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About Ayster

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  • Birthday 01/21/1971

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    Manchester, UK

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    Been Simming since MS FS 4.0!

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  1. it was definitely fuzz :ph34r:
  2. So the question for me is, do I buy it for X-Plane or wait for the P3D version... I'm not buying both so which ever one I go for I'm stuck with it! I use P3D more than X-Plane, although I am starting to use X-Plane more due to a certain 737 Classic that was released recently!... Decisions, Decisions!
  3. Hi Martin, Thanks for continuing to answer our questions! One question from me which you probably can't answer yet, but I'll put it out there anyway.. I've pre-ordered flight school (before I knew this thread existed!) after spending the last hour reading through this thread, I didn't realise that flight school would not be getting additional DLC etc, and also I would consider myself a veteran Flight simmer having been simming since the early days of MSFS and am currently a P3D user, so my intention would be to get DTGFS once released, so my question would be, for those who have purchased flight school, would there be an upgrade path to the full DTGFS or maybe some kind of discount towards the full simulator? Thanks in advance, A
  4. Clean download and install with AV off, P3D still crashes when RAAS pro is active, If I disable it I can run P3d no problems, not sure what more to do now! PC is Windows 10 x64 if that makes any difference?
  5. Hi Bryan, I ran the new update and re-enabled RAAS in the DLL.XML, and P3D is still crashing, so I will try a clean re-install of the 777 and RAAS.
  6. Hi Bryan. Thanks for the speedy reply,I downloaded the new installer to a separate folder, and also the 777 recognised P3D v3 when I installed it so that would suggest it was correct. I'll disable RAAS temporally for now but will probably try a redownload and reinstall later. Cheers, A Sure did!
  7. Hi Robert, Thanks for the updated installers, I just installed the 777 into P3d v3 and now its crashing at startup, think it is RAAS pro which is causing it, It asked if I wanted to update it, I said no and the sim crashed, then I restarted p3d and then said that yes I wanted to update, which led me to the Fs2Crew website to download the update, installed this into p3d v34 but p3d still crashes! Any way to disable RAAS Pro until they come up with a newer update? This is the windows app log for the crash after I installed the update to RAAS... Activation context generation failed for "E:\Prepar3d v3\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect ,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",type="win32",version="10.0.61242.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis. p.s. I took out the public key token incase it was unique to me! thanks, A
  8. Tom, Shocked and saddened to read of your health issues, and hope you can spend your remaining time with your family and friends. Regards, Alan
  9. one small problem Robert, on the product page for the P3D 777 it states that .. This PMDG 777 license is for personal use only, not for professional or training use.This should probably be changed if you are saying that P3D is for the professional or enterprise user.
  10. so when will Black Socks X be updated for FSX:SE?!! Looking forward to getting my PMDG goodness back in FSX:SE.
  11. Just a note to say that if you only install the Steam version (or remove the boxed version then install the steam version) it retains the original file locations for everything except the main program folder, so the stuff in your user\username\appdata... and c:\program data\.. etc is the same, only the main folder changes to the \program files\steam\steamapps\common\fsx. Something to bear in mind when recoding installers.
  12. I've had an ongoing problem in FSX for quite sometime now and haven't got round to trying to fix it, thought I'd ask here to see if anyone else has had this and might know a fix for it. The problem is.. say I'm flying the PMDG 737 NGX, I line up on the runway, and select RTO autobrakes, start my takeoff run, and everything is fine.. once I lift off and the autobrakes disarm, I get the red 'Brakes' FSX text at the bottom left of my screen, and i have to press the park brake button on and off to get rid of it, then I find when I land that I have no foot brakes, only the parking brake will stop me (it doesn't show the red brakes text when i press the brakes either) the only way I can fix this is to reassign my brakes in FSUIPC each time it happens! This doesn't just happen in PMDG aircraft either, it can happen in others too. I always update FSUIPC and my other addon software to the current versions, so pretty sure its not that. Anyone had this before? Oh.. I'm running FSX Acceleration pack. I've also checked that none of the controls are replicated in the FSX controls setup. thanks in advance. p.s. I should say that if I dont use autobrakes then I don't get the problem so it seems linked in someway with the autobrake system of the addon.
  13. Looks like this will be the final nail in the coffin of my FSX install, once PMDG products are converted to P3D! :rolleyes:
  14. Thanks for SP1B I can now fly into major addon airports with out any OOM's! I am still getting some little freezes during take off landing and taxiing though
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