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    NY, NY USA

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  1. I didn't say with the taxi cam on. You're putting words in my mouth
  2. That was me. And you are misquoting me. I was getting 8-9 fps and now ~26. And updating .NET allows for cleaner more efficient code. I'm not lying to you.
  3. You're looking at it wrong. It the thousands of collective new features and fixes. I'm happy. So are tens of thousands of others. Enjoy fsx.
  4. Wrong. ASN/AS16 is very complex. It has barely even been 12 hours. Cut them some slack maybe.
  5. SODE doesn't require an update
  6. Like butter
  7. Curiosity of 777 Immersion from FSFX Packages
  8. Not being a novice to P3D and knowing it's inner workings fairly well, I learned a substantial amount from this. This was a massive amount of work and we as a community are forever grateful. Thank you!
  9. This is with pta as well. 10 point increase in light luminosity in road lights at night Thank you all
  10. +1 Since you're using the pro version, why don't you just enable defer updates? OR set up active hours. sigh
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