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C414 5-11-22 false postive on installer?

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I'm getting a virus alert on the latest (5-11-22) Cessna414 installer.  Is this Windows over-reacting to the phone home feature between the installer and Flysimware's server?  Anyone else seeing this?


7800X3D ♣ 32 GB G.Skill TridentZ  Gigabyte 4090  Crucial P5 Plus 2TB 

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I have the same on the update. I would guess it is overreaction due to some library they use. But I will no longer try to install it. Contacted support. They need to fix this. I have only default Windows virus protection on.

Paul Schmidt

We're fools to make war on our brothers in arms.

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Confirmed here also.  Standard windows antivirus.  can't install.

Please let us know if they provide a solution @flyingpauls

Steve Dra
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This would be a false positive and would be a Microsoft issue. So far my W10 has no such warning and users using W11 have also reported no issues. But yes there are a few that have reported using W10.  I was told you can try to delete your history and this may fix you issue.

So nothing Flysimware can do. Happy Flying!

If Defender is preventing you from installing you have to make an exception or turn it off during the install process. 


Edited by Flysimware

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7 hours ago, Flysimware said:

This would be a false positive and would be a Microsoft issue. So far my W10 has no such warning and users using W11 have also reported no issues. But yes there are a few that have reported using W10.  I was told you can try to delete your history and this may fix you issue.

So nothing Flysimware can do. Happy Flying!

If Defender is preventing you from installing you have to make an exception or turn it off during the install process. 


Got the latest update from today (May 12)...hoping that would fix the issue.  Same issue.,

Disabled Windows defender, tried the install again....now I get this


I need some help fixing this....is there a support ticket system at Flysimware I can use to get support?


I'm running Win 10.



Steve Dra
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1 hour ago, Steve Dra said:

Got the latest update from today (May 12)...hoping that would fix the issue.  Same issue.,

Latest update for the C414 is 4.3.2, so that is what you should have. And I would suggest you run the installer again.


Edited by ark

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5 hours ago, ark said:

Latest update for the C414 is 4.3.2, so that is what you should have. And I would suggest you run the installer again.


4.3.2 confirmed.  

Bizzare....I had a pending Windows update.  Ran it, tried the install again with Defender off....worked this time.  Gotta' love software and esp AV apps!🤔

Steve Dra
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I will not turn defender off. The old version works just fine. Maybe they can find the culprit. It is usually a library compiled with a software that is also used for viruses. But it could also be an actual virus. I am not taking that risk. I won't start to make exceptions, not even once.

Edited by flyingpauls

Paul Schmidt

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I forgot: Their answer was, as expected, that is a Windows problem. They gave me the impression that they contacted Microsoft about the issue. Maybe that will help.

Paul Schmidt

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5 hours ago, flyingpauls said:

will not turn defender off.

One thing you could try is clearing your Windows Defender history and then redownloading and reinstalling.  Apparently this has worked for some.

Edited by ark

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I got a mail that there is a new version. This version installs just fine if you agree to install from "an unknown source". They seem to have sorted out the problem and fix it. I think their first reaction to blame Microsoft was just inappropriate.

Paul Schmidt

We're fools to make war on our brothers in arms.

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10 hours ago, flyingpauls said:


I got a mail that there is a new version. This version installs just fine if you agree to install from "an unknown source". They seem to have sorted out the problem and fix it. I think their first reaction to blame Microsoft was just inappropriate.

For the record, Flysimware changed NOTHING in their update procedure as far as this latest C414 update is concerned. Except for the bugs fixes, everything else was "as always".

Apparently when an enough false positives are recorded, the virus checker is updated accordingly, etc.



Edited by ark

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