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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. Ye PFE is the best IMO... but to be honest, just like all the others it's a pain in the &@($* to use.... so many steps converting blablabla, launching 2 programs .. removing waypoints etc. etc. only to find that the PFE flightplan is just a little different than your FMC's flightplan even though they use the same .pln. I just wish the SDK would be released so that someone can change the actual ATC in FSX/P3D instead of using quadruple external bypasses to get it some sort of ATC like feature.
  2. Ye its very weird tbh, No other game is "DX11 only" ... you will just lose some effects like tesselation if you have a non dx-11 card. A hard requirement for DX hasn't been around since the dx8.0 T&L lightning if I remember correctly...but at lease that was something significant.
  3. Like anyone (except for ultra-hardcore-simmers or very wealthy individuals) are going to spend $200 on 'FSXI / FSX SP3'.
  4. There hasn't been any game/program/whatever that is DX11 ONLY. Normally, you just can't enable any DX11 effects like tesselation. I doubt they will make it DX11 only as I doubt even half of the users have a DX11 GPU.
  5. I'm sorry, but look at that grass. Most blurred grass I've ever seen.
  6. I wish they would do some of the smaller airports in Europe (like all the airports used by Ryanair)
  7. Actually all my FSX info is in roaming except for two folders: shader and shader10
  8. I'm sorry - it is there. I didn't know FSX also had a folder in /local next to /roaming. >_> this folder only has shaders and shaders 10. Why isn't it in roaming??
  9. I don't have a Shaders10 folder in AppData/Microsoft/FSX not even after using preview DX10
  10. I used to have better FPS in dx10 compared to dx9.. was almost gonna stick with it even with some flashy runways but many AC & airport had texture problems too.. or just didn't have proper textures for DX10 since nobody uses it.
  11. And change theSHADER_CACHE_PRIMED_10=16930067SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED=19350672lines in fsx.cfg to something new
  12. People still use this over PMDG 737NGX? why?
  13. So has anyone used REXE textures with the AS2012 weather engine? would you say its the best combo or should one use REXE with REXE weather engine
  14. What? No.. it means that you look at a 2D sprite panel instead of a whole 3D cockpit in which you can look around - giving you the feeling you're actually IN an aircraft. Adds x10 immersion and realism
  15. NO VC.. i will never give them my money since they promised it to buyers but never lived up to their promises
  16. Don't forget to rebuild the shader stuff after pasting that XML!
  17. I had this. Used this waterconstant from somebody else and now it's awesome: https://dl.dropbox.c...erConstants.Xml edit: it's for use with the SM3.0 mod
  18. Perhaps but i'll take 5-10 years before it'll be better than FSX
  19. I did. It looks awesome. But they cannot recreate every airport like this with this quality. Same goes for airplane. There won't be a 737 like the NGX, and they won't have europe airports even close to what exists in FSX. So in the end you'll return to FSX.
  20. Btw you actually flew 15 hours? How? I like realism but somehow I find it useless to alt-tab 14 hours on auto-pilot just for 'realism'
  21. You will fly happily for a while - but don't celebrate yet. I bet you in a very short period of time you'll get another crash - probably at final after couple of hours. I bet you!!
  22. No matter how awesome the graphics - without planes from PMDG, caranado, realair and airports from ORBX, aerosoft etc, there won't be much reason to fly it
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