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About nawarren

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  1. I'm confused. What in that video is a step change from what we already have with default weather? I saw nothing that made me want to buy it. Need a bit more than that to convince me why i need it.
  2. Yea, because ATC just say, fly wherever you like, it's up to you what shape you want to make on flight radar. I can't believe the stuff people come out with that they try to pass off as news. Utter rubbish.
  3. I have bought pretty much every PMDG aircraft and variant, spent an absolute fortune. I picked up the B737-700 for MSFS as I had the voucher. Not sure if I will ever buy another product from them. Just got sick and tired of listening to RR talk as if his company were making the real aeroplane for us, only for him then to blame others (ASOBO) for show stopping problems, meanwhile other developers kept quiet and released better products but without the waffle and drivel. They let their product speak for itself. All this time and delay for the B737 in MSFS and they couldn't even deliver an EFB at release! Pretty much every other high end developer can and did. I am happy just flying the Fenix, which is a far better product. PMDG were for a long time king of the hill, however over the years they have failed to innovate whilst others have and have been overtaken in my opinion.
  4. Wow, been following development from the start. I really believe this will set a new benchmark for flight sim developers. What they look to achieve is mind blowing and if they pull it off, it should really make other developers, like PMDG, stop and think about how they can come close to matching this level of immersion. I have bought all PMDG's products from FSX days, all FSLABS products and Leonardo and Majestic Dash 8, all have set the bar for flight sim. Most recently I got the PMDG B737 and for me the hassle of manually setting up flights with opening doors, loading the A/C, seeing PMDG liveries on ground service vehicles, just broke any immersion for me. Graphically it's beautiful but the magenta line drawing still wasn't fixed and my over all experience was disappointment. I can't wait for an MSFS product that has that immersion from the cockpit when sat at a gate, ala FSLABS. Will be a day one purchase for me. I see no issue with people comparing PMDG products with others, Rob on their forum is well known for waxing lyrical about his products, people (including me) have spent over $1000 on them so I see no issue with people critiquing PMDG. Whilst in the past they have been trail blazers, I think for a long time they have been overtaken, think FSLABS, Leonardo, Majestic, and never regained top place. But that's just my opinion.
  5. What I would love to see is the pushback walker plugged in to the A/C as the push takes place. It really is an immersion killer listening to a guys voice in the cockpit magically being able to talk! Not sure how hard that would be to do, but I'd hoped with the advances of MSFS that would be doable. Otherwise we will have to continue the nonsense of his voice appearing on interphone when he is nowhere near the aircraft and not connected to it.
  6. I think this is a rushed product that does not do justice to such a major airport. Such a shame, LHR deserves better.
  7. It's such a shame that large U.K airports, EGLL and EGKK are being done by these developers. Really disappointing, I'd love for flightbeam or flytampa to do a version. The trouble is when lesser developers like ini builds (EGLL) and Origami (EGKK) get versions out quickly it probably makes the better developers look elsewhere. I guess I will wait for UK2000 to do a version, after being burnt by buying the Origami EGKK scenery I won't make the same mistake. I have worked at EGKK for 20 years and the version they did was pretty rubbish, judging from this review (very thorough, good job) I won't be buying this any time soon. Cheers
  8. Oh Dear, I have their LGW product and I don't think much of it at all. And in real life I work at LGW. Have been there over 20 years and was was really looking forwards to it coming out. When it did It was a big disappointment to me. I would love a flytampa or flightbeam version as they are top notch. Lets hope other developers are not put off doing LHR. LGW and LHR deserve great sceneries for MSFS.
  9. Lol, Ok HDMI 2 it is then . I have an i7 4790K @ 4GH 16MB corsair ram and a GTX970 4 G Card. Will this be ok to run P3D at 4K on the 49" TV. I have read all the forums, but to be honest I am still a bit in the dark.Appreciate your advice. Cheers Neil
  10. Ok thats good info to know. So I should use the display port over the HDMI connector. Did your TV come with a display port cable? Cheers Neil
  11. Thanks for your reply Odourboy, I will buy the 49" version as I think Bigger is better Can I ask what you mean by display port? I thought you just used the HDMI 2 port for computer to TV links. Cheers Neil
  12. Hi Guys, I have been looking for a 4K TV for P3D. Very interesting reading all your comments. Lots of good info. I was looking at buying this Panasonic 40" TV : http://www.richersounds.com/product/tv---all/panasonic/viera-tx40dx600b/pana-tx40dx600b I am unable to tell if this would be any good or not. Does anyone have any advice on this model? My budget is approx £500 Cheers Neil
  13. As someone who works on the 787 in real life I have too say to my eyes it looks pretty accurate. Tim have you ever been on a real 787 flight deck? Were i have my reservations is on the system modelling, as to me thats what it's all about But I gotta say well done to Quality Wings from what I've seen looks pretty good. Cheers Neil
  14. Yes, it's only part of the TUI group, the largest leisure, travel and tourism company in the world (that includes America). Cheers Neil
  15. Hi Dan, I appreciate your a beta tester, but I don't think this comment was very helpful. James had spotted a bug, wasn't sure and asked if this was correct behaviour, and your answer seems to imply that he should be grateful that it even does a holding pattern. PMDG pride themselves on their accuracy and attention to detail and I think LNAV and holding patterns are pretty important functions which should work correctly. I'm glad that they will look into fixing it, as if you fly online on Vatsim it helps if your A/C can track a hold. Cheers Neil Waren
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