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Everything posted by billgustaf

  1. Thanks John!I downloaded it and will try it out later. Appreciate your efforts and sharing.Bill G, KSAT
  2. I'm with you. I even removed the reflection file from the texture folder - to no avail. I have also been sucessful in fixing other planes. I wonder if pehaps it is hardcoded in the model files. I note there is an interior model file. I love this plane, but am not crazy about reflections on any flight sim A/C. Perhaps not so "realistic", but that is my preference! I would be thrilled if someone can figure this out.Bill G, KSAT
  3. Bert,No apologies needed. I forgot to mention that I was in virtual cockpit mode. I seldom switch over to 2D panel mode. If so it is to get another view of an instument, and then back I go to virtual. Bill G,KSAT
  4. Bert,I just re-checked it and it worked. I am flying out of San Antonio, KSAT. to the north is the Alamo beacon at freq 368. The Morse ident is AN. The volume knob on lower left of the ADF radio will turn it off.
  5. On the ADF receiver, you can click the knob to the off postion and the beacon goes off. You might want to zoom in and over for a better view.I have a little more than 90 Cessna 152 real-world hours, and this aircraft is uncanny as to how similar it feels and performs. Bill G KSAT
  6. I have really been enjoying this aircraft! It is quite an honest model, and with my relatively outdated PC it is helpful on the frames. The only minor issue (personal) is that I do not really like glass reflections on any models, and have not yet found a way around this one. Perhaps they are embedded in the mdl. files. This may not be realistic having no reflections, but its what I like. I have the Beech T-34 Mentor and will repurchase it when it becomes truely FSX. Thanks Carenado for a job well done!Bill G, KSAT
  7. I just checked earlier and discovered that the purchase link was active for the Cessna 152. I bought it and have just loaded it. No announcements are shown on the site as of yet. Off to Fly!Bill G,KSAT
  8. Does anyone else get a bright sun glare spot on the maule prop near the spinner? I did a search but did not see this reported. I do not run with bloom on as I run a lowly P4 2.8 with 2 gigs ram and 512 MB ATI X1600 pro which is OK for rural slow flight simming. The round glare spot is bothersome to me, and not seen on other aircraft. I thought perhaps another prop or some reflection file could be swapped out or deleted, but have had no luck finding it. Otherwise, I think this default plane is a pretty good balance.Thanks,Bill
  9. Rick,I run it along with U-Terrain on a pentium 2.8 with an ATI 512 Mg video card. I usually have it set about same as you mention, and it runs OK if i use the Real Air Marchetti and stay away from the largest cities. I do use a liitle AI traffic, but no auto-gen. This will have to suffice for me as I probably won't upgrade PC till FS 11 (We have a 5-year old!)The visual change from default is stunning, and I am one of those who actually saw a slight improvement in frames and smoothness with this product. I would guess that you would still benefit from some of the shading and faux "3-D" effects even if you ran at 2 meters or higher. Its not too much of an investment to try it.Regards Bill
  10. Thanks Ron,I had registered once upon a time, and just forgot to check it. The comments look good over-all. I have really enjoyed my FS 9 version, so I am getting the 1.5 this evening.
  11. I have the FS9 version, ported it over to FSX and with the help of one of the forum posters, managed to get it flyable. Still it was not as functional as in FS9, and was rather hard on frames. Can anyone comment on how the new FSX upgrade compares? Is it frame rate friendly, and still a good "Hand Flyer?". Thanks for any comments!
  12. This was a good review. However the author misleads the reader when he shows it as being usable in FSX. I own the Tweet and love it. I would be thrilled to get it working in FSX. The Tweet website says it will be addressed in the future. I tried porting it over and all looks great, but you cannot start the engines. Others have noted the same.
  13. >I've been tempted several times to buy this plane for FS9. >Now I'm curious if it works in FSX. I tried going to the>forum on their website but it doesn't work.>>Thanks!>>Jim>I tried, but cannot get the engines to spool up past 25%. I re-read the manual and also tried some advice from a fwellow Avsim poster, but to no avail. I placed it into FSX by porting it over like other FS9 A/C, and also tried re-installation from the initial finstall and key files. Engines will just not start - It sure looks great though! Bill G,KSAT
  14. Thanks for your helpful response. I will give that a try and answer back if it does not work. You are so right about what a geat plane she is!Bill G
  15. Has anyone tried to install the t-37 tweet yet? I ported it over from FS9 and it looks great, with VC gauges and all. However it quickly powers down, as it is looking for a certain file as part of anti-piracy routine. I have not tried the normal installation method using my wrapper and key as I suspect that it might get lost since aircraft folders are now a subset of simobjects. Any thoughts?Bill G
  16. Thanks to all of you. I just need to learn more about all this, and appreciate the complexities modled here closer to real world ops!Bill
  17. I am just starting to get familiar with the updated panel. I have patched up to # 3 in correct sequence but am still getting no functioning from the altimeter and the epr gauges. They have a red flag. ALso, the flap guage is not changing when I select various flap settings. Am I missing something in my electrical power settings? I tried loading the default 172 first, as mentioned in some of the responses to others. Thanks to all for breathing new life into this classic wonderful panel and aircraft!Bill Gustafson,KSAT
  18. Thanks Jim,Sorry for the late reply - I have been under the weather. I like teh plane and its excellent documentation. You can also get other real word Tweet info by "Googling". I am looking forward to getting this update running. Bill G
  19. Has anybody been able to download the T-37 Tweet update to version 1.04? The link has never worked for me. The update to 1.03 is active (which I already have.I even tried the Mozilla browser. Any ideas?Their site is : http://www.t37sim.com/Thanks,BillKSAT
  20. Thanks for the tip Joaquin! Sounds like most of the work is in the initial creation of the filesBill GKSAT
  21. Thanks ILTF!I kind of thought so, but wanted a confirm before I started changing anything.Bill GKSAT
  22. Does "Higher Layers" mean those with larger numbers (appearing later in the scenery config list) or lower numbers (appearing higher or earlier in the list}?Thanks!Bill G KSAT
  23. Just an Update - Gridley over at the support forum posted a fix file for the bridges that eliminates the problem. It cuts a few bridges from Mobile Bay, but he is going to do those (even better). What support - and for a freeware product!!!Bill G KSAT
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