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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. All my drivers are up to date. (except video drivers from jan 2012)Not that it matters. FSX crashed 2 years ago and it crashes now
  2. Tell me how do you get a "sound issue"? Since using FSX i've seen everything, from BEX, NTDLL, 3d9, window.dll, automationcore.dll.. etc etc etc etc..Today, after 2 years on this system with 0 problems in other games (ZERO!!!!) i get sound.dllfsx GTFO. Gave up on FSX 100 times already, guess this will be 101
  3. It's ok.. It was only while getting ready for final after 90min flight. NP FSX, guess your own partition didn't really help after all./rant
  4. Haha I love at the end how he turns off all the switches :(
  5. The drop in FPS is not from the demand of this magnificant simulations, but because the mouse cursor is on the screen.But if this really a FSX issue, I'm not blaming PMDG.I've just never noticed it before, not with PMDG 747 or A2A simulations 377 (also fairly heavy a/c). I will load them up later and see if they also have the problem
  6. You're kidding right? Without the FPS problem I would be able to fly the NGX just fine (20fps..)
  7. Well, yes I know that will 'solve' the problem. However this is particularly annoying because I need to use the mouse to fix all sorts on final where FPS is already the lowest AND the point where I need the FPS the most (couldn't care less about FPS on autopilot or even taxi).I can live with 2fps drop but I've seen 19-20fps going to 12-13 fps which is unacceptable to be just put away as 'minor bug, can't fix'.
  8. Well I made this video a while back with the ifly 737 a while ago: (put on 720p, cursor is top-mid of screen, fps is top left) It's 100% the same with the ngx
  9. I leave them off.. sounds like someone fires up a jetengine inside the cockpit :(
  10. Hi.I just installed patch SP1c after not trying the NGX for a while due to FPS issues.To my surprise, the mouse FPS issue where FPS will drop when the mouse cursor appears - is still there.This problem makes the NGX unplayable for me, as it drops FPS from 20fps with no mouse, to about 13fps with the mouse on-screen.I had this problem with ifly 737, and decided to try out the NGX because of the problem...only to find it has the same problem. To be honest I did not expect this from PMDG. Will it be fixed?Thanks
  11. Just search for this problem after years of having it.. funny Word Not Allowed posted in only this year. It's so damn ugly
  12. With EHAM in mind, i'm afraid I won't be able to run this with NGX anyway
  13. Still no 3d cockpit"??? Didn't they promise that to the buyers like 23 years ago?
  14. After years of trouble I decided to give FSX its own partition, as well as put the appdata and programadata on that same partition..and it's been running great. But i must admit I haven't installed all addons yet
  15. I just removed FS2002.exe and gained 10 FPS in my FSX.
  16. Used to fly the ATR-72 ..theres a fix to make it work in FSX but it was buggy for me and never tried it again :(
  17. So the solutions is to make the airports flat while they're not for each airport that has problems?That sucks
  18. Ha! FSnavigator.. I used that all the time with FS9 and was disappointed it didn't work with FSX. Used it all the time to get a quick overview of the destination airport and it's runways setup. (im not someoen who prints out charts etc lol)Here's my list:- pmdg 737/747, made me realize how detailed/real simming should/could be.- pmdg 737 NGX, again- REX- FSpassengerX. Adds some immersion for me, and some realism with flaps breaking down, gears breaking etc etc. Also the flightlog helps you stay sharp- vRoute - using it for all routing-work- Aerosoft airports - awesomeUnfortunately I've never really had a high-end PC so had to cut back on the addons - with REX + pmdgNGX + addon airport my laptop is already struggling.. :( no UTX, UT2, GEX etc for me)
  19. Why do these mesh products have problems plateau problems? I thought you used them to get rid of stuff like that and make it more accurate?
  20. This topic is suspiciously the same as the topic started maybe a year ago.. where the person also said "best addon ive bought" and listed the exact same advantages :POr maybe its just that good
  21. Ye don't forget about PFE to have more advanced ATC. I tried radar contact but the interface is so bad, same as voxatc. PFE's interface sucks too but its the least bad
  22. Well, try loading the default cessna, turning off everything, then saving it as default flight. That makes most of my planes go cold/dark at start. The others (like pmdg ngx) usually have their own system
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