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Everything posted by TC1

  1. Holger,Thanks for your great answer! And your right, my German is not very good.Thanks again,Tom
  2. Thanks Brian,I have gone throught a number of the posts found on this site and I agree that 4 is good number. Where I got confussed was that when I reviewed the Koorby's 2 Minute Performance Tweaking Guide (V3) found under the VOZ FS9 Forum he recommends a setting of 232. I just trying to determine what the benefits are of having such a large number.Tom
  3. In the FS9 configuration file there is a line called out as Terrain_Extended_Levels= . In reviewing a number of posts found in both this and the old/new FSX forum I have seen numbers for this line of code as low as 0 and as high as 232. My question is what function does the line support in FS9 and how do you deteremine what is the correct number for your simulator?ThanksTom
  4. Steve if you are looking for a helicopter or for help, take a look at:http://www.hovercontrol.com/Tom
  5. Mike I hope that you can get your problem fixed, but I want to thank all those who posted a response. By reading through the posts, I ran FSM and fixed a duplicate texture/scenery problem; increased the terrain error factor; lowered my framerates, terrain default & ext. radius; decreased terrain extended levels; and finally removed UT res. roads. Thank you all, my system is working the best it has in a year.Tom
  6. About six months ago I had a similar problem. It came out that something/some add-on messed with my video card drivers. I reinstalled/updated the drivers and things got a lot better very quickly. Another thing to look at is if you have an older copy of Filight Sim Manager. Run the diagnotics program. If you have the FSM program, reset your system clock back one year so it will run correctly. I recently installed GEPRO II and UT-USA and I had a couple of files that overlapped, FSM corrected/straighten out the problem.Best of luckTom
  7. Alex,Thanks. After I thought the problem through i reinstalled my back-up of my config file. The past couple of years I have always kept a back-up of the config file but I was uncertain that it would fix the problem.Anybody have any ideas on what causes a corupt config file?Tom
  8. I have somehow lost some of my FS9 standard key functions. Functions that I have lost are the "W", Shift E, etc function keys. I remember that one other I had a similair problem, but I do not remember how I fixed the problem. I recently reloaded UT-USA and if I remember correctly I had this same problem the last time I reloaded the software. Would reloading the config file help resolve this issue?ThanksTom
  9. Allcott,This evening I grabbed the Bell 47 out of AVSIM file library. I looked at hovercontrol last weekend and my only disappointment was that many of the helicopters found there lacked any sort of a manual for operating a downloaded model. Other than that, if you can't find it at hovercontrol, then you are not going to what you are looking for at any other site. It is in deed a very complete site.ThanksTom
  10. I have finally started to attempt helicopter flights. I still have a long way to go, but I can get the litte buggers up in the air, fly my planned route, and crash very nicely. My question is: has anybody purchased the AlphaSim Apache? How is both the aircraft and the company to deal with?ThanksTom
  11. Bob,I downloaded the information from the link that you provided and I agree that it will be an easy installation. But right now the sim looks great and I am getting very good framerates. I am out of town again this week, but when I return I'll take a harder look at sandwich update.Tom
  12. To everybody who responsed to my email thank you!A combination of GEPII, FSG and UT-USA has really transformed my sim.Thanks againTom
  13. Ok, I received my FSGenesis DVDs. I purchased North America and Europe/Africa sets. It also came with a World Buffer Terrain DVD. I loaded everything and updated the textues of GE PRO II. Even at this level it looks great, but I now want to load UT-USA.My current version is 1.21, are there any updates later than that version? Also, in a post found within this forum they talk about a patch required to sandwich UT with FSGenesis. Do I need that patch and if so where can I find it on the web?I also asked these same questions on the Flight1 Forum, but I have not seen a response and I really would like to update FS9 this weekend.ThanksTom
  14. Ok, I ordered the FSGenesis software package. Since I do most of my flying in the US and Europe those are the only two packages that I purchased.I allready have GE Pro II and UT. Is there is any installation order that the three packages must be installed in to work properly?To be honest, I have added and removed UT from my system more times than any other FS9 add-on that I have ever bought. I just don't like the result that it acheives on my computer. So... if I only load FSG and GE Pro II is there a recommended order to install those packages?My FS9 system is a 2.4 Ghz, with 1 Gig of RAM, ATI Radeon 9550 (256MB), with a 19" flat panel. I have just never like how UT looks flying low over cities. In the past, I may have loaded the program incorrectly, that is I may have loaded it to high or to low. So, the proper installation of these three pieces of software will be very important to me to install correctly.Any help?ThanksTom
  15. Thanks for the help. I'll give them a try.Tom
  16. Anybody out there using both FSGenesis and GE Pro II together? If so, how are the framerates and most of all would you recommend merging them together.ThanksTom
  17. TC1


    Brian,If you are refering to the TC1 comment, I am not Eric. What I was refering to was Dillion's comment about leaving Wilco alone because they did not develop the product. He followed that comment a short while later by stating that Feelthere needs replace Wilco with Simmarket.Although they may have been wrong to speak for Feelthere, it appeared to me that they were attempting to support the comumunity while Feelthere was taking to action.Tom
  18. TC1


    What I find interesting about the above argument is that in one breath we are told not to blame Wilco because they only publish the product, and in the next breath were told that Feelthere, the developer, needs to get away from their publisher.Tom
  19. After not hearing anything from the forum and not finding an answer on the PMDG WIKI, I went ahead and completely deleted them both from my system.I still would like to hear from someone about theie experiences with the PDMG 747 updated sound package.ThanksTom
  20. Ok - On my next repair attempt, I de-installed everything. Including all PMDG file structures and ran a registery cleaner. Re-installed both the -400 and the -400F and that cured my communication problem. I would still like to know if anybody else has seen a similair problem and how they resolved the issue on their machine. I did not reinstall the sound package, I am not certain that it caused the problem, but I only lost radio communication on the PMDG birds.Tom
  21. Ok - I deinstalled the sound package update and all that did was to leave me an unable to load the 747-400/400F. Reinstalled the sound package again, was able to load the airceafts, but the problem communication problem continued. So I then unloaded the sound package upgrade, the -400F and finally the -400. I then reinstalled the the 400 and the 400F only to find that the problem is still there.Any ideas?Tom
  22. Be sure that you do not have the cold @ dark option set to the on position.Tom
  23. I have had the 747-400 for a couple of weeks and this past weekend I added the -400F. After installing the -400F I also installed the revised sound package that was offered and from planepath.com I downloaded and installed their latest terminal procedures. I later also installed the 0613 update.My problem is that although the aircraft flies well and sounds great, I have lost the ability to autotune and communicate with the radios. That is, if I select the "`" key, I can see the on screen menu option to select a radio frequency, (tower/ground) but when I press the select key (1 or 2) nothing happens. When I enter the radio frequency manually through the com panel, I can select the radio, but I can not communicate to the tower.Has anybody else seen this problem. Is it possible that I have a switch mis-positioned?ThanksTom
  24. Thanks to the both of you for your replies. What a list of sites!Tom
  25. I have both the Level-D 767-300ER and the PMDG 747-400. Both are outstanding aircraft. The POH for both aircraft are over 200 pages and the level of detail is complete. Framerates are fairly similar for both products.You really can't go wrong with either aircraft.Tom
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