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Everything posted by =Hollywood=

  1. How is posting video of photoscenery in a commercial photoscenery forum promoting a company? It is photoreal scenery for Guam. The video is of something that has not been done on a massive scale before a complete audio environment for photoscenery over a massive area in FS. On a side note, I'm a sole developer who has had zero income for 2 months now due to all my other product lines having to be shut down due to piracy, I'm living in the third world helping the poor and needy at the same time. I need to eat next week and pay rent and pay $223 for web hosting fees to support the FS community, I'm down to my last $50 and I have a fiancee and 5 soon to be sister in laws. After nearly 25 years I still fail to understand why some people in the FS community seem to have such a bad attitude towards any commercial add-on. It costs money and time to develop this stuff and it costs money to make this stuff and host it and serve the community. Figure out my costs here... $223 per month to run the website, $100 per month for electricity, $100 per month for internet, 30% of sales go to stores. I'm not in this for profit, I never have been, I've been in this to do stuff for the FS community that would not be possible otherwise. I've been working 16 hours per day almost 7 days per week laying down my life for the poor and needy in the Philippines and also trying to serve the FS community and it's responses like the above that make me want to say forget it.
  2. Sneak peek video of Ultimate VFR Guam's Audio Environment...
  3. Hi Martin, I edited my post above, user error in my case, but I basically switched off all default scenery files to see if they were the cause of the error... In tmfviewer I loaded in some of my changed data near the airport such as vector scenery or photoscenery and that gives a scenery directory location to be able to figure out which default folder to turn off. In my case 1003. I also turned off Oceania as well. That allowed me to see that a building was being placed where it shouldn't be, in my case a custom scenery building I had placed. If you're using a custom scenery or AFCAD over the airport I'd suggest manually renaming the .bgl's to .bak one by one until you find the BGL file which is placing a building where it shouldn't be, then you can create an exclude for that GUID object to eliminate it completely or just add a generic AFX/ADE/AFCAD exclude over the area causing the crash and making sure your new airport AFX/AFCAD/ADE is in the same directory as your scenery for the airport. Hope this helps...
  4. I have a suspicion it may be the default FSX windsocks... I'm working on Guam right now and discovered it appears the problem is the windsock... Will do more testing and see what happens... [edit] user error, i had something in my addon scenery folder when i was testing out old buildings for frame rates, windsock and stock scenery eliminated. However a rebuild of the AFCAD/AFX/ADE file with an exclude over the area causing the crash did solve the problem until I really tracked down the source of the error...
  5. Strange, I've been running UTX since day 1 on a Quad core 2.4GHz system and that give a slight performance hit and I have most everything turned on. I just overclocked to 3.2GHz and FSX runs smooth as liquid...It's been a while since I've looked at Nick's guide but when I read through it last time there's some definite things that I'd recommend contrary to his guide... I'll have to look it up again and give some feedback on it...
  6. Easiest way is to get the Shockwave 3D lights package ;) you'll be glad you did :-)
  7. How could you have a performance hit with UTX with a 4.0Ghz system? How is your system configured?
  8. The mesh includes 10m elevation data. I think someone has done an afx for the airport just not sure if he wants to contribute yet. The plateau will be fixed by blending some hand coded data into the mesh master.
  9. Considering our eyes see over 180 degrees field of view, and we're looking at a tiny screen in FSX it's natural to assume the viewpoint...Comparing FSX with still camera photos and motion picture videos is also not a good way to go about adjusting viewpoint for comparison, as different lenses have different fields of view. (Coming from a movie background I could start talking about prime lenses etc etc etc)Anyway there is a setting in the FSX.cfg called wideview=1/0, you may want to try turning that setting off and on and see what your thoughts are... Also you may really want to go for a triplehead2go breakout box as that will help a lot with immersion...
