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Everything posted by DShutt

  1. And a SPECIAL Flight will be planned for a certain someone who loves the 767... can that certain someone confirm that Sep 29 would work?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  2. Thanks.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  3. I found a wrench, no need to loan me one.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  4. I think Ian has one. Ian?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  5. I think I read about this somewhere - good question Bill.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  6. Yes, what is the proper degree?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  7. Nearing the final stages of fabrication for the merge of the PIC767 & my Plymouth Voyager. Just wondering if anyone has a 500mm wrench that I could borrow?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  8. Rob, what's happening on your end regarding the FAQ we/you were working on? I have the FMC tutorials all done for a flight from BOS to YYZ. Yer ever loving cozDS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  9. Roger,Nice try, but no, you are absolutley off track. Greater men than you have tried to ascertain the MEANING behind this POST, and have failed.Look at this:Nov 30, 2002: Team of 14 simmers depart KORD looking for PONSKY, PONDEROSA and ANNOUNCEMENTY. They disappear in a virtual cloudbank, never to be seen or heard from again (though rumours persist that the team were sucked into a black hole that threw them into the dreaded MSZONE-LOOP).Dec 1, 2002: Team of 14's families sell off their computers. Get a good price on Ebay. Holiday in Mexico for 2 weeks (4 star hotels!).Dec 10, 2002: Egyptian cartographers must abandon their attempts to to decifer the post after a moldy ham sandwich is discovered in their AMD XP 2200 |MUNCHKIN 512 DDR RAM |ECS K7S5A MB |GF2 MX 32 MEG and still runs GOOD!|WIN XP PRO |MITSUBISHI DIAMOND PLUS 91 19"computer. Could Ferd have planted it there?Jan 1, 2003: Great prices on New Year's Day sales at JC Penny. Ferd Berful "sighted" buying pants, jackets and notepaper. Is he going somewhere?Jan 30, 2003: Noted linguist, Berd Ferful, publishes "PONSKY PONDEROSA: The enigma wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a Riddel, wrapped in a Hall, surrounded by an engima." Sales terrible. Book burned at ritualistic desert get together sponsored by Microsoft, AVSIM, Wilco, PSS, PMDG and Frank's Red Hot Sauce.The trail has been cold since then Roger.Thanks for trying, but it's best left to the ages. Ferd Berful and the fabled PONSKY PONDEROSA thread cannot be decifered. Long live Ferd and PONSKY.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  10. Don't you all wish you had heeded the advice that I offered (reply #1 of this thread):Probably better to ask this of the NG 737 users over at PMDG forum http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=136Or, you could always eat cheese. Or spam.Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam wonderful spam wonderful spam spam spam spam...DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  11. And now for something completely different.Mousebender: Good morning.Wensleydale: Good morning, sir. Welcome to the National Cheese Emporium! M: Ah, thank you, my good man.W: What can I do for you, sir?M: Well, I was sitting in the public library on Thurmond Street just now, skimming through `Rogue Herries' by Horace Walpole, and I suddenly came over all peckish.W: Peckish, sir?M: Esurient.W: Eh?M: (broad Yorkshire) Eee I wor all 'ungry-loike!W: Ah, hungry!M: In a nutshell. So I thought to myself, `a little fermented curd will do the trick.' I curtailed my Walpolling activities, sallied forth and infiltrated your place of purveyance to negotiate the vending of some cheesy comestibles.W: Come again?M: I want to buy some cheese.W: Oh, I thought you were complaining about the bazouki player.M: Oh, heaven forbid. I am one who delights in all manifestations of the terpsichorean muse!W: Sorry?M: 'Ooo, I lahk a nice tune, 'yer forced too!W: So he can go on playing, can he?M: Most certainly! Now then, some cheese please, my good man.W: Certainly, sir. What would you like?M: Well, eh, how about a little Red Leicester.W: I'm, afraid we're fresh out of Red Leicester, sir.M: Oh, never mind, how are you on Tilsit?W: I'm afraid we never have that at the end of the week, sir, we get it fresh on Monday.M: Tish tish. No matter. Well, stout yeoman, four ounces of Caerphilly, if you please.W: Ah, well, it's been on order, sir, for two weeks, sir, I was expecting it this morning.M: It's not my lucky day, is it? Er, Bel Paese?W: Sorry, sir.M: Red Windsor?W: