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Juliett Alfa Romeo

P3D v6 presentation at FSExpo 2023

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For anyone with doubts on what is a Professional Flight Simulation platfom, successfuly used in complex training scenarios, here's a nice video to watch.

We're lucky to be given the chance to use branches of that simulation platform. It's AFAIK the only example although I would love to see Boeing,  Airbus, CAE, Evans / Sutherland, etc... doing the same 🙂


Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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I have V6 and am quite pleased with it. 
Here’s looking forward to more add-on content as time goes on. With the military version of the 737 now in service for sub hunting among other thing I’m surprised someone like PMDG or Ifly hasn’t brought one to V6’s platform.

As to add-on airports there is a developer, SimAddOns, that has Canadian airports from coast to coast and up to the high Arctic. They along with the Majestic Dash8  bring V6 to life.


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7 hours ago, jcomm said:

For anyone with doubts on what is a Professional Flight Simulation platfom, successfuly used in complex training scenarios, here's a nice video to watch.

We're lucky to be given the chance to use branches of that simulation platform. It's AFAIK the only example although I would love to see Boeing,  Airbus, CAE, Evans / Sutherland, etc... doing the same 🙂


You and I are about 10 people that are on v6 now. I have faith that they will fix the lighting stuff eventually. Also... here is something to think about long-term strategy-wise... v6 obviously was the breakup release with all the big devs. Now that most stuff is not compatible with v6, it sets up an interesting proposition for v7 - let's just not worry about backwards compatibility. I am not sure how that translates to their core base of military etc, but at least for home simmers, there isn't much to lose. I, for one, am NOT going to install anything that isn't officially supported in v6. Next week, I know I will purchase Active Sky cause live weather is a big thing for me and it IS supported. I never owned ChasePlane, so I am content with default cameras as I am adept to using them to my advantage. I have the Q400 by Majestic and it's officially supported. I also noticed today on SimMarket that Golden Age supports v6 on one of their ancient birds, but that's not really here or there for me. I am happy with default Commander because the gauges are now visible at all times. So, hopefully, v7 is a clean break that v6 was setting up for. I am NOT putting 5.4 back on the system, cause I have MSFS and XP 12. 

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2 hours ago, BostonJeremy77 said:

I have the Q400 by Majestic and it's officially supported. I also noticed today on SimMarket that Golden Age supports v6 on one of their ancient birds, but that's not really here or there for me. I am happy with default Commander because the gauges are now visible at all times. So, hopefully, v7 is a clean break that v6 was setting up for. I am NOT putting 5.4 back on the system, cause I have MSFS and XP 12. 

I searched for it, and I am with you regarding only installing v6-compatible addons, although I didn't resist adding my only and beloved PMDG for P3D, the 777 200 LR 🙂

I searched for confirmation of the Q-400 being V6 compatible but couldn't find anything either at their site or at the stores selling it, so I refrained from buying it right away, but if it is, than that's my next buy 🙂

I am still trying to decide if I'll buy 1 month or maybe 6 month licenses of v5 to be able to use my FSLabs airbuses with it.

ActiveSky v6 was a mandatory purchase for me. I am a long time Active Sky user, since it's early days, and I work exactly in the area of weather forecast, including ofc, aviation weather, so, consistency, plausibility, wise solutions for merging aloft / forecast-based data with local observations are all very important items for me, and until this day I haven't found in any of the general purpose flying simulation platforms I used nothing anywhere as good as AS for that purpose.

I strongly hope developers can find good reasons to keep supporting P3D, and that those who had to move to other platforms can consider returning. Somehow I believe this will happen, maybe sooner than later...


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Main Simulation Rig:

Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

Preferred addons: TOLISS A32N, TOGA MU-2, VSkylabs DC-3 and R66, LES DC-3, AWX DC-3

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7 minutes ago, jcomm said:

I searched for it, and I am with you regarding only installing v6-compatible addons, although I didn't resist adding my only and beloved PMDG for P3D, the 777 200 LR 🙂

I searched for confirmation of the Q-400 being V6 compatible but couldn't find anything either at their site or at the stores selling it, so I refrained from buying it right away, but if it is, than that's my next buy 🙂

I am still trying to decide if I'll buy 1 month or maybe 6 month licenses of v5 to be able to use my FSLabs airbuses with it.

ActiveSky v6 was a mandatory purchase for me. I am a long time Active Sky user, since it's early days, and I work exactly in the area of weather forecast, including ofc, aviation weather, so, consistency, plausibility, wise solutions for merging aloft / forecast-based data with local observations are all very important items for me, and until this day I haven't found in any of the general purpose flying simulation platforms I used nothing anywhere as good as AS for that purpose.

I strongly hope developers can find good reasons to keep supporting P3D, and that those who had to move to other platforms can consider returning. Somehow I believe this will happen, maybe sooner than later...


I believe P3D has its market. It's guys like us... and by saying that, I am not at all disparaging against MSFS (the sim I fly most nowadays) or XP (I own 12 as well). They all have their great but separate points. In regards to Majestic Q400? Its installer actually prompts for the P3D version you are running and 6 is one of them... as a matter of fact, they were the first (and only) that via one of the recent updates let the cat out of the bag that v6 is coming by including the option for v6 installation way before v6 was even announced. And yes, it's fully compatible. ActiveSky is def on my list to buy next week when I do my weekly FSim shopping. Though we shall see how it plays with the most recent Patch 4. 

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jcomm ,

“I searched for confirmation of the Q-400 being V6 compatible but couldn't find anything either at their site or at the stores selling it, so I refrained from buying it right away, but if it is, than that's my next buy”

Q400 by Majestic:




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Best Regards,

Vaughan Martell - PP-ASEL KDTW

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1 hour ago, jcomm said:

I searched for confirmation of the Q-400 being V6 compatible but couldn't find anything either at their site or at the stores selling it, so I refrained from buying it right away, but if it is, than that's my next buy 🙂

Their own product page states:

System requirements: Any PC capable of running Flight Simulator under MS Windows 7, 10

Supported versions
32 bit editions (PILOT and PRO only) : Microsoft FSX Service Pack 2, Acceleration or Steam / Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v3.4
64 bit edition (PILOT, PRO, TRAINING and COCKPIT): Prepar3D V5.x, Prepar3D V6.x

Network requirements for the shared cockpit: Minimum data exchange rate of 256 Kb/sec, ability to forward the data to the UDP ports, network delay < 1000ms


Still for me the one and only addon why to keep p3d v4 and v5 installed. Me personally not in v6 yet.

Cheers T.


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Live weather for me is important so I have ASN for V6. Plus, the majestic Dash8 weather radar works with it and that to me adds immensely to the immersion.

In V5 you could watch snow accumulate on the FSL airbuses sitting at an airport gate and that too was a great thing for immersion so i hope that at some point  in the distant future they arrive for V6.

I have not added anything that isn't specifically for V6.

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