  10. Little video to whet appetites, I just need to find some time to do the airport plateau fix...
  11. May be helpful for you if you post at IrisSimulations' forums ;-)
  12. Sorry for the delay guys, will see where we're at and see if we can release what we have right now to ya'll...
  13. Hey Jim,No photoscenery development at this point... That reminds me though I need to talk with a commercial vendor about data costs... I'm guessing around maybe $800 for the island...
  14. hi Jim. I sure have. The first trip here last year I saw a massive dead one on the north west side of the island. It had to he over 6 ft easily it had been run over. Didn't see any 2 months ago but since moving here and hiking to town a few times I've counted 10 dead juvenile snakes. All road kill. Am hoping I never experience one in the house.Dean
  15. Oh Jim has been amazing in helping convert the vector data and this whole process has opened my eyes to some very cool things :-)Yeah it's funny that this topic was posted just two weeks after I'd moved here, some of my new friends are Continental 737 pilots and I'm living right near the runway like right next to 06R's final approach lights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0n1DpHdk20IIt's also rare that I visit Avsim's forums as I'm so busy working most of the time and I think it's more providence that this whole thing has come into being...Having driven around the island on my first trip here and visiting several locations on the island last time I was here I'm amazed at how accurate this all is... We'll have some improvements added to what we've done so far but this has been a joy to work on while I'm waiting for the computer to render other stuff...Anyway I have to get my body clock back in sync, the move here has flipped me all around sleep wise... So I'm off to test some new stuff then have a short snooze...BTW Jim you've turned my world upside down in the last few days... I'm totally amazed at what you've accomplished and helped me learn...
  16. I'd love to do her up in photoscenery but at this point public domain data may not be available, but I'll investigate both government avenues as well as commercial avenues...The vector data does really make the island come alive...
  17. I believe I have the all clear to post some screenies... This is turning out to be a very fun little side project...The first few shots are just a comparison between default FSX and the new dataset Jim and I have been working on...I'll see if I can add the comparison shot with the vector data compared to placeholder imagery for designing placement of 3D objects etc... The ortho imagery is only for in house use at this point, and I'm still trying to track down if I can obtain public domain data from here or if it will eventually need imagery purchased from a commercial vendor...
  18. Looking good so far... Will post pics once they're cleared :)
  19. Ok email sent with all road categories separated into their constituent parts...Cheers,Dean.
  20. Hey Jim, already done most of it, let me check if I still have your email address... I can separate the road types out for you, will only take a few mins...P.S. feel free to add me on Skype "fsdreamscapes"
  21. Okay so far so good, I've got the vector data downloaded and now am just culling the extraneous data leaving the roads and coastline intact...Will see how easy it is to join the two datasets together and merge the data into one seamless roads file...This is quick but fun...
  22. Hi Jim!!!No problem at all on the roads data, I'll see what I can snag in the next day or so and I'm hoping the coastline data is good as well... Didn't get a chance to call the GIS dept yet, but the mesh is good to go and attached here... It's freeware...The main thing now is the imagery and the buildings, I have a few new friends who are Continental Pilot's and I can see what I can do to get airside for photos and get authorization to take photos around the airport...Cheers,Dean.P.S. I am at a point with Oahu that until I can get Adobe to process my order properly I'll be slaving away to get her complete, but in between render times I should be able to snag the data...
  23. Great news is I found better quality 10m elevation data last night and rendered her. Looks way better than the stock FSX data... Will try and package her up along with other islands of micronesia in the next few days...I know one source for imagery but that may be costly to order but not impossible once I get Oahu and Utah completed and available...I'll chase up the GIS department tomorrow and see if they can give any assistance, but it may not be fully likely due to it being licensed from Digital Globe AFAIK...Yeah the terminal buildings and airport would be great, unfortunately the latest aerial imagery for Guam is 2005, I believe 2003 imagery is very cloudy...I do have vector data for the roads but I haven't really rendered any Vector data for FSX before apart from during the early days of FSX... But it should be possible once I grab data from Open Street Map (which has way better data than the major data providers)...Cheers,Dean.
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