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Roger Ramjet

HS748 cockpit window reflections

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Posted (edited)

Hey guys, just wondering if anyone can help me on this. As you can see the windows on the HS748 are a little funky. I've tried taking out the glass dds from the texture folder, no change. There is no file in this aircraft that says "reflections" Could this be because I'm running DX10 (with the fixer)? Any clue or help would be appreciated!



Edited by Roger Ramjet

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Posted (edited)

What's the funky thing you see? The dirt on the glass?

If so, it may be something in the alpha channel in one of the bitmaps. Sadly I don't have this plane, so I can't tell you which one. And if you remove it, it's possible it's calling it from another path. Check in your texture.cfg all the folders it calls.

Edited by Luis Hernandez
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Best regards,
Luis Hernández 20px-Flag_of_Colombia.svg.png20px-Flag_of_Argentina.svg.png

Main rig: self built, AMD Ryzen 5 5600X with PBO enabled (but default settings, CO -15 mV, and SMT ON) Ryzen 7 5700X3D (with SMT off and CO -50 mV), 2x16 GB DDR4-3200 RAM, Nvidia RTX3060 Ti 8GB, 256 GB M.2 SSD (OS+apps) + 2x1 TB SATA III SSD (sims) + 1 TB 7200 rpm HDD (storage), ID-Cooling SE-224-XTS air cooler, Viewsonic VX2458-MHD 1920x1080@120 Hz, Windows 10 Pro. Runing FSX-SE, MSFS and P3D v5.4 (with v4.5 default airports).

Mobile rig: ASUS Zenbook UM425QA (AMD Ryzen 7 5800H APU @3.2 GHz and boost disabled, 1 TB M.2 SSD, 16 GB RAM, Windows 11 Pro). Running FS9 there... sometimes on just battery! FSX-SE also installed, just in case. 

VKB Gladiator NXT Premium Left + GNX THQ as primary controllers. Xbox Series X|S wireless controller as standby/travel.

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Wouldn't be a poor imitation of snowing outside?🌨️

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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Posted (edited)

No, it's not snowing and it doesn't look like dirt. It's just weird I have to look through these light diagonal lines and not being able to remove them. I'll check the texture cfg. suggestion. Thanks for the input!

Edited by Roger Ramjet

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Interesting!  Just did some research and found somehingt that may help.  Since this aircraft is an FS9 portover and folks
were complaining about cockpit textures, they were saying if all lights were turned off, it looked OK.

Here is one guy's fix for the problem:

Here is my solution to those FSX-SP2 induced 'reflective
texture' areas in the 748 VC.

It consists of changing the RGB 0,0,0 areas on some panels
to RGB 2,2,2 and repainting a couple of areas to match
the adjacent grey panel area.

Also, I changed the 'Background_color=0,0,0' statements
in the panel.cfg file in several of the windows.

Here are the mods to the panel.cfg file:












The panel BMP files that I modifoed are in the panel
folder- panel_left748.bmp, panel_engine748.bmp snd


Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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Thanks so much for the help charlie, I finally found that thread myself. Tried everything in the post, tried DX9 aaaaand nothing, still those awful lines on the cockpit windows. I think I've hit a dead end and will keep my 748 flying to FS9. Thanks again, much appreciated.

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Which version of the fixer are you using?  And is the aircraft freeware?  have you checked if the glass texture is 8 or 16 bit if so converting it to dxt3 might fix it.

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I downloaded the Rick Piper hs748 from the classic British flight sim web site (I chose the fsx version).   I can see no issues with the windows with an up to date fixer install.  Is that the correct hs748 that you are using?  

note that I do have the flight one fix for blue windows in vc during rain installed which could be related.

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8 hours ago, SteveFx said:

I downloaded the Rick Piper hs748 from the classic British flight sim web site (I chose the fsx version).   I can see no issues with the windows with an up to date fixer install.  Is that the correct hs748 that you are using?  

note that I do have the flight one fix for blue windows in vc during rain installed which could be related.

Hey Steve, yes I'm using the ported Rick Piper 748 from FS9 and I have your fixer 5.4 build 156. Tried converting the glass cockpit textures to DXT3 format and still no change. I installed the Flight 1 fix and no change. The critical thing here I noticed, is that you D/L from British Flight Sim and I downloaded the Rikooo package with the self installer, sooo I uninstalled that and installed the file from British Flight Sim and poof those window lines are gone. Thanks for mentioning where you got the HS748 from and thanks so much for your help in this!




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