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Everything posted by Squishy

  1. The mouse-over FPS bug is not more prominent with the PMDG than the ifly, at least not on my system. With the ifly I go 20fps locked>12fps. With PMDG i go 18fps>15 fps on heavy airport.Either way I didn't expect the PMDG to also have this mouse-over issue in the first place. Has there been any new info regarding the issue? Will it be fixed?
  2. Does your startbar still appear? I definitely go back to max FPS once I hit windows+f11
  3. Just download the new file presented and overwrite your old one
  4. Doesn't matter, 32-bit should never be supported when creating new software today. Coding for 64-bit only will be so much more efficient
  5. It's a 720qm actually (mobile). 1.6ghz, but up to 2.6ghz with turboboost.Thing is, because it uses more than 1 core it can only boost to ~2ghz.I just find it weird that it can't handle it (20fps would be fine). I mean I'm already off-loading the CPU with usepools=0, and the only addons I use on top of a stock FSX is the NGX, REX, and Mega Airport amsterdam. (I get 10fps regardless of fspassengers/pro flight emulator, ai only -1/2fps).And that's with autogen sparse, scenery dense edit: it's probably also that aerosoft's amsterdam is one of the worst on FPS, however there's no alternative for FSX..I can't even land on my home airport with a NGX now :(
  6. I'll add my question here..I've got a i7 720qm laptop, 4GB ram and 1GB ati 4670 running FSX accelerarion. I've used most of bojote's tweaks from his automated tool including pools=0.While my laptop isn't nearly high-end at all, I would've believed it to run FSX at least decent with some addons. (it runs GTA IV ~30fps)I'm running only this:- REX- Fspassengers- Pro Flight Emulator- World of Ai (ai only set to 5%) - PMDG 737 NGX- Aerosoft amsterdam/heathrow However when I try to land the NGX at either of these airports I get 10fps. I know that both the aircraft and airport are complex, but is it normal to have this kind of FPS?I'm not running any GEX or UTX and REX is set to low-res clouds, all video settings are medium at best, no anti-aliasing or aniso. Thanks
  7. Yes use autohotkey's utility to convert the script to .exe
  8. Use the autohotkey script to remove borders in mode making it fullscreen.This way I have maxed performance ánd windowed mode, allowing instant alt-tab etc
  9. Oh yeah I forgot all about tips & tricks.Well might be good to start it here so some more people see it :)
  10. Hi, I always installed FSX on another partition but didn't like how it still installed files to %appdata%\microsoft\fsx and %programdata%\microsoft\fsxI have now found a workaround/solution for forcing FSX to put/use the files on another partition (or another folder).I did a quick search here but couldn't find this being posted before. Here's how it works.You download a utility from microsoft called junction, which allows you to create a fake folder/shortcut in location X which actually 'points' to folder Y on the location of your choice. It tricks windows into thinking the folder is still on (let's say) C:\, while it's actually on D:\. I tried it with FSX and it works great.So for all those who like to keep all files on one partition: 1) Download junction from http://technet.micro...s/bb896768.aspx2) Extract the junction.exe to \windows\system32\3) Open a command prompt (CMD) Via CMD you can use junction.exe, here's how it works:junction.exe "name_of_file_or_folder" "the_location_you_want_to_point_to"So for FSX, I used (with quotes): 4) junction.exe "%appdata%\microsoft\fsx" "D:\fsx\appdata\fsx"and5) junction.exe "%programdata%\microsoft\fsx" "D:\fsx\programdata\fsx" Done! I used this before installing FSX, and saw FSX creating the files on my other partition.This should, however, also work with your current FSX install, by using junction after(!) you've moved the folders. I hope this information is useful to some.
  11. Well I told them that integrating with 3rdparty addon makers would probably be the most important.I mean, I won't go to MS flight if it doens't have a PMDG 737, 747 etc, regardless of how good the graphics/features are. That and...usual stuff like better ATC etc.
  12. I believe they'll scan all emails for similarities and then show the most mentioned aspects in a graph.Well that's how i'd do it
  13. Hello. I just wanted to mention that I can run fullscreen just fine without auto-hiding the taskbar.9/10 it works fine instantly, the 1/10 time I have to refocus FSX after windows+D to desktop, and it works great :( Thanks btw
  14. Like I said, windows 7 (and vista for that matter, XP probably too) clears memory when it's needed. For example when you launch FSX but your memory is full with cached programs or other games, windows will clear it to make room. Look at your Task Manager ->performance, and notice the difference between free memory and available memory. Running out of memory (OOM) is something totally different, and will only happen on 32-bit, where FSX requires more memory than your 32-bit windows can assign. By default it can only assign 2GB to programs, using the /3gb rule will likely fix it.About fragmentation, as you probably know this means that files get physically scattered over the memory/disk. E.g, your FSX install won't be close together on your HDD, but scattered from beginning to end. This is bad thing because in harddrives, the head needs to physically move to read data from different parts from your HDD, causing stutters and slower loading times.Memory however, doesn't need to move anything and can practically(!) load as fast from beginning to end than beginning to middle.Just let windows control your memory. Closing programs might help, as you allow for more available RAM (=more can be cached)
  15. Yuk, doesn't xplane have VC? 2D makes it look so fake
  16. Just use autohotkey + http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?DLID=158165&CatID=fsxutil
  17. Whatever, you all go defrag your memory.... I don't care :(
  18. Yep, except that memories seek time is so fast fragmentation that it's hardly relevant... (at least in FSX performance)
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