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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. Keep telling yourself that. This is FSX 2.0
  2. A VAS improvement is worth the price of an entire game incl development?
  3. Water still looks worse than in FSX + REX....
  4. Haha, $60/$200 for some bug fixes and a couple of new features. You guys must really dependent or ultra rich if you will pay that kind of money for a P3D 2.6.
  5. Because it's a P3D issue. I've played many many hours of GTAV and it works fine in 8.1... but when I use it on P3D sometimes it disconnects.
  6. I have this too. Apparently this is a windows 8.1 problem with P3D. At least, in other games it doens't happen for me. I found no way to fix it, not even FSUIPC would see my controller while it shows in windows are detected. Had to land using keyboard/mouse :mellow:
  7. 2700k @ 4.8 ghz and Titan Black equals ageing system? What is this still april 1st? That system would run AA games at 1440p for a very long time. And they say P3D improves is more suited to new hardware :'). Given the graphics it displays you should get 200fps.
  8. I get +15 fps when I remove FPS limit regardless of OPTIMIZE_PARTS
  9. It says you need to reinstall when the addons have edited the files.
  10. This is why I'm unsure about the future of P3D... It's been some years now and several version of P3D. Yes, some nice effects have been added like reflections and shadows... but in the end, the underlying program is still the same. It's still doesn't work out of the box. You still end up fiddling with ini files..trying combinations of parameters, FFTF, affinitymask blabla. Still occasional error, conflict, bug, crash. Still graphics problems, spinning clouds or other glitches. Still fighting for every FPS even with high-end 6/8 cores and GTX 980 GPU's which can run every AAA title almost at at 1440p maxed out. And for what? Water still looks better in FSX with REX than in P3D with REX. With steam edition, they are probably just as stable. Doesn't require you to pay twice for the same addon. This flightsim needs a completely new engine, supporting DirectX 12 or Vulcan. Being CPU and drawcall bound, DX12 or vulcan are the ultimate solution for this genre. But perhaps P3D can pull it off........
  11. Just tested on my i5 4570 with AMD R9 280X. NGX VC cockpit: Optimize parts=0 --- > 22fps Optimize parts=1 ---> 27fps 23% increase. With the numbers shown in this topic I don't understand how this hasn't been #1 priority for LM. Just imagine how P3D could benefit from DirectX 12, Mantle or Vulcan. Simple draw call change and +25% FPS? In a simulator like P3D that's going from unplayable to playable.
  12. They have 2 huge sales every year but probably somewhere in the spring they'll do a smaller one. Look at the graph at the bottom here you can see the prices for yourself: https://www.steamprices.com/us/app/314160/microsoft-flight-simulator-x-steam-edition
  13. FSX:SE will probably €5 in the next steam-sale. (just like it was in the last sale). I suggest you wait for that.
  14. I always thought changing these files caused some things to break?
  15. I think the only real alternative will be AirHauler 2 when it comes out. FScaptain maybe with 1.6 supporting economy. FSeconomy is more for smaller aircraft..
  16. I can't find the download link to the V2 version.. only gives me v1.07.1552 fsrealwx lite setup.zip Or do you need to login to see the Pro V2 version?
  17. Using FSRealWX too but apparently only their old version is free? Their site is really confusing
  18. Well, TBH this is exactly the kind of "FSX nonsense" I hoped P3D would fix.
  19. What helped most for me was setting FPS to unlimited.
  20. I can find myself in OP's post. I gave up on FSX a while ago because of CTD errors and because my system at the time just wasn't fast enough to run many addons. Last year I build a new PC with a i5 4570 and R9 280X 3GB and 8 GB ram. I kept seeing progress from P3D 1.4 all the way up to 2.4 and figured to give it a try, but while I enjoyed coming back to FS the experience has been a bit underwhelming: 1) Performance is not what I expected. My system is about 5-10x faster than my previous setup but I'm getting about the same FPS (20-30) in similar scenarios (albeit higher resolutions). Yes there are cockpit shadows but in fact water looks worse than in FSX...at least I would've expected the DX11 and multi-core updates to give significant performance boosts...but it's just like FSX where FPS are way lower than the visuals would make you think. I mean look at War Thunder which runs 60fps with 50 multiplayer aircraft, real time physics and significant better graphics. (yes, different products, no auto-gen etc I know, but still) 2) Many addons simply don't work properly or 3) addon creaters ask money for the same product but now for P3D :unsure: 4) Worst thing, it's not even stable. This was the reason I quit FSX: countless crashes. The game seems more stable but that might also be because I'm running less addons. Aaaand then I got terrain.dll error. :( I would've thought this would be #1 priority if one would be able to work on FSX's code. 5) My joystick just disconnects mid-flight and I can't reconnect. Might be a 'FSX core' + win 8.1 problem but at least P3D didn't fix it. 6) Small things like I can't access the option/scenerylibrary screen without loading a flight. 7) This is extra annoying because loading the flight is EXTREMELY slow.. and this is on a faster HDD than before, way faster system. I know many many things have changed but to me it doesn't feel like this. It feels like FSX with more advanced shadows and reflection... but with all the points points described above. Might give FSX:SE a try!
  21. I have the same problem. My joystick is configured through FSUIPC and disabled in P3D. However my joystick stops working mid-flight even though it's still alive in the Game Controllers config of Win 8.1. I can't get the joystick to reconnect and have to restart P3D to get it working. :mellow:
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