link VR - Windows 11 64bit, Gigabyte Z590 Aorus Elite Mobo, i7-10700KF CPU, Gigabyte 3070ti GPU, 32gig Corsair 3600mhz RAM, SSD x2 + M.2 SSD 1tb x1

Saitek X45 HOTAS - Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals - Logitech Flight Yoke - Homemade 3 Button & 8-directional Joystick Box, SNES Controller (used as a Button Box - Additional USB Numpad (used as a Button Box)

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- SU10 will have camera shake on touchdown, full camera physics based on how hard the landing is ... current camera headshake behaviour is too soft
- DLSS internal testing going well, will be available in SU10 beta
- Some details on SU10 (more will come next Q&A): DLSS, multi-screen support, WASM, new cloud logic that'll bring more resolution to the ground and other improvements, WT avionics improvements, etc
- SU10 beta testing starting soon, will probably delay release and allow for longer beta testing
- SU10: DLSS, multi-screen support, etc will be in SU10 beta
- SU10: Live weather wind gusts data will be injected.. when there's no data in METAR then will use other live weather data source(s)... so if using live weather, then gusts will be there (if it's too strong in live weather then use weather presets)

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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- ATC: adding layers of improvements, but no major overhauls... working on improving ATC vectoring just after SU10... MSA data usage
- Thermal updrafts and atmosphere model: SU9 computes amount of energy (in watts) received by sun, thickness of atmosphere that the light crosses, angle of light arrival on earth surface, how much energy is reflected vs kept... based on all that, the thermals are calculated. With SU10 they're adding blending in of winds factor... so when there are low wind speeds (i.e. <= 5 knots) turbulence will be much less than currently in SU9, etc
- Post SU10: currently thermals are local... so vortices, and more complete airflow... taking the CFD work started in SU9 will expand it to much larger airflow simulation ... all sorts of different wind effects at more than a local level.

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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- Ground physics and ground handling: Four new aircraft parameters coming in SU10 for aircraft devs... one parameter for crosswind effects for very low altitudes, two parameters to allow "stickiness" of wheels when rolling fast, more realistic drift with spinning tires, etc.  This is the beginning, and more improvements to come post SU10

Just saw that another thread also created for this Dev Q&A, hopefully they can be merged... anyhow, I'm out for now for work meetings 🙂

Edited by lwt1971
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1980s: Sublogic FS II on C64 ---> 1990s: Flight Unlimited I/II, MSFS 95/98 ---> 2000s/2010s: FS/X, P3D, XP ---> 2020+: MSFS
Current system: i9 13900K, RTX 4090, 64GB DDR5 4800 RAM, 4TB NVMe SSD

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34 minutes ago, lwt1971 said:

SU10: Live weather wind gusts data will be injected.. when there's no data in METAR then will use other live weather data source(s)...


Interesting choice of words, why not say meteoblue? What happened to them? If they are still around why is METAR gusts not already blended into their forecast model like Seb once told us?

So many contradictions (cough...lies) to keep track of.


3 minutes ago, SubtotalGuide said:

so if using live weather, then gusts will be there (if it's too strong in live weather then use weather presets)

this confirms they removed gusts to make it easy #simforsimmers

Edited by SubtotalGuide

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