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Removal procedure

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I have a problem where my msfs2020 ctd on just about every flight.

I removed the Community folder by renaming it .OFF and created a blank community folder to see if there was a problem buried somewhere in there.

Sim started fine and flew. Then on decent it CTD. It always seems to crash on decent or within a few minutes after takeoff. 

So, the problem is within the basic msfs2020 program itself and not anything I have added to the Community folder.

What is the correct procedure to completely remove msfs then do a new install? This is the only thing I can think to do.

This ctd problem has been present since approx Christmas.

Many thanks.


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23 minutes ago, dbw1 said:

What is the correct procedure to completely remove msfs

community folder is good for a first start. sorry to hear that this seems not the reason. and the CTD happen with any aircraft? no specific scenery/airport? which HW specs do you have? Is photogrammetry off? Is rolling cache off? using latest gfx drivers? windows updated? there can be so many more reasons. if anything fails I would go to win - settings - apps and delete MSFS from there. sorry, cannot be more specific as I am one of the happy ones using my install since day 1

Phil Leaven

i5 10600KF, 32 GB 3200 RAM, MSI 3060 12GB OC, Asus ROG Z490-H, 2 WD Black NVME for each Win11 (500GB) and MSFS (1TB), MSFS Cache and Photogrammetry always disabled, Live Weather and Live Traffic always on, Res 2560x1440 on 27"

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11 minutes ago, DAD said:

community folder is good for a first start. sorry to hear that this seems not the reason. and the CTD happen with any aircraft? no specific scenery/airport? which HW specs do you have? Is photogrammetry off? Is rolling cache off? using latest gfx drivers? windows updated? there can be so many more reasons. if anything fails I would go to win - settings - apps and delete MSFS from there. sorry, cannot be more specific as I am one of the happy ones using my install since day 1

thanks very much for the response. think I'll figure out how to remove it then reinstall. Sometime in the next month I hope the 7950x3d (plus other pieces already arrived) I have on order will come in then I will be doing a new Windows install after the computer rebuild. All the best.

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1 hour ago, dbw1 said:

What is the correct procedure to completely remove msfs then do a new install?

Go to the Store (or Steam) and select MSFS uninstall.  Reboot and select MSFS Install.


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My experience with this which includes five re-installs is to uninstall with the XBox app.  When I uninstalled clicking the uninstall on the start  menu it didn't clear it all and saved all the corrupt files from the Cloud.

Using the XBox app I got a good install.


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7 hours ago, dbw1 said:

I have a problem where my msfs2020 ctd on just about every flight.

I removed the Community folder by renaming it .OFF and created a blank community folder to see if there was a problem buried somewhere in there.

Sim started fine and flew. Then on decent it CTD. It always seems to crash on decent or within a few minutes after takeoff. 

So, the problem is within the basic msfs2020 program itself and not anything I have added to the Community folder.

What is the correct procedure to completely remove msfs then do a new install? This is the only thing I can think to do.

This ctd problem has been present since approx Christmas.

Many thanks.


The community folder is not the only add-on folder. If you ever downloaded anything from the marketplace (also free stuff like working title units etc.), it's in official. You'd have to remove that too to check.
But you should really check your Event Viewer log for the exact crash log. This usually points into the right direction.

Also: Delete rolling cache.

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Thanks for all the help. I got it removed and reinstalled and so far so good. No CTD. Have been adding a few things, scenery and the Hjet, checking to see if they cause problems and all good so far.

How is rolling cache deleted? Thanks.

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2 hours ago, dbw1 said:

Thanks for all the help. I got it removed and reinstalled and so far so good. No CTD. Have been adding a few things, scenery and the Hjet, checking to see if they cause problems and all good so far.

How is rolling cache deleted? Thanks.

Options / Data / Rolling Cache delete

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Well, with a handful of sceneries installed, the Hjet and the Aerosoft RJ550/700 it has started the CTD again.

So I have removed it again and am currently redownloading.

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3 minutes ago, dbw1 said:

Well, with a handful of sceneries installed, the Hjet and the Aerosoft RJ550/700 it has started the CTD again.

So I have removed it again and am currently redownloading.

What sceneries?  Sceneries are a simple cause of CTD.  Some aren't updated as the sim updates are released and can cause issues.

I use the CRJ (though not often and haven't for a while so it could be a factor) and the Hondajet and haven't had issues with that one.

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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The sceneries were downloaded from my previous ORBX purchases as was the Hjet. 

I'm going to install EINN, IEDW and EGLC along with the Hjet  right after this ......First Ill do a trip EIDW - EGLC with the CJ4 that comes with the sim and see how that works. Then I'll put in the 4 addons just mentioned and do a couple flights.

Sometime in the next month or two when the 7950x3d shows up I plan to wipe everything and start over from a fresh Win10.

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