Normally, sir, yes, but today the van broke down.M: Ah. Stilton?W: Sorry.M: Emmental? Gruyere?W: No.M: Any Norwegian Jarlsburger, per chance?W: No.M: Liptauer?W: No.M: Lancashire?W: No.M: White Stilton?W: No.M: Danish Blue?W: No.M: Double Gloucester?W: ...No.M: Cheshire?W: No.M: Dorset Blue Vinnny?W: No.M: Brie, Rocquefort, Pont-l'Eveque, Port Salut, Savoyard, Saint-Paulin, Carre-de-L'Est, Boursin, Bresse-Bleue, Perle de Champagne?W: No.M: Camembert, perhaps?W: Ah! We have do have some Camembert, sir.M: You do! Excellent.W: Yessir. It's..ah,.....it's a bit runny...M: Oh, I like it runny.W: Well,.. It's very runny, actually, sir.M: No matter. No matter. Hand over le fromage de la Belle France qui s'appelle Camembert, s'il vous plait.W: I...think it's a bit runnier than you'll like it, sir.M: I don't care how excrementally runny it is. Hand it over with all speed.W: Yes, sir. Oh...M: What now?W: The cat's eaten it.M: Has he?W: She, sir.(pause)M: Gouda?W: No.M: Edam?W: No.M: Caithness?W: No.M: Smoked Austrian?W: No.M: Japanese Sage Derby?W: No, sir.M: You...do *have* some cheese, don't you?W: Certainly, sir. It's a cheese shop, sir. We've got...M: No no... don't tell me. I'm keen to guess.W: Fair enough.M: Wensleydale?W: Yes, sir?M: Ah, well, I'll have some of that!W: Oh, I'm sorry sir, I thought you were referring to me, Mr. Wensleydale, that's my name.(pause)M: Greek Feta?W: Uh, not as such.M: Uuh, Gorgonzola?W: No.M: Parmesan,W: No.M: Mozzarella,W: No.M: Pippo Creme,W: No.M: Danish Fimboe,W: No.M: Czechoslovakian Sheep's Milk Cheese,W: No.M: Venezuelan Beaver Cheese?W: Not *today*, sir, no.(pause)M: Aah, how about Cheddar?W: Well, we don't get much call for it around here, sir.M: Not much call for it? It's the single most popular cheese in the world!W: Not round these parts, sir.M: And pray what is the most popular cheese round these parts?W: Ilchester, sir.M: IS it.W: Oh, yes, it's staggeringly popular in the manor, squire.M: Is it.W: It's our number one best seller, sir!M: I see. Uuh...Ilchester, eh?W: Right, sir.M: All right. Okay. "Have you got any?" He asked, expecting the answer 'no'.W: I'll have a look, sir.. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno.M: It's not much of a cheese shop, is it?W: Finest in the district!M: Explain the logic underlying that conclusion, please.W: Well, it's so clean, sir!M: It's certainly uncontaminated by cheese....W: (brightly) You haven't asked me about Limberger, sir.M: Would it be worth it?W: Could be....M: Have you --SHUT THAT BLOODY BAZOUKI OFF!W: Told you sir...M: (slowly) Have you got any Limberger?W: No.M: No, that figures. Predictable, really I suppose. It was an act of purest optimism to have posed the question in the first place. Tell me:W: Yessir?M: Have you in fact got any cheese here at all?W: Yes, sir.M: Really?(pause)W: No. Not really, sir.M: You haven't.W: No, sir. Not a scrap. I was deliberately wasting your time, sir.M: Well I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to shoot you.W: Right-0, sir.The customer takes out a gun and shoots the owner.M: What a *senseless* waste of human life.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  12. What I find disturbing is the prevalent unwillingness to WAIT for the developers to respond.The TCAS, Landing View, & POSKY merges were not PATCHES for a NEW VERSION of FS. They were mods that were distributed WITHOUT gauges, etc, and were done in the spirit of respect WITH AN EXISTING VERSION.What some are doing working to get PIC to operate with FS9, in my opinion, is profoundly disrespectful to WELP. Let the developers decide the fate of PIC767 for a NEW VERSION of FS. If they choose to update, patch, rewrite, then so be it. If they don't, so be it. It is THEIR choice to make, not a bunch of crybaby flight-simmers bleating "I want my PIC with FS9 now!".Regardless, it is poor form for users to advertise their mods in the house/forum that WELP built.Just my 2 cents.I have been enriched by the PIC, and I feel it is our obligation to protect it from opportunists. I may overstate my case in the forum from time to time. Just my 10 cents actually.... ;)DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  13. Thanks for your prompt reply Ray. Always a pleasure read your witty and irudite replies to my moronic musings. Since that was your last post to me, I think I can safely assume that you will no longer be posting to the PIC forum. That's unforunate. Your friendly posts and helpful assists will be missed.Now, to reply to your points.I never said you stole anything Ray. Read it again. I said that you were "abetting theft".As for me being an "idiot" (I had to look it up the meaning of that one), I completely agree with your assessment of my mental state. Most