This is why I'm unsure about the future of P3D... It's been some years now and several version of P3D. Yes, some nice effects have been added like reflections and shadows... but in the end, the underlying program is still the same.
It's still doesn't work out of the box.
You still end up fiddling with ini files..trying combinations of parameters, FFTF, affinitymask blabla.
Still occasional error, conflict, bug, crash.
Still graphics problems, spinning clouds or other glitches.
Still fighting for every FPS even with high-end 6/8 cores and GTX 980 GPU's which can run every AAA title almost at at 1440p maxed out.
And for what? Water still looks better in FSX with REX than in P3D with REX.
With steam edition, they are probably just as stable.
Doesn't require you to pay twice for the same addon.
This flightsim needs a completely new engine, supporting DirectX 12 or Vulcan.
Being CPU and drawcall bound, DX12 or vulcan are the ultimate solution for this genre.
But perhaps P3D can pull it off........