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About sjed

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  1. I found that going to outside view and then back again works for me.
  2. I'm pretty sure I tried hitting twice on ap button but I'll try again.
  3. I haven't seen too much on this so it might be something I'm doing wrong. On approach with the SU15 airbus v2, I disconnect the AP and hand fly the rest of the landing. The red master alarm goes off but won't stay off no matter how many times I hit it. If I hit the AP button again, it will silence the alarm for about 10 seconds and then start sounding again. Is anyone else having this problem or know a work around until they get it fixed?
  4. Wow, just checked it out. Very nice addition to FlightAware.
  5. It has always appeared to me that the ATC was exactly the same as FSX. They just cut the ATC out and inserted it into MSFS2020 with no changes or upgrades. It's been a long time since FSX came out and, with better and better technology, they should have figured a way to make ATC better by now.
  6. Thank you. I've downloaded the latest version, which I believe I already had but will try the new one. If it CTD then I will give the layout generator a try.
  7. I seem to have the same problem with Gaist. It will CTD when loading at beginning after picking my flight and before the aircraft on tarmac screen. Where is this layout generator, you're talking about? Is it a proprietary generator for those in the beta program or can I download it myself to see if that helps.
  8. Isn't the new WT G3000 supposed to capture the Vpath for Rnav approaches? If so, I can't figure out how to get it to follow Vpath. Can someone enlighten me.
  9. I thought it was FPRealistic. That was one feature I really enjoyed. I will wait till they're able to incorporate it in the present MSFS program.
  10. I seem to remember that I had flight sim (xplane, fsx or earlier) that used a predictive cockpit view (not sure what the name of it was). Basically, if you started to turn right, the cockpit view would turn about 35 degrees right automatically and then straighten out when you turned straight and level. I thought it was FSRealistic but I don't see that on the new FSRealistic Pro. Does anyone know what program allowed that predictive view?
  11. Has anyone been successful in updating Orbx Burbank KBUR to version 2 through the Marketplace? I purchased Burbank a while ago and Marketplace had an update to version 2. After downloading, everytime I go there I only get the default airport. I've deleted and reinstalled at least 2 times but it still doesn't work. I've also checked other purchased airports and they work fine. I've opened a ticket with Microsoft but was wondering if anyone else had this problem and if and how they fixed it.
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