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Everything posted by eyelleye

  1. 6 pages and nary one mention of the MGS survey from a year ago. After reading about that, I would think none of this would be all that surprising. http://simflight.com/2009/06/17/ms-rumor-mill-turning-again/The clues were there:http://bruceairllc.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!110AA5B593D58477!1725.entry
  2. This is fantastic! Excellent job. :( :(
  3. Those floats look to be in almost as good of condition as the pair I was on (in a matter of speaking) last fall.
  4. I find the 9.12 better, but I'm running a 5970 and 9.11 were beta drivers for me. 9.12 fixed some things and broke some other things (like not remembering my overdrive settings after a restart). Honestly, it works better than the Dirt2 hotfix drivers (fought with them for a night after I got my card).
  5. Good luck with that (seriously). As Paul Lange posted on another forum: "We (the team at large) did ask about the possibility of buying the IP, but the answer was that MS believes in the IP and would not be willing to sell it."
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