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Everything posted by NAVRAD

  1. Thanks eyeqew I sort of had a feeling that might be the case! Oh well back to monotone Cheers Alan
  2. Hello all I have 5:1 speakers connected to a sub-woofer. I'm posting here about this because I think this may be an FS issue. Testing the speakers they all work as they should and if play music they are all ok, but in FS only two ever work. I have tried various settings in windows/sound and Realtek audio manager but nothing seems to cure it. When selecting flaps for example, the cockpit sounds fade momentarily until the flaps are set. This is the case with other sounds i.e landing gear retract/extend etc. If anybody has any ideas how I can get them all to work I'd be grateful if you would share them with me. Thank you. (I have checked all connections)! FSX SP1 & 2 Regards Alan W
  3. Hi Scott Thanks. I'll leave them be-don't want anymore problems! Cheers Alan
  4. Hello all Since my migration from FS9 to FSX I seem to have lost my way with FSX. If you look at the screenshot you will see two identical folders in different locations. Is this ok, for example will it cause any issues within FSX (I have suffered with some frustrating CTDs) if not can I delete one of them? Thanks to everyone so far that has helped me through some difficult times with FSX!! Alan W
  5. Hello Chris Yes to existing FSX completely. I didn't know about the 'never notify'? However I have, and should have done this when I first installed FSX, read the manual and all I have done now is simply assigned two keyboard keys through FSUIPC, one for zoom in the other for zoom out. It's ok now. So I'd like to say thank you for taking the time to reply to me-I hope I haven't wasted your time. Many thanks Alan
  6. Hi Andy Yes crazy! I'll change the cfg and see what happens. Thanks for the suggestion. Cheers Alan
  7. Further to my previous post I found this info in the Event Viewer I don't understand it! fsx.exe 10.0.614720 475e17d3 DSOUND.dll 6.1.7600.16385 4a5bd9fd 00003d5f 980 01cf25eaf01ae94c C:\FSX\fsx.exe C:\Windows\system32\DSOUND.dll 678f87c6-91de-11e3-88a8-d4bed9fc96d2 If anyone can decipher this and let me know how I can do whatever it takes to resolve this issue I'd be grateful. Thank you Alan W
  8. Hi Chris I cannot change these zoom values or rather I can but it's not having an effect in-sim. I find it a bit strange. I read somewhere if it's W7 it might not accept the changes and to open Notepad, run it as Administrator, open the .cfg file and save the changes that way but that made no difference either! Back to the drawing board Thanks Alan
  9. Hello I've tried to turn off the music interface option in settings but each time I do FSX crashes. Is there a cure out there? Thanks Alan W
  10. Hello I'm experiencing a few issues at the moment and would like to know the following. I have three FSX folders on my PC. One is the main FSX folder (I think it's what you call main) this is located in C\FSX. Then there is c\users\user name\appdata\roaming\Microsoft\FSX. This one is duplicated in c\users\username\\applicationdata\microsft\FSX. Why are there three and what is the difference between appdata and application data? Thanks all Regards Alan
  11. Hi Chris Thank you. If I get time I'll have a look tonight. Fingers crossed! Cheers Alan
  12. Hi Jim Thanks. I'm not saying my machine is capable of running FSX with everything set at high, I have FTX England installed and the settings are as recommended by and for FTX which are designed for medium end PC. I believe I have a high end machine. The sim otherwise is running well, my only real issue is this CTD when using the menu. I know others have experienced this problem and I was wondering what else I can do to resolve this apart from deleting the cfg file. The reason for my reluctance to do this is because I have already once uninstalled FSX yet this CTD is still happening. Thank you again-much appreciated. Kind regards Alan
  13. Hi Jim It seems to me that FSX causes more problems than it's worth-but surely not? I know people who don't have the issues I have and have FSX running quite well. In fact I am impressed with FSX apart from a few niggles but no more than FS9. There must be a solution to this. What exactly does the file I have placed in the FSX folder do? this is just so I have a better understanding of what is going on. Also Prosim has never given me any problems and. If there is an issue it's normally my fault!! So back to the original issue how do I stop FSX CTD when using the menus? As you know my PC is more than capable of running FSX smoothly with settings high and like many using Windows 7 without any problems. Is there anything else I can look at? Thank you for your time replying it is appreciated. Kind regards. Alan
  14. Hello Jim Finally got round to pasting the file into the FSX folder but it's still crashing when using the menu! Is there anything else I can do? Thanks Alan
  15. Hello Chris Thanks for that. I changed the values to two extremes to check I'd done the right thing, saved the cfg but each time the view is still 0.8 in FS even though I've changed it? Must be missing something? Cheers Alan
  16. I'm using Prosim Jetstream 800 model
  17. Hello Can someone tell me how to set zoom views? From the dropdown menu in FS9 you could set the zoom but appears not the case in FSX? Thanks in advance Regards ALW
  18. Hi all I've set up a flight with the aircraft on stand and other settings in place for example I start at gate 109 EGKK engines shut down, name and save the flight and select it as default flight. However next time I start this flight the engines are running and the aircraft is moving forward. I've just migrated from FS9 so it's taking a bit of getting used to so any suggestions welcome. Thank you. Regards. ALW
  19. Thank you That's easy enough even for me! Regards Alan
  20. Hi Thanks FSX is installed in C\FSX. Do I place the file in a certain place within FSX ie in a folder or just paste it anywhere within the fsx folder? Regards Alan
  21. Hello I'm happy to paste this file into the folder but what exactly is meant by main FSX directory? Thank you. Kind regards Alan
  22. Hello Jim Still esperiencing CTD when switching views and using the menus so following your guide I found this. Are you able to suggest what the issue might be? Thank you. Regards Alan Log Name: Application Source: Application Error Date: 25/01/2014 21:14:44 Event ID: 1000 Task Category: (100) Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: FS9MainMachine Description: Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61472.0, time stamp: 0x475e17d3 Faulting module name: uiautomationcore.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x4a5bdb1d Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0000e52a Faulting process id: 0x1b8c Faulting application start time: 0x01cf1a10ab4a12a2 Faulting application path: C:\FSX\fsx.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\uiautomationcore.dll Report Id: b60feca8-8605-11e3-8ee8-d4bed9fc96d2 Event Xml: <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event"> <System> <Provider Name="Application Error" /> <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID> <Level>2</Level> <Task>100</Task> <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords> <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-01-25T21:14:44.000000000Z" /> <EventRecordID>23210</EventRecordID> <Channel>Application</Channel> <Computer>FS9MainMachine</Computer> <Security /> </System> <EventData> <Data>fsx.exe</Data> <Data>10.0.61472.0</Data> <Data>475e17d3</Data> <Data>uiautomationcore.dll</Data> <Data></Data> <Data>4a5bdb1d</Data> <Data>c0000005</Data> <Data>0000e52a</Data> <Data>1b8c</Data> <Data>01cf1a10ab4a12a2</Data> <Data>C:\FSX\fsx.exe</Data> <Data>C:\Windows\system32\uiautomationcore.dll</Data> <Data>b60feca8-8605-11e3-8ee8-d4bed9fc96d2</Data> </EventData> </Event>
  23. Thanks Wayne Much appreciated Regards Alan
  24. Hello How do I disable settings in FSX for example I have unticked the flying tips option, increased road traffic and increased the frame rate slider bar but the next flight (after shut down and restart) the settings have reverted. I'd like to permanently disable these and other settings. Also how do I adjust the zoom in certain view modes. Thanks Regards Alan W
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