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About Garys

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  1. Garys


    I believe it was Southwest. Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt the test pilots have MCAS activate on more than one occasion? Did they crash? And if so why did they land safely? Taking this into consideration and also that Ethiopian airlines had a NOTAM about the MCAS on their MAX fleet, why was the outcome so different?
  2. Garys


    Not 100% true, The launch airline put a tonne of pressure on Boeing to not have to re-train its thousands of pilots. But thats not the case for these accidents. Have a look at the training records of the accident pilots. Except for the lion captain, the others had very little experience on type. One should have been fired during his checkride, one only just came out of flying academy and the other got 1000's of hours watching the clouds go by in widebodies
  3. Garys


    Nope, I'm not in favour of it all. I think it was ludicrous that only one FCC would send data to the flightdeck. Boeing should get what it deserves and the same goes for any manufactuer. I also think its ludicrous that airlines are putting crew in the cockpit of commercial airliners with only 100hrs of training. They also need to be held accountable. The outcomes of both of these Max accidents directly correllated to the crew hours and training on type. There is no coincedance here that the only crew member who flew through the MCAS ( Aviate - rule No1) was the most expereinced with an impeccable training record.
  4. Garys


    I have. You would do well to look at the pilot training and hours on type
  5. Garys


    Despite the MCAS inputs, both of these aircraft where flyable and landable. The fact that they weren't came down to pilot mishandling. Mishandling = error. To dismiss the role the crew played in the accidents and point the finger solely at the manufacturer is naive and extremely dangerous for any future training. Your 100% correct, there is plenty of info out there including the final report from the Ethiopion air regulators which both the NTSB and the European Air regulator needed to add verbage to include pilot handling deficiencies. No that is not correct. The lion captain had maintained control of the aircraft for nearly 10 minutes. The F/O who should have never been in the cockpit to begin with failed to run the checklists which forced the captain to hand the aircraft over to the F/O who then lost control of the aircraft within seconds. The Ethiopian crew not only had a NOTAM about the MCAS System on the but they were also climbing. The captain had tunnel vision. He didnt use the IFSD or F/O instruments to cross reference his airspeed and attitude. He instead leveled off, tried to connect autopilot and continued to accelerate the aircraft well past its VMO. He put the aircraft in a condition where recovery was impossible.
  6. Garys


    What a load of rubbish. Lion > Captain flew for 10 mins, Fo put it in the ocean after only 59 secs. Captain proved the aircraft was flyable. Ethiopian. Captain had tunnel vision. Engaged autoplitot and flew @ 94% N1 all the way to the ground. If this is not pilot error then nothing in this industry is.
  7. Garys


    Perhaps they should also go after the two airlines for there inadequate pilot training and standards.
  8. Like the servers being cutoff in traditional MS style > The company that will spend 68.7 billion to aquire another, only to immediately lay off 1900 staff which cost the company 0.00000000000000000000000000001 pennies by comparison.
  9. Yep, Poor manufacturing QA to meet ridiculous delivery schedules, poor pilot training with right seat privaleges on commercial airliners now @ 100hrs, everyone wanting to fly across the world for less than the price of a taxi fare. The industry is now just a race to the bottom.
  10. The fake marketed renderings look fantastic. I'm sure for $104.95 the actual physical product is going to look like word not allowed.
  11. I have to disagree Dave. It all depends on the part of the world you fly. P3D is overdone by a huge amount.
  12. Nice looking results Ray. Thanks for bringing this topic to light. I have just bought ENVPlus to give these a try myself.
  13. No, they prefer careers in interior decorating, pushing everything they believe doesn't match your decor off the table.
  14. There are multiple data recovery software programs out there such as Minitool. You will get your drive back. Just dont format it.
  15. Those look good, cloud formations in general look good however static screenshots dont show the fringes of the clouds skipping and dancing around as they pass by your window due to whatever post processing asobo is using. It's not something that Ive seen in any other simulator title. It's a known issue that has also been put to vote on the main MSFS forums. It needs to get fixed.
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