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Everything posted by Cpudan80

  1. Mine is 2.4 GB but I have it compressed so it only takes up a little over a gig on the disk... :+ :)Cpudan80
  2. A simpler way to do that would be go to Tools - Internet Options - Then clicking Delete Cookies and Delete Files. Scott's way works too... That should do it for you! :+ :)Cpudan80
  3. Exportman:If you download the zip file (a couple of posts up) that will fix the CD insert with a full install of FS2000. You mention that you will be buying FS2002, you will not have this problem is FS2002 as long as you do a full install. Hope that helps! :+ :)
  4. Hello everyone! I am having problems changing the airport 42VA. I want to change the runway from grass to concrete and I want to add some taxiways. Problem is, after adding the stuff, I start FS2002 and I know it worked (I can talk to the tower that I added) but I can't see any taxiways! When I ask the ground for taxi instructions the pink line looks right where the taxiway should be but there is no concrete there! Also the runway still appears to be grass. Did I do something wrong? Is this what is supposed to happen? Thanks alot! :+ :)Cpudan80
  5. I use the Pro Pedals from CH Products, they have some problems being dropped by XP and such, but they are very easy to setup and use. They weren't too expensive ($100 or less, depending on where you get them) and their quality is excellent. Hope thats enough info, CH's website is :) :+PS. CH also sells the USB Yoke for about the same price, it has the same problem being dropped by XP but, again, it is easy to use and is good quality.Cpudan80
  6. You can use a GPS with permission from the captain. You cannot use a cell-phone, its waves interfere with the aircraft's communication system. You can use a laptop as long as its not connected to a wireless internet... Cpudan80
  7. You can do play mp3s in the background if your sound card is full duplex. If your sound card is half duplex it will only play the active window (or maybe just the sounds from yourlast opened window...) Most computers built after 1998 have full duplex sound cards... (Check your manufacturers website for info on the card)Hope that helps! :) :+Cpudan80
  8. I have my ATC call-sign set to US Air (for US Airways) and it works fine, so I guess the ATC call-sign is not case sensitive.Cpudan80
  9. All of my cab files are about 2.5 MB. I wouldnt be too concearned about the size, the more programs (and the more advanced they are) the bigger the registery will be. Hope that helps! PS. Im running XP Pro, which might account for some of the size. :) :+Cpudan80
  10. Hello all, I just wanted to know how is the Virtual Airlines Registry coming along? I've seen the beta 2 message but it seems like its been there for a long time! I hope we have it up soon, it would be another great resource that Avsim offers! Thanks for the help! :) :+Cpudan80
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