of my friends call me an idiot, as do my kids, my dogs, and several small aliens that live in a shoebox in the basement. Yep, you got me sussed Ray.That said, at least I don't live in Cheshire. Only complete nutters live in Cheshire.Your pal,DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Cheshire-free Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  14. Yes me again. Your ever-loving Cheshire cat, DS. Report me, Ray. Ray. Last time I checked the 767PIC was a commercial product. Owned by someone other than you. Posting information for FS9 modifications on this forum really is not "cool", Ray.Did the author of this frankenstein modification have permission from the authors to do so? I don't think so. Whether gauges, bitmaps, etc are included is immaterial. Without permission, it is THEFT. And advertising it here in this forum is abetting theft.Perhaps I should pop over to the Radar Contact site and advertise a HACK, CHEAT, D/L site for IMPROVEMENTS to their product? Would that be cool?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  15. Ray Ray Ray,I'm back to remonstrate you: Post your frankenstein panel modifications somewhere else.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  16. Well, then maybe you should be more specific.I take eveything back then... ;)DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  17. Randy,The peanut gallery comment is totally uncalled for, you sanctimonious prat. I do have a feather in my cap, thanks for noticing. Ian has one too. His is a peacock feather.What's the matter Randy, is your horizon a little blurry? Have to come over here to the PIC forum and spread manure?So glad you can pop in to tell us all how well everything is over at the PMDG bug report forum.You know Randy, YOU used to actually contribute to this forum.You may not appreciate comments (and references to Monty Python) from the peanut gallery (as you call it).. but, you know what Randy, I don't appreciate your, "Best Wishes,Randy J. Smith", when you are offering anything BUT.Lighten up man. Unless you're getting paid by PMDG, what are you getting out of coming over here being so high and mighty?And you know what? Partly because of some of the crap that's been stirred up over here by the PMDG groupies, I WILL NOT be buying the PMDG 737.Course, I probably couldn't run it anyway with my puny system specs... not like your advertised system in your tagline. very Impressive Randy. Oh wait, reading through some of the threads over at BUG CENTRAL, it looks like I'm not alone... many systems are crawling trying to run the PMDG NG.Tag, you're it Randy.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  18. Eef I tol you you had a bootiful bodee would you hold it against me?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  19. Glad you made it home Ian. Why didn't you call when you got to Kelowna? I would have driven up and drank some beers with ya!BTW, you didna miss a thing while you were gone, except for the NEW VERSION of FS that MS released. FSGOLD2004 is available in a week - it ships in a gold box, upgrades the floor mats and altimeters & retails for 100 bucks (US) ;) It also promises to cure shingles, whooping cough and leprosy.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  20. Probably better to ask this of the NG 737 users over at PMDG forum http://forums.avsim.net/dcboard.php?az=show_topics&forum=136DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  21. I don't want to read about the bloody 737 here on the PIC forum - if I want to check the product out, I will check it out on THEIR forum - take the random natterings, brags, boasts, hyperbole elsewhere, please.Show some respect to this forum and to the developers and users of the PIC.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  22. Gee Dave, you really love to come in here and stir it up don't you?What a bogus #### troll-troglydyte post. DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  23. Does this occur on take-off, during the climb phase, during cruise? Check the trim settings on the pedestal.How much fuel are you carrying?DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  24. Thanks Wade - I was running out of weird non-sequitors, half-baked allusions, and Don Cherry quotes.DS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
  25. >"I'm an ex-con...">>That's likely to cost you your position as Forum Cop. I'll>have to ask for my flashing light back...>>I was speaking metaphorically.BUMPDS CVA3339 / UKD149System: Attlon 900 McW Hamster/Gerbilized Quantum Accessible 55Gig Iodized-Encrusted Four-poster with Mega-brill Farzenhuuven http://vatsim.pilotmedia.fi/statusindicato...tor=OD1&a=a.jpg
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